How to care for home geraniums in order to preserve it in winter and is it possible to transfer a garden flower to the basement?

Geranium is considered the personification of home comfort and warmth. Many flower lovers liked it, because this very unpretentious plant does not require careful care.

In winter conditions, caring for this plant becomes only a little more difficult, even a beginner grower can cope with it. Read in detail about the features of caring for this beautiful flower in our article. Also watch useful and informative related videos.

Plant description

Pelargonium is a genus of plants of the Geranium family. In vivo, it grows in South Africa. This genus includes about 250 species. The smell of pelargonium is very specific, it can not be confused with anything. The essential oils contained in the leaves of the plant create a natural barrier to bacteria and viruses..

ATTENTION: Many believe that pelargonium and geranium are one and the same, but this is not so. Geranium, or crane, is also a representative of the genus of the geranium family.

Geraniums growing in the wild. In Russia, it is not customary to distinguish between these kinds of plants among flower growers, considering the words "geranium" and "pelargonium" synonymous. Geranium is used in folk medicine: for insomnia, depression, rheumatism, heart disease.

If aphids attacked domestic flowers, it is advised to put a pot of pelargonium next to them that expels pests.

Periods of growth and rest

From December to February, pelargonium enters a dormant phase, so its growth and flowering slows down. For this reason, it is not necessary to feed the plant during this period. She needs to be given strength, gain strength before the new vegetative period (about how to feed geraniums for lush flowering, read here, and from this article you will learn how to properly use iodine with hydrogen peroxide to feed the flower). Until January, pelargonium will delight its owners with bright beautiful flowers. Her vegetative period begins from mid-spring to autumn.

How to care at home?

In winter, gardeners should pay attention to the following conditions for the maintenance of pelargonium.

Temperature mode

In the cold season, geranium should be kept in a cooler room than in summer. If it is not possible to ensure this, then you can put the pot on the northern windowsill, making sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the glass. Ideally, the temperature should not exceed 10-15 degrees above zero.

If it is much higher, then there is a risk of dropping the buds that have just begun. The temperature of the geranium content can be reduced to 4 degrees.

Protect the flower from drafts.


Since geranium is of South African origin, she loves bright light. If the flower is located on the northern windows, then it is necessary for him to provide additional lighting. If this is not done, then pelargonium will not bloom, and its leaves will become small. The daylight hours should be at least 12 hours.

To create additional illumination, you need to use a lamp marked "phyto", placing it at a height of 10 centimeters from the top of the flower.

IMPORTANT: No need to be afraid of direct sunlight: the flower calmly transfers them.


Pelargonium loves regular watering. In winter, it is permissible to water it once a week. It is necessary to ensure that the earth in the pot is always uniformly moist. Stagnant water at the roots of geraniums leads to the death of the flower!

To adjust the irrigation system, they select a suitable drainage system and light soil for the plant (you can find out what soil composition should be for indoor geranium and whether universal soil is suitable here). Expanded clay and perlite can be used as drainage.

Spraying geraniums is not recommended, because its leaves may turn yellow or become stained.


If you do not prune regularly, the plant will stretch and cease to bloom beautifully. It must be borne in mind that uncircumcised pelargonium is predisposed to various diseases. When trimming, use only sterile instruments (scissors or a knife). All shoots growing from the sinuses are removed, leaving only 6-7 leaves on the stem. Such a procedure is carried out in the fall or at the very beginning of winter.

From December to January, it is better not to cut the geranium. Dried flower stalks and leaves should always be cut, even in the cold season. They easily detach without harm to the plant, even without scissors. Several times in the cold season, you need to pinch the geranium.

Miniature varieties of geraniums do not require pruning. You can find out how to cut geranium here).

Watch the video on the correct pruning of geraniums:

Basement storage rules

Some lovers of geraniums plant it in the garden for the whole summer (we talked about how to care for geraniums in open ground in our material). Before the winter cold, they have a problem how to save garden geraniums. There are several ways to store geraniums:

  1. Pelargonium beams are suspended in the basement at a constant temperature of 2 to 7 degrees above zero. Some gardeners instead of hanging wrapped plants in a newspaper or put in paper bags. In this case, you need to make sure that the packages are open for ventilation. Plant roots periodically moisturize. This method is called "dry storage."
  2. Geranium is planted in pots, before that the roots and stems are cut into two-thirds (you can find out how to pick up and which pot you need for geraniums here, and from this article you will learn how to transplant geraniums at home). Store the prepared plant in the basement at a constant temperature of up to 10 degrees, the room should be twilight. Pelargonium planted in this way is watered infrequently only when the soil becomes dry. This method of storing geraniums is called "canning."
TIP: Humidity in the basement should be at least 80%.

How to meet spring?

Closer to spring, when the temperature in the street reaches 2 degrees above zero, you can take out pots with pelargonium on the balcony. You need to start with half an hour, gradually increasing the time the geranium stays on the balcony. Thus, pelargonium can help to bloom constantly.

If the geranium was stored in the basement, then before taking it out onto the street, soak the bunches in water with fertilizer, then plant it in a pot. A geranium in a pot should stand indoors for about a week. Only after the onset of the last frosts, pelargonium is planted in the garden flower garden.

Thus, in the winter, geraniums need to be placed in a cool room, provide additional lighting and monitor the moisture of the soil. You also need to break off dried leaves and peduncles from time to time. Subject to all these simple rules, pelargonium will delight with its flowering and aroma immediately after leaving the resting phase.

Watch the video: How to overwinter geraniums (October 2024).

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