How is hibiscus different from hibiscus and how to grow a Chinese rose at home?

Hibiscus (also called Chinese or Sudanese rose) is a small ornamental plant, characterized by beautiful flowering.

Its flowers are an indispensable component of fruit tea, it is they that give the drink a rich red color and a pleasant sour taste. But tea can not be made from all varieties of hibiscus.

We will talk about which varieties are suitable for this, how to grow hibiscus and which variety is similar in its properties to hibiscus.

Why do many people think that Chinese rose and fruit drink are one and the same?

Hibiscus (or hibiscus) is not synonymous with hibiscus. This is the name of tea made from the petals of Sudanese roses, without other herbs and additives.

Many people confuse hibiscus and hibiscus precisely because hibiscus tea is made from Chinese roses.

What is the difference between them and what kind of plants are used to make tea?

Hibiscus is a plant in the Malvaceae family, which can be a shrub, tree, or annual or perennial herb, depending on the species and variety. Karkade is just a part of this plant, which becomes the basis of the tea drink, the tea itself is also called Karkade.

For the preparation of hibiscus, a special type of plant is used - hibiscus sabdariffa (Hibiscus sabdariffa). This is an annual shrub that grows in height 3-3.5 m, with dark green, slightly reddish leaves and stems, large (up to 7 cm) and very fragrant flowers.

This thermophilic plant is grown in almost all tropical and subtropical countries. The birthplace of this flower is Africa, where it was originally grown in Egypt and Sudan (hence the synonymous name of the plant).

The very word "hibiscus" is African, and in Egypt, this tea is currently a national drink. Sudanese rose was brought to Europe in the 17th century, but a drink from an exotic flower was not in great demand. It began to spread only at the end of the 20th century, when travel to Africa became possible.

What other flower varieties have a composition similar to fruit tea?

There are a large number of species and varieties of hibiscus, but most of these plants are ornamental. A variety of this plant that can be eaten, like Hibiscus sabdariffa, is Hibiscus esculentus, or, as it is also called, okra.

In many warm countries, this species is grown as a vegetable crop, its fruits are used for food - pods. A coffee-like drink is made from okra seeds.

Another similarity of okra with the Chinese rose is that it contains a large amount of fiber, trace elements, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and ascorbic acid.

Culture photo

Here you can see a photo of the Sudanese rose.

Can I grow a Sudanese rose at home or not?

Yes, to grow this flower at home is quite possible, but, like any plant, hibiscus will require proper care.

Care Rules

Sudanese rose is a plant of hot countries, it needs a lot of heat and light, and the conditions in which it will grow should be similar to tropical.

When growing, be sure to consider the following rules:

  • Regularly and abundantly water the plant in the warm season, in winter try to do this less often and do not flood hibiscus.
  • The soil must be nutritious. You can purchase special soil or prepare it yourself by mixing turf, leafy soil and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.
  • Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature, they can cause falling leaves and flowers. In winter, the temperature in the room should not be lower than 12 ° C.
  • Provide maximum illumination to the plant, but avoid direct sunlight, especially at noon.
  • Spray regularly, maintain humidification.
  • Loosen the topsoil to provide oxygen access to the root system and prevent its decay.
  • In order for the plant to develop well, periodically feed it during its growth and flowering. To do this, you can use both organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • For five to six years, transplant the plant annually into a new pot, because its roots grow very quickly. Transplant in the early spring, choosing a larger pot. Part of the roots can be cut, so new shoots will grow faster.

We offer you to watch an informative video about the care and cultivation of Sudanese roses:

Diseases and their treatment

A plant can get two types of chlorosis: infectious and non-infectious.

The cause of non-infectious chlorosis infection is most often a lack of nitrogen, iron, potassium or magnesium. The diseased plant becomes thinner, the color of its leaves becomes paler, the leaves fall and turn yellow. In order to avoid this problem, regularly fertilize the Chinese rose and add iron chelate to the water for irrigation.

Signs of infection with infectious chlorosis are similar to infection with a non-infectious form of the disease, the plant turns yellow and fades, but the cause is infection with fungi or other bacteria. In this case, the plant is treated with fungicides. For prevention, try to carry out a plant transplant on time and to prevent waterlogging of the soil.

Sudanese rose is also subject to attack by pests. So, it can be affected by a spider mite, a greenhouse whitefly, a worm and a gall midge. Against these pests, both folk and chemical agents help to fight. The most effective folk remedies are spraying with soapy solution, mustard and red pepper.

Hibiscus - a beautiful flower native to hot countries, which, like any plant, requires attention and appropriate care, but your efforts will not be in vain - your plant will delight you with its flowering and delicious aromatic tea for a long time.

Watch the video: How to care for and fertilize Hibiscus China Rose Gudhal for an year-round flowering (October 2024).

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