Fragrant bright pink roses: photos and descriptions of Intuition, Knockout and other varieties. Growing Features

What garden plot, flower garden or park area can be without roses. Their variety of varieties is simply amazing.

Some inexperienced flower lovers are afraid to plant a garden queen - a variety of roses Pink, because they think that this is a moody plant. We answer: there are no difficulties in leaving. The care is the same as for other varieties of roses.

Further in the article we will analyze this and other questions, and in particular, we will tell about the history of occurrence and how these roses differ from others.

Detailed description

The rose has a goblet bud, and in some places a marble streak is visible. When blooming, the petals can be significantly rolled down, the aroma gives off citrus fruits. The bush itself reaches a height of 100-110cm, is resistant to disease.

Grade Advantages:

  • The hybrid tea plant is universal.
  • It tolerates hot summers.
  • Does not suffer from fungal ailments.
  • It blooms continuously.

The only drawback is that sometimes covered with spruce branches for the winter is required.

History of occurrence

The Dutch breeders working at Schreurs in the development of hybrid tea roses in 2004 decided to please fans of the Pink Floyd band (England). The reason for this was the creation of a variety of roses of the same name. Now a group of its fans most often receives these flowers as a gift.

Distinctive features

Mostly a rose of this variety differs from its relatives in color saturation. The palette has all the shades of pink, and some instances have independently acquired and reddish tones.

The shape of the bud is in the form of a glass. The buds themselves are dense, in each of them up to 30-40 delicate pink petals can be located. When opened, they too can bend down.

Subsorta and their photos


The buds of this variety are large, resembling a terry marble pompom. The petals are decorated with pink and raspberry feather stripes.

Heavenly Pink

I took a lot from the musky variety of roses. On the lawn for a chic look, it is preferable to plant three bushes. Pinkish petals give violet.


In 2007 The Tickled Pink rose has the honor of becoming the symbol of England. Buds are similar to appetizing pink marshmallows with whitish veins.


The wrinkled park rose deserves special attention. In growing a very unpretentious plant. Bush height up to 1.5m.


Pink Piano - a nostalgic hybrid variety with spherical pinkish flowers and glossy foliage. The aroma remotely resembles raspberries.

We offer you to watch a video about the rose variety Piano:


A bewitching look of a rose. There are many marble flowers on the bush. Depending on the environment, flowers can change color.


Rose with delicate, fragrant flowers, painted in a pinkish-ashen color. When opened, several hearts are visible in the center of the flower.


The petals of this pink-yellow rose have a corrugated edging. The shape of the bud is goblet, the aroma is subtle.


The plant is able to bloom throughout the summer period. Winter hardy. Peony flowers, in inflorescence up to 8-10pcs.


The aroma of this type of rose slightly gives off with fruity notes. The buds are pale pinkish. Great for a bride's bouquet.


The hybrid has a compact form. It is frost-resistant. Flowering is plentiful from May to autumn.


Ground cover with glossy foliage. It blooms profusely, growing on the sunny dry side.


Buds of bright saturated red color. Flowering is continuous. It tolerates cold.


Pink terry flowers, the aroma is simply wonderful. The brush contains 10-15pcs. buds.


Scarlet red buds. When blooming, the flower reaches a diameter of 7-8cm.

We offer you to watch a video about Robusta rose variety:


The flower is full, it has up to 40 petals. The aroma is dominated by tea rose.


The color of the buds is rich pink. On shoots up to 110 cm high there are 1-3 inflorescences.


A compact and sophisticated rose in Britain has earned special attention. Half-double flowers.


The plant is spreading, flowering is continuous. Small double flowers are pinkish in color. Likes to grow in the sun.


When blooming, terry petals are shown, edges with denticles. The fragrance is used in perfumes.


When and how does it bloom?

Often, one bud is blossoming on the peduncle. The duration of the flower period is long, including spring and autumn. For this variety of roses, it is important that in the first year of growth it is not allowed to bloom, but next year the bush will be covered with beautiful fragrant buds.

In addition, picking off the buds will help prepare the root system for wintering when severe frosts prevail. The plant normally tolerates winter time.

Care before and after flowering

In the early spring, the bush is checked and formed, the frozen branches are cut, this will help the plant to give strong sprouts and flowering will be plentiful. After the snow melts and warm weather sets in, a month later the roses are watered at the rate: 20 l of water will be needed for one adult bush. In connection with watering between irrigation, the time period increases to 7-15 days.

From May, roses should be weeded or put a layer of mulch. Pink roses bloom until the first frost, so at this time the branches do not shorten. If required, they shelter for the winter.

What to do if it does not give buds?

If the pink rose does not bloom, you need to find the cause and eliminate. Let's try to figure it out.

  • The plant is improperly looked after.
  • The seedling was originally of poor quality.
  • The root system should not contain rot.
  • Few developed shoots.
  • Bad light.

Use in landscape design

When creating a landscape drawing, it is necessary to take into account that most often the Pink rose is high bushes. For this reason, when creating a composition for a flower garden, they should be placed in the background. A few hybrid tea plants are enough. Ahead, low shrubs or flowers of not too bright flowers are planted.

How to care for bushes?

Subtropical roses grow around the globe, as they are in great demand. Thanks to the efforts and care they can long please the eye. Consider how to properly care for pink roses.

Seat selection

In order for the Pink Pink to feel fine and delight in abundant flowering, the following criteria must be met:

  • The landing site should be well lit for most of the day.
  • Do not plant the plant in drafts, this fragile creature must be protected from the effects of strong winds.
  • Rose is a moisture-loving plant, but still stagnation of moisture is not necessary.

What should be the soil?

For this type of rose plantation, light loamy soil is best suited. If the soil layer does not meet the requirements when planting a rose seedling, the missing useful components should be added to it.

Very helpful addition will be rotted compost, if the soil is heavy, for example, a lot of clay. And where sand prevails, you need to make just a clay layer and a little humus.

Planting (method - seeds)

Rose Pink does not have to be planted with a seedling; it can be grown from seed, which is first prepared.

The landing process is as follows:

  1. To build a substrate from a fabric base or napkins.
  2. The seeds are moistened in hydrogen peroxide, and then one by one laid out on the prepared bedding. Cover with foam over.
  3. For hardening, put this structure down the refrigerator for 60 days.
  4. Remove and ventilate periodically, moisten the substrate as necessary.
  5. As soon as the seeds hatch, they need to be planted in a pot.


A rose seedling feels normal and grows faster if the air temperature is in the range + 20-220C. Watering should be moderate. As soon as the warm May time comes, and there is no danger of night frost, the rose shoot is transplanted into the ground. After a while, it will begin to take root, toga can be fertilized with a rose.

Rosa Pink is a pretty hardy plant and can easily tolerate hot summers with air temperatures up to + 30-320C. The main thing is to water on time. In winter, the rose is not afraid of frost, so it does not need shelter.


For this plant, watering occupies an important place, since the Pink rose is a hygrophilous plantation. Although there should be no stagnation of water, otherwise the root will begin to rot.

If there is not enough moisture, then the rose will begin to dump the leafy part. It is enough if the plant is watered once a week, when violent flowering occurs. And in autumn and spring, the bushes are watered 1 time for 10 days. After abundant watering, fertilizer is applied under each bush.

Top dressing

As the plant grows, it needs a little more care and nutrition than an adult bush. Basically, the rose needs mineral supplements, which include elements such as magnesium, phosphorus compounds, potassium.

During the period of active growth of the Pink rose, it is necessary to feed it 2 times with nitrogen supplementation throughout the summer. But it is best if you alternate them with other fertilizers, for example, or mineral, or organic composition.


For the winter, you shouldn’t trim the rose, since the overgrown branches do not have time to grow stronger and die from frost. The rose is cut only in the early spring. The young seedling should shorten the branches by 2-3 kidney points, and the adult bush - by 5-7 pcs. If the bush is pruned in the summer, then the rose will bloom poorly, since all the power will be spent on growing shoots. In autumn, you can cut off faded brushes with flowers and buds.


The recommended transplant time for the Pink variety is early spring or late autumn. Bushes are planted until the buds have completely woken up at the plantation, since it will be less injured.

Landing Rules:

  1. Prepare a hole 40x60 cm.
  2. If the plant has leaves to cut them, as well as shorten the bush itself.
  3. Put in the center of the fossa, straighten the root system, fill it with soil and press down with your palms.
  4. Water the plant, later - fertilize.

Preparation for winter

For the winter period, Pink roses are not covered, it is enough just to apply a small soil layer to the root zone. The variety can normally winter in severe frosts.

Step-by-step instructions for reproduction

Pink rose bush can be propagated using the cuttings method. Cut a branch, remove the leaves. Before the first kidney, make an incision with a sharp knife. On the handle there should be up to 5 buds, 2 of which are sprinkled with soil. The cuttings are placed in moist soil, covered with a film. The roots will grow within a month.

Diseases and Pests

According to the varietal characteristic, the Pink rose is rarely exposed to diseases. It is quite resistant to aphids, rust and powdery mildew.

Hybrid tea rose varieties Pink is a wonderful decoration of any garden, flower garden, and in the summer they can be planted in a container and put on the balcony. Nothing is more pleasant than caring for this paradise pink creature with a "curly head" and a stupefying aroma.

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