Propagation by cuttings for tuberous begonia: a detailed description of the process

It happens when he sees a plant - he immediately fell in love. This is not surprising, because of the variety of species and varieties of begonias just dizzy.

But on sale, for example, there are no such copies or are outrageous money. What to do in such a situation, because I really want to get a flower.

But the happy owners of such a diva can easily increase their “wealth”, without investments and expenses from the family budget. It is worth considering only some aspects.


Appearance and the process of growing plants makes it possible to divide into 5 varieties of begonias:

  • shrubby;
  • ever flowering;
  • tuberous;
  • stem;
  • root.

Each type is individual. Among the numerous representatives of the Begoniev family, two main categories can be distinguished: decorative-flowering and decorative-deciduous. Decorative leafy begonias are noticeable with long, juicy leaves growing directly from the root. Foliage is striking in its beauty and variety. It is painted in bright green, silver, red-yellow, dark brown shades.

On a note. The decorative-flowering species combines plants with smooth and terry inflorescences, at the same time bright, original colors. Despite the weather, the begonias of this subspecies are ready to bloom all summer.


The most undemanding in terms of care, is considered a variety of tuber begonia. It is grown in gardens, parks, city beds, as well as on the windowsills of apartments, houses. This species is well bred by any of the methods:

  1. planting seeds;
  2. a sheet or part of a sheet;
  3. stem cuttings;
  4. dividing the tuber.

Almost all varieties of begonias are capable of vegetative propagation, part of the stem, to obtain a large amount of planting material. Branched subspecies with sagging foliage planted with a leaf. Next, we will look at how to propagate the flower correctly.

Stages of the Cherenkov process

Can this method be used to breed plants? Experienced flower growers quite often use the method of stem cuttings. After all, the percentage of survival of begonia seedlings reaches 100%. Also allows you to get samples similar to the mother. The vegetative method of propagation of begonias is divided into the following stages:

  • preparation of cuttings;
  • processing of planting material;
  • rooting
  • planting a young plant in the ground.

The cuttings are carried out twice a year, in autumn and spring. In early September, a part of the stem with leaves is cut off from an adult plant. Circumcision is performed immediately before extracting the plant from the open ground. In spring, in early March, new cuttings are carefully separated from the tuber. Do not forget to leave the shoot with one leaf, because there is a chance that the planting material may no longer sprout.


Uterine tubers are needed for spring cuttingswho rested in the fall for three months. In early January, they get out of the wintering place.

  1. They are placed in a container with a soil substrate and left for several days at room temperature.
  2. Tubers are regularly watered with warm water, which will restore water balance.
  3. Planting material, having warmed up and gained strength, begins to sprout. This happens after a month.
  4. After the appearance of the third leaf, young shoots break off.
  5. The slice is disinfected with crushed charcoal.
  6. In autumn, the upper strong sections of the stem are selected as cuttings.
  7. An incision should be made exclusively with a sharp knife, diagonally.
  8. Free the cuttings from dry, unnecessary foliage, you can leave only the top two leaves. So the greens will not take power away from the sprout.
Important! Young plants obtained by the seed method cannot be used for cuttings.

How to root?

  1. For germination, the stalk is placed in water, or placed in a substrate.
  2. Having dipped the appendix into the preparation to stimulate root formation, it is then placed in water.
  3. When root formation in water, it is recommended to choose containers made of transparent material, of small diameter. This is done so that the shoot not only grows, but also gains strength.
  4. Water should be clean without impurities and salts.
  5. An activated carbon tablet should be added to the container with the handle, as a precaution against the development of fungal infections.
  6. For about 30 days, the sprout is placed in a bright place, with a temperature of + 22-24 ° C.
  7. Do not forget about humidity - at least 60%.
  8. The transparent material of the container allows you to immediately see the hatching roots.
  9. After a month, the root system will form.
  10. In winter, begonia is in a state of sleep, so do not worry if the plant drops its leaves. You will learn more about how to keep begonia in the winter here.
  11. With the arrival of heat, the flower will come to life, new leaves will appear.

Planting in the soil

  1. After a successful rooting process, the sprouts should be transplanted into fertile, loose soil. For transplantation, a special soil for begonias with a neutral pH is chosen.
  2. It is recommended to add some sand to the finished soil.On a note. You can cook the earthen mixture yourself. To do this, peat and sand are mixed in equal proportions, not forgetting crushed wood ash as an antiseptic.
  3. At the bottom of the pot, drainage is laid with a layer of 2 cm.
  4. To lower the plant carefully, the roots are very fragile so as not to break.
  5. Strongly deepen the germ is not worth it.
  6. Then begonia should be poured with settled warm water.

You can read more about planting and subsequent care for tuber begonia at home in a separate article.


After planting in the soil, the plants should be in a dark place for 3 days. The adaptation process is taking place. Any transplant for begonia is painful, so it needs to be given time. After a few days, you must:

  • feed a young plant with mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, for active growth;
  • it is necessary to subject the seedlings to hardening;
  • take care of regular watering with purified water;
  • maintain the temperature within + 20-22 ° С;
  • provide 16 hour light day.

After another month, it is important to begin to stimulate the development of peduncles. The plant will receive light until 9 o’clock a day, the remaining part of the time the sprouts are covered with a black film. This mode can withstand 10-14 days, then restore the previous conditions. At the end of spring, when warm weather is thoroughly established, prepared and seasoned young plants can be planted in flower beds. After 2-3 months, the tuberous begonia will begin to bloom. Read about home care products here.

Possible problems

  1. Once again, I want to draw attention to the fact that when planting, there must be a drainage layer. It will help the plant with a possible overflow. The fluid should flow easily out of the flowerpot.
  2. After drainage, the next layer is charcoal, which will not allow the development of gili.
  3. At the first suspicion of a flower disease, it must be treated with special preparations. You will learn about diseases, pests of begonias, and also why the plant does not bloom.
  4. Then transfer the container with the plant to a ventilated room, removing from healthy flowers.
  5. At the sight of rot on the handle in water, it should be removed from the water. Trim the rotten part and put in a container with fresh water. Perhaps the plant has contracted a fungal infection.
  6. If the shoots begin to blacken. This may be due to fungal disease gray rot. It develops in a cool and humid room.Important! To save young sprouts, it should be treated with fungicide, and also regularly ventilate and heat the room.
  7. Sprouts are stretched, becoming long and thin. Plants clearly lack sunlight. If possible, move them closer to the light source.
  8. The leaves turn yellow and curl. Perhaps the plants lack moisture or the room is hot. In order to establish the growth process, one should revise the irrigation regime and lower the air temperature.
  9. Slow growth. Maybe a young plant does not have enough nutrients in the soil, so you should feed it with fertilizers.

I would also like to note that when cutting, many seedlings are obtained. You can give them to your loved ones, relatives, friends. Let their house also be beautiful and colorful with bright colors. And how to care and breed, tell me.

Watch the video: How to Propagate Thick-Stem Begonias : Begonias (October 2024).

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