How to grow a giant? All about the big money tree: interesting facts, photos and nuances of leaving

Crassula, Crassula, or as it is also called a money tree, perfectly adapts to room conditions.

Florists love the plant for its unpretentiousness and rather dynamic growth. Not everyone knows that the money tree is blooming. This rarely happens when a tree reaches a certain age.

About the peculiarities of growing a fat woman: is it possible to grow a huge grasshopper and whether someone managed to do it, read in the article later on.

Is it possible to grow a huge fat girl?

The birthplace of Crassula is Madagascar, Arabia and South Africa. Here the plant reaches the size of a real tree. Sure, in a room, it’s possible to grow a huge money tree, but enough effort is needed for this.

It should be remembered that the money tree grows intensively only in the first years of its life. Then its growth slows down and requires much more time.

Did anyone succeed?

Despite the fact that growing a huge fat girl at home is quite difficult, in the world there are specimens of a tree-like crassula, reaching 1 - 1.5 meters in height. Growing such a giant takes from 15 to 25 years and requires attention and patience from the owner.

Types of rossula that reach the largest sizes and their photos

In the wild, there are a huge number of species of crassula. Some of them bloom annually and form small bushes up to 10 - 20 centimeters high. Others bloom very rarely, but reach one and a half meters in height.

The following plant varieties are distinguished.

Decorative flowering

Among this group, only two species can reach large sizes:

  • Crassula is sickle-shaped. It grows to 1 meter in height.
  • Crassulacea is pronese-leaved.

The remaining plants of this group do not grow above 20 centimeters:

  • Fatty Schmidt.
  • Fatty Justi - Corderon.
  • Crassula Scarlet.


This species of crassula can reach quite large sizes. Some items even at home grow in large trees up to one and a half meters.

  • Curly.
  • Undolatifolia.
  • Ovata Crassula, ovate, oval.
  • Purslane.
  • Gollum.
  • The hobbit.
  • Compact Pretty capricious variety. In nature it reaches large sizes, but at home grows to a small bush.
  • Minor. It grows very slowly. In conditions of indoor cultivation can not grow above 20 centimeters.
  • Sunset
  • Spill Very rare species. At home does not grow.

Creeping floating

Do not grow tall. The branches extend to the sides, hence the name of the species.

  • Mossy.
  • Pseudoplaid.
  • Tetrahedral.
  • Point.
  • Fatty Cooper.


Plants of irregular bizarre shape. They can’t grow to enormous size. Most often there are specimens up to 10 centimeters in height.

  • Punch.
  • Rock carvings.
  • Group
  • Hemispherical.
  • The receptor.

Growing Features

After the owner of the plant has decided on its variety, you need to prepare for the fact that growing a large tree will take a long time.

  1. The plant needs certain soil. The best soil for growing cacti. It contains all the elements necessary for the life of the plant. As the tree grows, it will have to be replanted. This is usually done once every two to three years.
  2. The pot for the future giant needs to be selected spacious, since the root system is quite extensive. When choosing a pot, they are guided by the crown of the plant: the diameter of the container should coincide with the diameter of the crown.

    Important. When transplanting a large plant, you need to put heavy drainage on the bottom of the pot. Otherwise, under the weight of the upper part, the tree may fall.

  3. In order for the plant to reach large sizes, it is necessary to pinch the branches as it grows. Otherwise, the crown will not look neat and well-groomed.
  4. Once a month, the plant needs to be fed. Produce it by adding to the soil. Various fertilizers can be purchased at a specialty store.
  5. A very important condition for growing is lighting. Money tree will not reach the declared size if there is not enough light in the room. The plant, whose homeland is a hot continent, requires a lot of sunlight and heat. Crassulas can withstand direct sunlight. Therefore, in the summer, it is recommended to take the plant out into the air.
  6. Watering the money tree requires moderate. The signal for irrigation is the drying of the soil. With excessive watering, the leaves of the plant become soft and pale. If no action is taken, the flower will die.
  7. Crassula is very fond of moisture, so you need to spray the plant daily from the spray gun.

Following fairly simple rules, you can grow in your apartment a real giant who will create an atmosphere of sunny shores of the African continent.

Watch the video: Diet Doctor Podcast #24 Robb Wolf (October 2024).

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