Champignon cultivation at home

Champignons have long won first place in the preparation of mushroom dishes. They are simple in cooking and have a pleasant sweet taste. We are used to buying in supermarkets, but mushrooms are easy to grow at home, and if you wish, you can create your own business.

Have you decided to grow champignons yourself? First of all, decide on a place for production, since the technology directly depends on it, for example: in a country house, in the basement of a private house, in a rented room. Then study planting and care technologies, possible diseases, temperature conditions and others.

The right technology for growing champignons

For planting, you need a grain or compost mycelium. With properly planted mycelium, well-chosen temperature and humidity, you can harvest the crop in the first year.

Ground mycelium

When planting grain mycelium in the soil, make grooves with a depth of not more than 0.3 m and a width of about 0.5-0.6 m. In this state, leave dug holes for 2-3 days to normalize the temperature. Then proceed to the laying of the mycelium. It is better to arrange the body of the mushroom staggered at a distance of at least 20 cm.

Compost view

If the choice fell on a compost look, the technology is somewhat different. Place drainage at the bottom of the mini-pits, and on top of it - compressed compost, in which put the mycelium and cover it with it. If everything is done correctly and the mycelium was of high quality, after a week you will see new threads-branches of the mycelium.

3 weeks after a successful planting, lay a layer of moist soil on top of the beds. It is important to ensure that the layer thickness does not exceed 25-30 cm, otherwise the formation of champignon bodies may be blocked. The composition of the soil should include peat, chalk and soddy soil, which will provide the necessary acidity for development.

Provide ventilation and the necessary humidity. If we talk about specific numbers, then to activate the spores, the optimal temperature is 24-28 ° C, and for the growth of mushrooms - 16-18 ° C.

To comply with the temperature regime, install temporary canopies or cover the soil with a layer of straw. Make sure that white deposits do not appear on the ground - this is the first sign of overdried soil. Moisten the soil, and remove the straw or canopy for a while.

Get your first champignon crop one and a half months after planting. Pick mushrooms immediately after ripening, as well as oyster mushrooms. The yield period is 3-4 days. Subsequent fruiting should be expected at intervals of 3-4 months. The first crops will be the richest.

Features of growing in the basement

The type of cultivation in the basement is a priori successful, because in the basement the optimal conditions for ripening have already been created - the required temperature and lighting. The main thing is to monitor the humidity during the incubation period, which should not fall below 75%. But here the problem is solvable - use a conventional humidifier. To activate the spores, make the temperature higher, and for the growth of mushrooms - lower. There is no need to create additional facilities.

How to grow in the country

This method is more complicated than growing in the basement. It is important to competently approach the choice of a site for planting - look for a shady and humid place. Build a canopy or shaded greenhouse. The technology of planting mycelium is standard. Maintain the correct temperature (champignons cannot tolerate the heat), the necessary humidity, control the ventilation mode.

Pay attention to the choice of substrate, which should have a minimum of carbon dioxide and a maximum of nutrients. The best option is forest land.

Video plot

Champignons as a business - where to start?

Due to the relative unpretentiousness and high fruitfulness, it is beneficial to grow champignons on an industrial scale. Consider a step-by-step plan for creating a business.

  1. Decide on the yield, calculate the area of ​​the room for growing (for example, to get 3 tons of the crop, you need a room of 100 square meters).
  2. Based on the long-term nature of the event and financial opportunities, you can invest in the construction of a new structure, rent or buy a finished building. At the initial stage, rent is more profitable.
  3. The next task is to find a reliable supplier of mycelium. It is not worth saving. Choose trusted suppliers with extensive experience.
  4. On an industrial scale, champignons are most often grown in wooden crates or bags. This method allows you to rationally use the area of ​​the room.
  5. An important item of expenditure is hired labor, as well as competent training of workers in champignon care technology. The number of workers depends on the scale of cultivation and financial ability.

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Where to get mycelium for planting?

The quality of the mycelium determines the volume of the crop. On the Internet there are many offers from different suppliers. Do not chase low prices, this threatens problems with the future harvest.

The ideal option is to choose a reliable and well-known supplier who is advised by real buyers on mushroom growing forums.

Mycelium can be grown independently at home, but for the first planting, it is advisable to postpone experiments and buy proven goods.

Useful Tips

For the first planting, choose a compost species of mycelium - less picky and more resistant to breach of growing conditions. Productivity with compost mycelium is less rich, however, it is easier to acquire the first and necessary skills with it.

Before planting mycelium, carefully examine the substrate. It should be slightly springy, non-crumbly and not too hard.

To increase productivity, horse manure is added to the substrate. If it is not, a bird or cow replacement is possible, but this can negatively affect the volume of the crop.

Watch the video: How To Grow Mushrooms & Make Mushroom Compost at Home for FREE! (October 2024).

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