Cleaning the closet, useful tips

Maintaining order in a closet with clothes and shoes is not the most difficult task. It is enough to put things in place after use - and the goal is achieved. But often the cabinet space is used far from optimal and extremely illogical, things are put on shelves without following the order. There are often cases when freshly washed clothes do not fall into the closet, located on the backs of chairs and other furniture. ...
  • The beauty and benefits of striped aloe: how to make friends with this plant?

    On the windowsills of many houses and apartments among indoor flowers, a noble plant Aloe occupies a worthy place, which has long been known for its healing properties. The inhabitants of the Middle East to this day have preserved the ancient tradition of hanging an aloe branch before entering a new house, rightly believing that the plant has magical powers and will bring prosperity and health to the family. ...
  • Oslo National Opera House

    The Opera House (Oslo) is often compared to a snow-white, icy iceberg. The construction, despite the fact that it was opened only in 2008, quickly topped the list of attractions and aroused the interest of millions of tourists with its amazing architecture and, of course, grandiose productions. General information The total area of ​​the theater is 38.5 thousand square meters. ...
  • Indoor Balsam: growing and caring at home. Pests and diseases

    Another name for balsam is Roly wet. It is no coincidence that they call him that in common people. He loves moisture. If he does not get it, all the leaves sag and wilt. Sometimes "Vanka’s tears" appear on them. Drops of moisture are observed on the leaves only on sunny days, when the evaporation is strong. Is it difficult to grow and care for balsam at home? ...
  • Sticker options for a kindergarten cabinet, selection criteria

    When it comes time for a child to attend a kindergarten, each parent wants this period of life to leave only positive emotions with the preschooler. The first thing that the baby sees when meeting his group is the locker room. The impression depends on its design, the desire of the baby to come back here again. ...
  • Pelargonium: how to transplant and root a plant at home? Photo of flowers

    Pelargonium is an amazing flower of all time, which every gardener knows about. It has many qualities, ranging from bright decorative combinations with beautiful inflorescences to useful properties. The plant is not demanding in growing, can grow not only at home, but also used in landscape design ideas. ...
  • Where to eat in Vienna cheap: top 9 budget institutions in the capital

    Vienna, being the epicenter of international tourism in Europe, is literally dotted with various cafes, bars and restaurants. The choice of establishments is so huge that, not being prepared in advance, you can simply get lost in the capital's gastronomic paradise. Therefore, before visiting the city, it is important to study information about restaurants and menus in advance, as well as read reviews. ...
  • Indoor flower violet Greenhouse effect and all about caring for her

    Violet is one of the most popular and unpretentious house plants. The peculiarity of this flower is an unusually wide variety of varieties, each of which differs in its flower shape, color and color scheme. Among the many varieties, the appearance of the Greenhouse effect is very prominent. This plant is suitable for those who like bell-shaped flowers, as this variety is similar to large terry lilies of the valley. ...
  • A little about how hibiscus hibernates in a cold garden. Shelter photo

    Hibiscus is one of the sought-after plants that is appreciated by flower growers due to the bright and beautiful flowers. You can grow culture not only at home, but also in the open. Only have to create comfortable conditions for wintering. Then the garden hibiscus easily tolerates low temperatures and will delight with lush flowering for more than one season. ...
  • Original bed for a boy in the form of a car, selection criteria

    Putting your baby to bed on time is often a big problem. In order for the baby to fall asleep with pleasure, you can equip him with an original berth. Now in any furniture store beds in the form of cars for boys and girls are sold. Such a product will be a wonderful decoration of the interior of any children's room. ...
  • Dining table and chairs: a practical and aesthetic choice

    What options do not offer us designers to create a dining area - this is the bar counter, and the kitchen island, and the peninsula, even the former window sill can be transformed into tabletops for meals. But in this publication we would like to discuss the traditional way for most Russians to organize the dining segment - the installation of a table and chairs. ...
  • How to learn to read English - pronunciation rules and tips

    English is one of the most spoken and demanded in the world. Before starting the training, it is worth noting that English, unlike German, has pitfalls that you can stumble upon while reading texts. There are specific rules in English regarding the reading of certain letter combinations. ...
  • Chalet-style interiors and facades

    Recently, the construction of country houses in the Chalet style is gaining popularity not only among European homeowners, but also among our compatriots. And they are driven by all the same reasons - the desire to be closer to nature, to be able to immerse themselves in the beauty of the environment after a noisy and gassed city. ...
  • Designer stairs: there is no limit to perfection

    The staircase is an extremely important element of decor in absolutely any interior. Almost everything depends on the aesthetics of its appearance, as well as on its location. Therefore, it is very important that it not only harmoniously fits into the style of the interior of the house, but also emphasizes its sophistication and uniqueness. What is the basis for the choice of stairs T. ...
  • 10 best restaurants in Tbilisi - where to eat and relax

    The capital of Georgia hospitably welcomes guests, showing generosity, and cordially opens the doors of restaurants. Georgian cooks are rightfully recognized as culinary specialists from God, capable of preparing such a delicious dish that they can leave a bright, indelible mark on your memory. The best restaurants in Tbilisi are places where a unique atmosphere prevails - live music, original interior, cultural and entertainment program. ...
  • Single beds with lifting mechanism, pros and cons

    The furniture industry, like other industries, does not stand still and continues to develop rapidly. New interior items are created, and old ones are modernized. One of such innovations is a single bed with a lifting mechanism, which harmoniously fits both in a small room and in a spacious bedroom. ...
  • Is it mandatory and how to transplant a money tree? Step-by-step instructions and rules for further care

    Money tree can be seen in many houses. Crassula grows rapidly, it needs to be transplanted regularly. In order for the Crassula to adapt successfully in a new place, it is important not only to carry out the procedure correctly, but also to take good care of the flower after transplantation. In this article we will find out why you need to transplant the rosula, when to do it and how often, what conditions are needed for the procedure and what kind of pot and soil to use, as well as when to water and how to care for the plant after transplantation. ...