Get to know the wonderful varieties of violets from S. Repkina: description and photo of “Elixir of Beauty” and others

Violets, cute little flowers in pots that live on the windowsills of many residents of Russia, and these plants certainly have their creators.

These people are breeders, creating a variety of their species, pleasing us with their aesthetics, the beauty of flowering and spontaneity.

In this article, we consider the violets of the famous breeder Svetlana Repkina, she has a lot of different varieties of this wonderful flower.

About breeder S. Repkina

Svetlana Repkina was carried away by the selection of violets after meeting with the famous master B. Makuni. Having acquired the cultivar "Lovely Mother-in-law" he developed at the flower market of Lugansk, she got the idea to meet the person who bred this variety (to learn more about breeders of the Makuni spouses and see the photo of the varieties of violets bred by them here). Boris Makuni, a fan of his craft, hospitably met Svetlana, and after several hours of inspired conversation, she realized that the selection of violets is a true calling and the work of a lifetime.

Fascinated by the beauty of these flowers, Svetlana set to work with great dedication, patience and attention. The cross-pollination of Repkin began precisely with the very fateful Makuni variety, which this wonderful acquaintance foreshadowed. The first varieties of Repkina, inspired by the discovery of the whole world of the fabulous birth of flowers, are Transparent Stream and Favorite.

Popular varieties with descriptions and photos

Since then, much time has passed and the Repkina catalog is rich in violets of different colors and shapes. The most popular were such varieties as, for example, Leons Yarly Spring. These are large white snow-colored stars with long petals, on which distinct dark stripes are drawn, the size of the flowers is up to seven centimeters. Simple and elegant forms are loved by many; this is the only variety in the world with such a combination of parameters, since it is extremely difficult to obtain such changes in the properties of the species.

Svetlana's varieties such as Impresario and Sultry Summer are popular.

In 2008, Repkina created the most beautiful variety Zhar-Ptitsa, firmly standing in a number of well-known zest from the master, steadily delighting not only connoisseurs of this species of plants, but also other people who are not related to floriculture.

Sultry summer

Large and bright flowers, coral-salmon tone with slightly elongated petals. The flowers themselves are simple and terry type, similar to bells. Their pink-peach gamut is perfectly shaded by the leaves of the rosette, represented by simple forms of a dark-dense green hue. The leaves are large in size, and the rosette is formed into a perfect halo around a delicate bouquet. A sort of mini-bed, with the number of flowers from nine to twelve. As the violet grows, it enlarges the size of the flowers and increases their multiplicity.


Impresario looks like large flowers of a violet hue with darkened streaks of veins, and from the center, like strokes of lilac watercolor, beautiful stains are born. The outlet itself is densely dark green in color, and the inside of the foliage is reddish in color. The size of the violet is standard.

Angel heart

Simple star-shaped forms of whitish flowers are surrounded by a rosette of soft greens, with a serrated type border on the edges of the leaves. The petals are slightly elongated and look like slightly corrugated paper. Delicate delicate pink prints are distributed throughout the body of the petal.

There is such a peculiarity that in a hot room pink prints are obtained in a more saturated color, and in coolness the flowers remain fresh longer.

In general, the outlet is stably and independently created during the growth of this violet, but it happens that the variety deteriorates a little and the petioles are longer than normal. Flowers up to six centimeters in diameter are pleased with long and abundant flowering, about a month. Florists say that these violets love to pull the "arms up." The stalks themselves are quite strong.

Elixir of Beauty

Star-shaped white flowers with peach-prints and a dense outline along the edge of each petal, a corrugated type, are framed by an aesthetic outlet. Variegated coloring of leaves with green, white and pink veins, beautifully combined with a bouquet of snow-white flowers. The leaves are slightly bent inwards. The violet comes in a standard size, but perhaps the outlet is large, although very neat.

The ruff-like edges of the petals and the variety of shades of flowers on one plant, from light pink to more saturated shades and elusive pink, create a wonderful image of violets. Large flowers, like a cloud, give the impression of airiness. The flower stalk gives from three to five buds. Violet growth rate is high, and flowering is frequent, flower stalks are quite durable. Likes to live on window sills, sometimes sporting with snow-white flowering, but this is not a drawback. This option also has its own beauty.

Refined taste

Large eight-centimeter snow-white flowers with delicate peach watercolors-prints. They are framed by a neat rosette of the usual size, about thirty centimeters in diameter, with light green leaves. The variety is distinguished by strong peduncles. The duration of flowering pleases - almost a month and a half. The flowering periods themselves also differ in frequency, as a result, on the windowsill there is an almost continuously white-peach cloud of beauty.

In summer, the flowering tone can go pink, and by winter it becomes snow-white again.

The size of the flowers throughout the growth is stable. A large number and large size create a unique luxurious bouquet. Flowers are both simple type and double, with recesses, wavy. The bouquet itself is asymmetrical, but assembled in one bundle, so that it is perceived as a snow cap. The lack of excessively long peduncles, but due to strong stems, the flowers do not fall, but slightly slope, which even adds originality to this variety.

It reproduces well, no difficulties, unpretentious, the leaves are generous with the abundance of children. Features of the variety are stable in the next generations, without any problems transmitted through cuttings. After planting, this type of violets blooms in the last quarter of the year.


Huge simple flowers of a saturated violet tone with brightened terry fringe edges are framed by a dark green rosette with large rigid leaves with fiber veins in the form of a special relief. The outlet itself is small, the cuttings have a bad habit of going up, the leaves of the outlet seem to be curly and randomly spread out. But the sheet is bent almost vertically, which compensates for the negative points, smooths out the flaw.

Large flower stars are compared with the color of grapes. They represent a range from lilac to lilac tones with dimming and lightening. The variety is very generous in flowering both in terms of quantity and in terms of duration. In the first color it gives simple stars without quilling, and then it starts to beautifully frizz. Flower stalks are durable, the bouquet usually falls apart.

Golden Dragon

More than seven centimeters in diameter, whitewashed flowers with lemon flashes of watercolor on the body of the petals are framed by a large rosette. Its leaves are clumsy inaccurately, the size of the sheet is somewhere with a small coffee plate. Petioles are excessively elongated and reach up. The leaf of the outlet has a wavy surface, in shade it is green of medium saturation. For such an instance, you need to free up a lot of space.

In the first years of life, the plant is most aesthetically pleasing, but then the petioles become fragile, and the foliage becomes stiff, the rosette begins to gain thickness, becomes fleshy.

Over time, the violet forms a trunk and therefore this type requires a regular rejuvenation procedure.

Semi-terry and terry edges of large snow-white flowers with lemon strokes streaked from the center, sometimes reaching nine centimeters, create a magnificent bouquet. Lemon watercolors appear immediately, yellow stably pleases throughout the life of the plant. In other varieties, unfortunately, with the age of the flower, lemon tones can deteriorate and give ugly brownish stains instead of delicate yellow. This is a great advantage of this varietal violet. The largest flowers are born in the second flowering.

Reproduction is not easy, as the growth of the children is quite slow. If you minimize lighting, the outlet stacks the leaves vertically and greatly lengthens in the petioles.

Precision strike

The exciting, almost double, edges of white petals, decorated with dimming-prints of violet color, with ink blurry borders create a clear picture of the bouquet. The flowers themselves are large, reaching a five-centimeter diameter. Petals are smoothly highlighted to the endings. The bouquet is framed by wavy boat-shaped leaves of a rosette with mottling white-green streaks-veins.

A medium sized socket, rather neat. The size of the violet is standard. In each flowering, it gives a variety of shades and geometry of the veins of the bouquet.

This variety is particularly responsive to temperature, changing color depending on this factor to an almost white tone. Peduncles, although they grow quite harmoniously, are fragile and puff around. The flowers fall pretty quickly, the flowering period will be no more than ten days. He intends to bloom for a long time, is preparing, gives primroses a year after planting. Windowsills are not favored, likes to dwell on shelves.

Green lagoon

Large white flowers with a white tone are decorated with blue watercolors, stains, and the outer petals go into a slightly green hue. The foliage of the outlet has a light green color, the surface of the sheet is worried. Violet standard size. A feature of the variety that is not amenable to adjustment is a stubborn rosette that pulls "arms up" regardless of the light and habitat.

The flowers look like small roses with green and blue edging. In the heat, the violet gives a small dosage of greenery on white, and the blue tone, on the contrary, enhances. It takes a lot of time for buds to open up, about 14 days. Not all flowers bloom, unfortunately, there are those that dry and fall. The primrose of the variety is usually large, and then decreases. Flower stalks are slightly longer than normal and with dense weighty flowers and a flat-type rosette fall ugly on their sides. If the outlet is assembled up, then the bouquet is kept very neat.

Flowering is infrequent, five per outlet. Since the flowers themselves are large, this amount is enough to create an effective volume. It is only a pity that the violet is susceptible to the defeat of the flowers in a brown tone in the middle, and the buds do not have time to fully expand the petals, withering and falling even before full disclosure. Differs in slow growth, the primrose gives a year and a half after planting. As flowers grow darker, regular rejuvenation is required to avoid dark lilac sport.

Miracle Lily of the Valley

A very original variety with pale pink bell flowers darkened along the edge of the petals to a dark pink shade, with a salad-colored ruffle. This gives the impression of a glow. Successful unpretentious appearance, blooms quite quickly. The socket is formed not very neat. Leaves of medium green hue. It blooms generously, the bouquet itself gently looks and looks like lily of the valley flowers. The bells remain slightly closed for the entire flowering period. In cold blooms in more contrasting tones. Peduncles slightly decay, "long."


The delicate pink terry petals are decorated with cherry tones and are edged with ash ruffles. Diameter of flowers is from 5 to 8 centimeters. The outlet has the color of medium green, standard and even, the leaves themselves are large. Likes to pull his arms up, which is adjusted by adequate lighting. The combination of huge flowers and a miniature outlet looks quite entertaining.

Aurora's smile

The rounded petals of white semi-double-type stars with bright pink prints are combined with a fantastic blue and fuchsian splash along the border. In the company with colorful leaves, medium-green rosettes create a wonderful inspirational composition.


Huge semi-double and double-type flowers, white with gustolivym prints in the border, are framed by a standard type with a rosette with large decaying foliage. A very light-dependent flower, it turns into something when there is a lack of illumination, and with too much light, it also deteriorates, the buds begin to stray into ugly bunches. It reproduces easily, is unstable to low temperatures, and it does not tolerate heat well.

Over the course of life, color deteriorates and fades. The flowering period lasts two months or more, gives a hat of flowers similar to roses.


Saturated red flowers with semi-double edges and wavy-type petals with a bouquet are arranged in a neat rosette in a dark green tone. Standardrat.


Terry and semi-terry-looking white flowers, lush and corrugated, with an exquisite blue speck and cosmic watercolors-stains. The color flows are gorgeous. Rosette is large, the leaves have a wavy surface and medium green color. Flowering is generous, with a dense hat, and at the same time long. It happens sports blue.


Pink double flowers framed by a strict rosette with darkened shiny leaves.


Violets of Repkina are distinguished by the beautiful variegation of the leaves of the rosette and quality, stalks going to the center. She also gets an interesting type of print on the petals, from delicate to contrast types.

Having familiarized yourself with the types of violets, you can choose the variety that you like and meets the climatic conditions of your apartment.

Watch the video: The Top Ten Most Beautiful Violet Flowers (October 2024).

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