Diet and menu of a nursing mother in the first month

Every woman after the appearance of a child in the family asks questions. Among them is the question "what can you eat a nursing mother after childbirth?". According to most, a strict diet is needed. In fact, there are no products whose use by mom leads to the appearance of negative consequences in the baby.

There are groups of products that cause complications. This is often due to the individual disposition of mothers and children to them.

If mom listens to the signals of the body and she wants to eat something, why not try? The main thing is not to overdo it and monitor the child's reaction. If the reaction of the digestive system or the skin of the child is inadequate, it is recommended to think about which product caused it and refuse it.

In the future, the baby’s reaction will change, and products that cause a negative reaction during the first quarter of feeding may not affect the condition.

The diet of a nursing mother

At the initial stage of life, the child's body needs minerals and vitamins that are found in food.

This is not to say that the diet of a nursing mother is extremely harsh. If you are a new mom or just planning a pregnancy, the material will come in handy.

The usual diet will have to be changed, and any product prohibited during the feeding period is recommended to be replaced with a useful analogue. The calorie content of food and the size of portions are important.

  • First of all, refuse fried foods, preferring baked, boiled or steamed dishes. Products after such processing retain beneficial substances. For a long time did not eat jacket potatoes? It's time to remember this easy-to-cook and healthy treat.
  • Eat in small portions, but more often than usual with snacks. The intensity of milk production depends on the nutrition of the body. Do not forget, an excessive amount of food not only harms lactation, but also settles on the body in the form of fat deposits. When choosing a meal, be guided by calorie content and benefits. Taste and the opinion of advisers push to the background.
  • When making a diet, discard foods that contain chemical additives and preservatives. It does not hurt to abandon exotic fruits and vegetables. After childbirth, the female body is weak, and the assimilation of rare products provides for the additional production of hormones. The reaction of the mother’s body and the child to such food is also unknown. I do not advise risking.
  • When composing a diet, remember that nutrition should be varied. Eat fish and lean meat, they have a lot of protein. Include pasta, cereals, cereals, and whole wheat in your diet. Such food increases intestinal activity, which is important for mom and baby.
  • Fresh, boiled, baked fruits and vegetables, including gooseberries, zucchini, plums, pumpkin, apples, should be included in the diet. They will help the intestines in the fight against toxins, accelerate the excretion of gases from the body. Such food will saturate breast milk with important vitamins.
  • Do not forget about dairy products, fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese and cheese. This group is a source of calcium, which accelerates the recovery of mother after childbirth and benefits the baby. Use whole milk carefully, as it can cause an allergy or gas in your baby. If you can not do without it, dilute it with boiled water.
  • Juice, tea, water, compote - liquid products that help increase the amount of milk. They saturate it with vitamins and help to eliminate toxins and salts from the body.
  • Eat sweets carefully. Sugar does not bring any benefits, because of it, the mother will gain weight, and the child will have an allergy. If you really want sweets, treat yourself to homemade dried fruits. They are healthy, figure-safe and suitable for snacks.

Video tips from Dr. Komarovsky

I hope you have no more questions regarding the preparation of the diet during lactation. In the future, you will return to the previous diet and be able to pamper the body with goodies and goodies. Be patient a little.

The menu of a nursing mother in the first month

The composition of the menu of a nursing mother in the first month should include products that ensure normal nutrition of the baby.

There are many opinions on the topic of proper nutrition of nursing mothers. Some believe that you can eat everything, while others are advised to limit the diet. None of the opinions are completely correct. In order for the child to receive beneficial substances, the nutrition of a nursing mother must be thought out and varied.

  1. Protein food. Eat meat necessarily. We are talking about boiled white poultry and low-fat varieties of beef and pork.
  2. Boiled fish. I recommend eating fish once a week, preferring carp, zander or hake.
  3. Fruits and vegetables. Eat pumpkin, carrots, beets, pears, and green apples daily. They have a lot of fiber, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  4. Sweets. Reduce your sugar intake and don’t eat confectionery at all. Sometimes treat yourself to marmalade or marshmallows.
  5. Beverages. During breastfeeding, drink mineral water without gas. Sweet carbonated drinks have a bad effect on the figure. Do not drink tap water that is saturated with harmful impurities.
  6. Natural juices. No preservatives or glucose. Doctors advise drinking apple juice while avoiding grape or tomato juice. Give preference to homemade juices.
  7. Milk products. Dairy products, including homemade yogurt, have a lot of calcium. Therefore, during the first month, use them necessarily, with the exception of whole milk. Cow's milk is a strong allergen. If you want milk, eat a little cottage cheese or unsweetened cheese.

Menu for the day

Start the day with a glass of kefir and a small amount of biscuit cookies. For lunch, mashed potatoes in combination with boiled turkey. For noon, I consider steam cheesecakes to be a great solution, and for lunch will go soup with meatballs and rice with vegetables. For an evening meal, cook boiled chicken and carrot and apple salad.

There are many options for the daily menu for a nursing mother. Make it yourself, guided by the listed products.

Summing up, I note that there are products that are not recommended to be eaten while breastfeeding. These are sweet confectionery, tropical fruits, milk, red apples, sugar and alcohol, smoked and fried foods, spicy seasonings.

What can a nursing mother eat?

Continuing the discussion of a topic that is of concern to many mothers, we will separately discuss whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat certain foods. I will consider the main products in relation to which a large number of questions appear. I will be based on the recommendations of doctors.

  • Sunflower seeds. Nursing mothers are advised to eat unsalted seeds, as they contain many useful substances, but in reasonable quantities. Otherwise, mother and baby may become constipated. Excessive use of seeds increases the fat content of milk, which causes a child to colic.
  • Watermelon. Not prohibited if mature.
  • Tea. Doctors recommend nursing mothers drink because it stimulates milk production. The main thing is to be weak. The best solution is green or special tea.
  • Bananas. With lactation, eating bananas is allowed if the child does not have a negative reaction. It is a rash, a bad dream and an altered stool. Bananas are an antidepressant, a source of vitamins and an anesthetic in one bottle. Two things a day is the optimal norm.
  • Cabbage. According to the recommendations of doctors, it is not worth eating cabbage during the first month after delivery, since it increases the formation of gases. Introduce it into the diet starting from the fifth month.
  • Persimmon. She is not advised to eat during the first quarter, as it causes constipation. Introduce into the diet is recommended simultaneously with the introduction of complementary foods. Use only soft and ripe fruits.
  • The apples. When lactating, mother is recommended to eat apples, as they are rich in vitamins, iron and iodine. It is allowed to eat green apples with a peel, and red apples after preliminary cleaning, since there are allergens in the skin.
  • Beet. The diet of a nursing mother welcomes the use of a boiled vegetable, as it is rich in calcium and iodine. But do not forget about compliance with the measure.
  • Cucumbers. Fresh vegetables, pediatricians do not recommend to eat mom during lactation, as it increases the formation of gases and causes flatulence. The same goes for salted and pickled cucumbers. It is better to forget from these delicacies for a while.
  • Compote. A homemade dried fruit drink is a source of fluid for the mother, which increases milk production. You can add a little sugar, vanilla or cinnamon to it. The main thing is that the child reacts normally.
  • Pumpkin. A vegetable should be included in the diet of a nursing mother, as it contains rare vitamins "T" and "K", a lot of calcium. It is recommended to eat stewed, baked or boiled.
  • Cheese. A lot of useful microelements are concentrated in cheese. With lactation, which it improves, eat it necessarily. An exception are salted cheeses and cheeses with additives and mold.
  • Grape. Children's doctors do not recommend eating grapes, as it increases gas production. Introducing it into the food is allowed in the fourth month in small quantities. Regularly monitor the baby’s reaction, as grapes, like avocados, change the composition of maternal blood, and these changes, along with milk, are transmitted to the baby.
  • Tomatoes. Vegetable is prohibited during lactation. The composition includes red pigment, which is a strong allergen, and fresh tomatoes cause colic in a child.
  • Wine. It is better not to drink this drink to the nursing mother. It has a little alcohol, but it is. Alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream, is transmitted to the child with lightning speed and has a bad effect on his health.
  • Chocolate. It is better to forget about this delicacy for a while. It leads to allergies in children. It contains the caffeine alkaloid, which causes the baby anxiety and agitation.
  • Halva. The product is natural and not prohibited during lactation. Even in small amounts, it sometimes causes bloating in the baby and increases the fat content of breast milk. Eat halva, tracking the reaction of the child.
  • Salty. I recommend giving up salted foods during lactation. Salt retains moisture in the body and puts stress on the work of the kidneys of mother and child. It is better to postpone a meal with salted salmon.
  • Sweet. Sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates. These substances exert a load on the work of the systems and organs of the baby, so you should not eat sweets. In an extreme case, treat yourself to dried fruits.

We looked at the list of common foods and found out which ones are allowed to be included in the diet of a nursing mother. Do not forget that each organism is individual and those or other products that do not cause a reaction in one baby cause discomfort to another child.

How to keep a food diary

In conclusion, I add that a nursing mother will not hurt to keep a diary. It will help to balance nutrition and take a different look at the diet. If the child has an allergy, you can at any time familiarize yourself with the notes and determine its cause.

If any food causes an allergic reaction, I do not advise you to completely refuse it. Exclude from food for a couple of months, and then try again. There are times when children outgrow allergies.

Colic is a problem that babies encounter during the first months of life. During this period, make a diet especially carefully. By recording the child’s reaction to a particular product in the diary, you will make your life easier. If there is an individual reaction to a certain food, it is possible that this food will affect the child in a similar way.

Watch the video: Nutrition : How to Diet While Breastfeeding (October 2024).

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