List of things you can not give

It is nice to receive gifts, but they are not always of positive significance. Some have negative energy and are covered by the secret of popular signs and superstitions. What gifts can not be given, why and what to do if they presented an undesirable thing, I will talk about this in the article.

Why can not give a watch

Watches are an exquisite and memorable gift, but there is a belief prohibiting them from being presented. The superstitious attitude towards watches comes from China, where the hieroglyph denoting death is similar to the one denoting a watch. The Chinese are trying to avoid everything that means passing away. According to legend, it is undesirable to present watches to your soulmates as a surprise. This may lead to separation.

If you decide to give a watch to a friend or a married couple for a housewarming party, ask in advance how much they believe in signs. Doubtful buddies may consider that friendship will end immediately after the shooter stops.

It is not recommended for elderly or seriously ill people to give them, as this can cause panic and countdown.

Opinion of the church

The Orthodox Church believes that it is not necessary to attach importance to various beliefs, so from a religious point of view, you can present any gifts. The exception is weapons, cigarettes, objects of magic and occultism.

If, nevertheless, you want to present a watch or you have been presented with this item, you can carry out the so-called purchase ritual: give or take a small bill in return. Thus, it will be possible to deceive the "dark" forces and avert trouble. This simple procedure is suitable for any unwanted gifts.

Why people don’t give knives, towels, mirrors

These options are also considered not quite right. What awaits the donee with such items?

There is an opinion that knives or any other pricking and cutting objects promise aggression - quarrels, fights, violent partings. If the newlyweds are presented with a knife or a set of knives for the wedding, their family life will be destroyed. Birthday knife is a symbol of separation and deterioration of relations with others. If you put a sharp object under the Christmas tree, you doom the person to whom the gift is addressed, to troubles.

Such a household item as a mirror, according to signs, means a quarrel or separation. There is no difference: it will be an elegant pocket or large interior mirror in the house. In addition, at the energy level, it is considered a very powerful item that can accumulate negativity, so if you are still presented with it, try to work on clearing the attribute. The easiest way is to wash under running water.

Towels are also on the unwanted gift list. According to signs, it can cause partings, illnesses, quarrels. This item is also associated with death, because in ancient times, a towel was hung outside the window in houses where someone was dying.

What things still can not be given

The list of unwanted gifts is quite extensive, below I will list them and briefly talk about the consequences that such gifts entail.

  • Porcelain Chinese dolls. They are often made using the image of a living person, his facial expressions, so the energy of a specific person can live in dolls.
  • Figurines of birds. They bring grief to the house.
  • Mittens, slippers, gloves. Attract termination of the relationship.
  • Perfumery products. Promises a fraud.
  • Bags, wallets. May lead to poverty and financial collapse. A large bill should be placed inside such items.
  • Items for the treatment and maintenance of health - tonometers, corsets, heating pads. These things attract disease.
  • Socks, underwear, scarfs. Can bring treason, tears, parting.
  • Pearls. The symbol of tears.
  • Umbrella. May attract unpleasant moments in a person’s life.
  • Cross. It can fill life with fears, feelings.
  • Alcohol. May lead to a deterioration in relationships.
  • Money. They entail financial losses.
  • Soap and other foaming agents. It is believed that they "wash away" the relationship.
  • Ball pen. Will lead to inability to make decisions independently.
  • Casket. Symbolizes the discovery of secrets that will worsen relationships with others.
  • Belt. Restriction in action.

You should be careful when buying jewelry with precious and semiprecious stones, as some of their types carry negative energy. Astrologers argue that each person has his own stone-mascot, so you should carefully approach the choice of jewelry.

Separately, it should be said about the flowers and bouquets of black and yellow, which promise promise of separation and misfortune. It is also undesirable to present bouquets with an even number of buds.

Video tips

Useful Tips

There are also gifts that do not carry energy negativity, but it is better to ignore them to avoid misunderstandings and insults. These surprises include pets. On the one hand, who will not be happy with a cute fluffy kitten or a funny parrot? And on the other - it is not only responsibility and unnecessary trouble, but also the likelihood of consequences in the form of allergies. Pets will be appropriate only in those cases when you know the person well and his preferences.

It is doubtful to give personal hygiene items. A person can take a deodorant from sweat as a hint that he smells bad, and a shampoo from baldness as an emphasis on lack of appearance.

Toys and souvenirs are appropriate for children, and for adults they often do not bring any benefit. An exception is enthusiastic collectors.

Choosing a gift in most cases is difficult. Preparing a surprise for loved ones is always accompanied by emotions, because I really want to combine pleasure, positive emotions and benefits. Of course, this is impossible without taking into account the nature, taste preferences, profession, status. It is habits and hobbies that can be a valuable hint. If you do not know closely enough, it is better to check in advance about pastime and leisure, interests, wishes. Also useful information can give people around.

Watch the video: link being a danger to himself and others for 7 minutes straight (October 2024).

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