Contests and games for the New Year for the company and the whole family

New Year is around the corner. An important component of an exciting and fun holiday is New Year's contests. They unite and force the participants of the event to be active.

Some contests are of a game character, others are quick-witted, and others are dexterous or quick-witted. Do not forget about the existence of erotic contests that are suitable for relaxed people.

If you want the New Year holiday to be remembered for a long time, be sure to include some exciting contests in the New Year program. The photographs taken in the process will remind you of this evening and the joyful atmosphere after many years.

The most fun contests for the New Year

I offer 6 fun contests. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise your mood to the maximum, make the holiday team more active.

  1. “New Year's fishing”. You will need Christmas toys made of cotton, a fishing rod with a large hook. Participants in the contest will take turns to hang New Year's toys on the street, and then remove them. The one who will cope with the task faster than others will win.
  2. “Funny drawings”. On a large sheet of cardboard, make two openings for the hands. Players will draw with a brush Snegurochka or Santa Claus, threading his hands into the holes. They don’t see what they are painting. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
  3. “Frosty breath.” In front of each participant, lay a large snowflake cut out of paper on the table. The task of each participant is to blow off a snowflake so that it falls to the floor on the other side of the table. The contest ends when the last snowflake is on the floor. The player who takes the most time to complete the task wins. The reason for this was his frosty breath, because of which the snowflake “froze” to the surface of the table.
  4. “Dish of the year." Participants will prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's composition of salads or a unique sandwich is suitable. After a man sits down in front of each participant, and all players are blindfolded. The “New Year’s mistress” will win, who will feed the man the dish the fastest.
  5. “New Year's tune.” Put the bottles in front of the contestants and put a couple of spoons. They must take turns approaching the bottles and performing the melody with the spoons. The author of the New Year’s musical composition wins.
  6. “Modern Snow Maiden”. Men participating in the competition dress women to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, Christmas toys, all kinds of cosmetics. Victory will go to the “stylist”, who created the most unusual and vivid image of the Snow Maiden.

The list does not end there. If you have imagination, you can come up with a good competition yourself. The main thing is to make it fun and defiant on the face of participants and spectators.

Video examples

New Year competitions for children and adults

This holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, provides for small dance breaks, mass games and various competitions.

The New Year's festival is focused on a mixed audience, so choose New Year's contests so that everyone can participate in them. After a half-hour feast, invite guests to several music and active contests. Having thoroughly washed out and danced, they will again return to eating New Year's salads.

I offer 5 interesting contests for children and adults. I’m sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year’s entertainment program.

  1. "Fir-trees". Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The host says the Christmas trees are high, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their hands, crouch or shrug. A player who makes a mistake is eliminated. The most attentive wins.
  2. “Dress up the Christmas tree.” You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. Fir-trees will be women and girls. In their hand they hold the end of the garland. Male representatives dress up a Christmas tree, holding the other end of the garland with their lips. The couple wins, who will create an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. "Mummy". The competition provides for the use of toilet paper. Participants are divided into two teams and choose a mummy in them. The remaining participants will mummify her. They wrap the "lucky" with toilet paper. Teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that copes with the task wins faster.
  4. "Twins". Couples are involved. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other at the waist with one hand. For two you get two free hands. After the pair to be cut figure. One participant holds the paper, the second wields scissors. The team that made the most beautiful figure wins.
  5. "A tomato". The competition is designed for two participants who become face to face on opposite sides of the chair. A banknote is placed on a chair. At the end of the count, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever succeeded first won. After the participants are invited to a blindfold rematch. Instead of money, they put a tomato on a chair. The surprise of the participants will amuse the audience.

New Year's games for children

The main holiday of winter is the New Year, accompanied by holidays, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games for children will come in handy.

Comic tasks, coupled with vivid images and a festive mood, will create a positive holiday backdrop. Even a simple collective game will be exciting if you play as a friendly company. Especially children will enjoy the competition, the victory in which will bring New Year's gifts.

  1. Tiger Tail. Participants line up and take the person standing in front of the shoulders. The participant standing first in the line is the head of the tiger. The trailing column is the tail. After the signal, the “tail” seeks to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The “torso” should remain in the hitch. After some time, the children change places.
  2. “Merry round dance”. The usual round dance can be significantly complicated. The host sets the tone, constantly changing the direction and speed of movement. After several rounds, a round dance lead by a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
  3. "Travel". Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Skittles arrange "snake" in front of the participants of two teams. Team members hold hands and blindfolded overcome the distance. All pins must remain upright. A team whose members score fewer pins wins the game.
  4. “A compliment to the Snow Maiden.” Choose the Snow Maiden. After inviting a few boys who will compliment her. They have to get paper with inscriptions from the bag and express “warm words” based on the words that are written on them. The player with the most compliments will win.
  5. “Magic words.” Participants are divided into teams and handed a set of letters that make up a particular word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story, which the presenter reads, there are words from these letters. When such a word sounds, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and rearrange themselves in the right order. A team that is ahead of rivals earns a point.
  6. "What changed". To win the game will help visual memory. Each participant for a certain time carefully examines toys hanging on the branches of a Christmas tree. After the children leave the room. Several toys are outweighed or new ones added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
  7. “A gift in a circle.” Participants stand in a circle face to face. The host gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. After the gift moves in a circle. After the music stops, the gift transfer stops. The player who has a gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game there will be one participant who will get this souvenir.

Video of children's games

New Year Ideas

Waiting for a miracle is a tedious matter; it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a magician, look around, collect unpretentious objects and create something spiritual, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. It will take some free time.

  1. “Christmas balls with fabric applique”. For the Christmas tree to become stylish and original, it is not necessary to purchase expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. From the old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric, cut the same motifs and stick on the surface of the balls.
  2. "Christmas tree toy made of orange." It will take a few oranges, a beautiful elegant ribbon, a nice rope, a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and send to dry in the oven. Tie a stick of cinnamon with a rope and tie it to a slice of orange. Make a loop from above. The final touch is a bow tied to a loop.

Amazing snowflake

It's hard to imagine a New Year holiday without a dozen perky snowflakes.

  1. Scissors trim the ends of the toothpicks. Cut a paper cutter from one edge of the toothpick to make a small cut in the middle. It will turn out the main tool.
  2. Make some blanks from paper. The width of the strip in the region of three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
  3. Create a spiral. Gently insert the edge of the paper strip into the slot on the toothpick and twist it into a spiral. Twist the tool, not paper. Make sure that the spiral is as smooth as possible. Remove the spiral and lay on the table.
  4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral, glue and press it to the spiral. Gently press the end. Get a drop with a spiral inside. To make such elements as much as possible.
  5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During bonding, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving a certain shape. This creates not only circles, but droplets and eyes.
  6. Having prepared the necessary number of elements, proceed to the formation of snowflakes. Create a pattern from individual elements by fastening with a drop of glue. It will turn out an amazingly beautiful snowflake.

Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If everything is done correctly, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal time and money.

Family New Year Ideas

New Year's Eve is a family holiday, a wonderful occasion to gather at a table, share experiences, take stock and make plans.

On this day, grandfathers, aunts and parents will gather in one house. We need to try to make the festive night diverse and fun. Only early planning and careful preparation will help in this.

  1. Prepare a script. Assign each family member to write a small congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear kind words.
  2. Write humorous toasts on leaflets. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
  3. Arrange a family interview. A good camcorder will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.


  1. Each family has certain traditions and customs for celebrating the New Year. Some go outside and fireworks, the second visit the main square, the third stay at home and exchange gifts.
  2. Family traditions must be followed. This revives childhood memories when parents tried to arrange a New Year's fairy tale.
  3. Family New Year is a real celebration of love, at this moment we are surrounded by close people, a joyful and calm atmosphere reigns in the house.
  4. Give family members as much laughter and joy as possible this evening.

New Year is a holiday when you should not limit yourself to a framework. On the contrary, let your imagination run wild and give it the opportunity to roam to the fullest. In this case, an unusual holiday will turn out, a real feast with games, dances, fun, a delicious cake.

Watch the video: 15 Fun & Easy Party Games For Kids And Adults Minute to Win It Party (October 2024).

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