How to help indoor flower? Why is the money tree not growing?

Crassula or money tree has become widespread at home due to the simplicity of care and unpretentiousness.

Despite its simplicity, care should be right. Violation of the basic rules leads to slowing and stopping the growth of plants or thin shoots reach only up. How to resume the normal development of the classula and prevent a recurrence of the problem - read in this article.

Why is a fat woman not increasing in size at home?

Causes of growth retardation may be unfit for growth conditions.

Standing in one place

If the money tree not only slowed down growth, but stopped in development or even began to die, you need to act immediately.

The main causes of stunted growth of the Crassula are:

  1. Rotting of the roots. The roots rot from frequent and plentiful watering.
  2. Fungus. Fungus is an extremely rare cause of stunting. If white or brown dots appear on the leaves, the plant urgently needs to be treated.
  3. Pests. Even with proper care, pests can appear on a fat woman. Parasites simply migrate from neighboring plants. Most often, the money tree suffers from a mealybug, spider mite and scale insects.

    • Mealybug sucks nutritious juices from a flower. Crassula has ceased to grow, withers and loses its healthy appearance. If you do not start treatment, the plant will die.
    • The shield is insidious in that it is very likely that you will not notice a defeat in the early stages. It is often found only after the plant does not develop and wither.
    • The spider mite is very difficult to remove. Infection begins with dots on the leaves and yellow spots. Later the web and the mites themselves appear.

The main thing is to notice the pest in time, determine the place of its defeat of the flower and immediately process it. If the disease is tightened, the crassula will have to be thrown away.

Develops poorly or slowly

If a fat woman is, in principle, healthy, but has slowed down, then perhaps she does not like the conditions of detention.

  1. Pot size does not fit. The roots of the rosula grow to the sides, and not in depth. Therefore, a wide shallow pot is suitable for the money tree.
  2. Excess or lack of lighting. Crassula loves well-lit places. And even direct sunlight, but only in the morning and evening. In the afternoon, scorching sun rays scatter. A lack of light can also cause a slowdown in plant growth, and its stretching, curving branches.
  3. Nutrient deficiency. Crassula does not like fertilized soil. Excess nutrients can lead to plant disease, but their deficiency will lead to a change in the natural processes of life and slow growth.
  4. Excess moisture Soils and crowns will also lead to growth retardation and plant disease.
  5. A sharp difference in temperature. The temperature of the content of the fat woman should be comfortable, without sudden changes.
  6. Incorrectly selected soil. It should be very light and loose, easily passing air and water. After all, the roots of Crassula are fragile and delicate.
Recommendation. To remove excess moisture from the pot, it is necessary to have a drainage layer of 3-5 cm in the pot.

Crassula usually slows its growth for the winter. Do not panic. This is a normal physiological process.

What to do to renew and accelerate its growth?

To resume and accelerate the growth of the fat woman, you must:

  • Correct plant care:
    1. Change the flowerpot. When growth is slowed down, the money tree is recommended to be transplanted into a smaller pot. Until the roots conquer the entire earthen lump, there will be no active growth of the ground part.

      It is better to take a flowerpot clay, without glaze. It must allow air and moisture to pass through.

    2. Replace soil. The composition of the soil should include: leafy soil, soddy soil, coarse sand.
    3. Adjust the lighting. Rearrange the light-loving flower in the sun, and in the afternoon shade it from direct rays.
    4. Adhere to the rules of watering. Crassula is watered every 3 to 5 days in the summer and 2 times a month in the winter.

      The temperature of water for irrigation should be settled and room temperature.

    5. Feed the plant. The fat woman is fertilized in spring and summer by fertilizer for cacti.

      Fertilize the fat girl only after heavy watering! It is very easy to burn the delicate roots of Crassula.

  • Treat from pests (if detected):
    1. Mealybug - treatment with insecticides or a solution of laundry soap.
    2. Spider mite - use garlic or tobacco infusion, soap.
    3. The scutellum is cured by the preparations Fitoverm, Fufanon, soap solution.
  • Inspect the root of the Crassula:
    1. If healthy roots have been preserved, then the plant should be transplanted into a new pot, removing rotten areas to healthy tissue. To treat wounds with charcoal.
    2. If after the transplant the fatty woman does not begin to grow, then grow the plant again with cuttings.

How to care for the rosula so that it does not stop in development?

So that the Crassula grows well, has a beautiful and lush crown and dense smooth leaves, you need to pinch the shoots. As a result of pinching, instead of a kidney, several new shoots are formed. These numerous branches will give a magnificent crown.

  1. Only branches with 3 to 4 pairs of leaves are nipped.
  2. Only the bud between the extreme pair of leaves is removed.

What to do if crassula stretches only up or in breadth?

If the tree has grown, it is pruned. By removing too long branches, you can give the plant the desired shape and stability. Very large leaves are also removed. The central part of the crown will have better access to light and air.

The sequence of actions when cropping:

  1. Crassula is pruned in spring or summer. That is, in the phase of active growth.
  2. The place where the branching will take place is selected.
  3. 4 pairs of leaves are counted and a slice is made exactly above the extreme pair.
  4. Charcoal cut is processed.
  5. Near the cut, new shoots will appear over time, which also pinch.
  6. Pruning stimulates plant growth. And for the proper formation of shoots, their growth and development, it is necessary to provide competent care for the plant: watering, lighting, soil, choosing a flowerpot.

From the video you will learn how to form the crown of a fat woman:


Thus, Crassula (money tree, fat girl) is very unpretentious in leaving. Nevertheless, care should be competent and constant. And you need to know about possible problems in advance and not miss the moment when you can help your favorite plant.

Watch the video: Money Tree: Proper Care (October 2024).

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