Growing black radish in open ground and in a greenhouse: features, agricultural technology and step-by-step instructions

Black radish is a plant that is rich in potassium and ascorbic acid in the root crop. It is a source of vitamins and healing properties necessary for humans. Radish is a frost-resistant and unpretentious plant that can grow in different climatic conditions. The culture can be grown in open ground in most regions of Russia.

When to collect radish and how to keep the crop? What labor costs will be required? In this article you will find answers to these questions, as well as learn about how and when to plant radish, how to grow seedlings and seedlings, and how to properly care for the plant.

Features agricultural cultivation techniques: how is it different from other vegetables?

Here are some distinguishing features of this culture from other vegetables:

  1. The plant does not like a lot of light. 10-12 hours of lighting per day is enough for active growth.
  2. In Russia, most varieties are planted in mid-July.
  3. Long-term storage of the crop can lead to cracking of the fruit and its unsuitability.
  4. The root crop in the process of growing slightly swing. So the extra roots will not appear, and the main root will take on all the nutrition. And the fruit itself will be large and juicy.
  5. In order to prevent shooting, the culture is planted after frost, and also maintain soil moisture throughout the cultivation.
  6. Do not land in places where cruciferous crops grew. Common diseases and pests will cause great damage to your crop.
Frost resistance is a hallmark of black radish. The culture can grow at temperatures up to -6 degrees. However, the best temperature for rapid growth is approximately 17 degrees.

Cultivation in different climatic zones

One of the most important and burning questions when planting this root crop is: "When is it better to plant black radish?" But to answer it definitely will not work. It all depends on the type of vegetable and the climatic zone of cultivation.

What are the varieties of black radish:

  • Small-fruited early. Sow such varieties preferably in March. However, in the Urals and Siberia this is not possible, therefore, sowing can be carried out in August. The ripening time of this variety is 40-50 days.
  • Mid-season and late winter. Sow in the suburbs and in the Urals in the middle or end of July. In Siberia - the third decade of June. The ripening time of the variety is 100-115 days.
  • Early ripening varieties. Planting seeds should be done in the last months of spring. In Siberia - during the warming up of the soil, not earlier than the first decade of May. Vegetable ripens 60 - 70 days.

Violation of the planting dates indicated for each variety in the soil can lead to cracking of root crops and undesirable premature flowering of the crop.

How to choose a grade?

Each of the varieties has its own characteristics, so for planting, you should choose the seeds that are suitable for your climate and weather conditions. In Russia, several dozen varieties of this vegetable are known. Here are some of them:

Grade nameFeatures
Uncle ChernomorLate ripening. Bred recently, designed specifically for winter storage. Root crops are small, smooth, mostly of the same size. The taste is a bit spicy.
DraftLate grade. Suitable for winter storage. The fruits are small, good keeping quality. The variety is moisture-loving, easily tolerates temperatures up to -3 degrees. The pulp is juicy and tasty.
Black healingMid-season. Root crops can reach 500 g. Long shelf life. The fruits are juicy and dense, taste good.
Squire blackMid early. Good keeping quality and pungent taste. The size is medium, the fruits are rounded.
CylinderMid-season. One of the classic varieties of black radish. The shape is elongated, the taste is almost not sharp.
The healerMid-season. Small root vegetables with tender flesh, there is a small bitterness. The peel is dense.
Winter round blackGood yield, peel smooth or furrowed, the flesh is white with a slight sharpness.
MurzilkaLate grade. Especially for winter storage. The taste is pleasant, medium-spicy.

Where to get seeds?

After you have chosen the varieties suitable for planting, you should buy seeds. But where to choose high-quality and inexpensive? To start, carefully study the prices before buying seeds. The same varieties may cost differently depending on the region and the store in which you buy them.

The price also largely depends on:

  • the number of seeds in a pack;
  • manufacturer;
  • varieties of plants.

It is best to buy seeds in bulk through the Internet. So you save a lot of money. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg prices range from 1050 p. up to 1900 p. for 1 kg. seed.

The average cost for 1g is 100-200 rubles.

Step-by-step instruction: how to grow a vegetable?

In the open ground

Black radish can be grown by seed in open ground, using seedlings or in a greenhouse. Let us consider in more detail each method of sowing and the conditions for growing a large crop.



For sowing plants are necessary:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Rake.
  3. Hoe.
  4. Irrigation equipment.

Before the landing process, it is necessary to check its availability and serviceability.

Seed preparation

Seeds need to be selected, calibrated and dressed:

  1. To do this, they are immersed in a solution of salt and pop-up seeds are removed.
  2. Then sift through a sieve and soak in potassium permanganate.
  3. After the seeds have dried, you can begin to plant.
The soil

It is advisable to prepare the soil in the fall. It should be:

  • loose;
  • loamy or sandy;
  • rich in humus;
  • with neutral acidity.

Fertilize soil only mineral and in small quantities.

  1. Before sowing, the soil is loosened and wood ash from pests is sprayed.
  2. Furrows are made to a depth of 2 cm and a distance of 30 cm between them.
  3. Then 3 seeds are laid out in furrows, sprinkled and compacted with earth, watered.
It is imperative to comply with the planting dates in accordance with the selected variety in order to avoid shooting.

Everything you need for care:

  • Top dressing. top dressing about 2-3 times for the entire growing season. from organic top dressing, humus, compost, wood ash are suitable.
  • Weeding. Periodically loosen the soil and remove unnecessary weeds.
  • Hilling. Carried out regularly, this affects the growth of the plant.
  • Watering. Do not over-moisten the soil, radish loves moderate moisture.
  • Mulching (protective layer on the soil). Use bark, straw or sawdust. It protects against weeds.
  • Thinning. Between seedlings, the distance should be no more than 8 cm.

The best neighbors for radishes are radishes and turnips, and legumes are good predecessors. It is under the previous radish culture and it is advisable to introduce organic fertilizers.


The seedling method is distinguished by planting material. Instead of seeds, sprouting seedlings are used, which are grown on their own or bought. This landing method is not suitable for all species.

After the transplant, the plant may fade, become sick or die. Therefore, the seedling method of sowing radish is rarely used.

In the greenhouse

Greenhouse cultivation is used to obtain the early harvests of this crop. If it will be well heated all year round and have additional light sources, then they can be planted at almost any time of the year.

How to sow:

  1. They dig the earth, add fertilizer.
  2. Before planting, prepare staggered pits, and moisten the soil.
  3. 3 seeds are sown in each hole, sprinkled with earth, lightly compacted and watered.
  4. After sowing the beds, you can sprinkle with wood ash.

Shoots will appear a week later. In the future, it is necessary to maintain normal soil moisture and regularly loosen it. Thinning and feeding. Root crops are harvested as they mature.

Diseases and Pests


  1. Powdery mildew - determined by plaque on the stems and leaves. The plant is treated with a 0.5% solution of soda and soap concentrate.
  2. Blackleg - the shape and color of the leaves changes. Vegetable is sprayed with onion tincture, 20 g of husk per liter of water.
  3. White rust - the aerial part of the plant dries and becomes white coated. It is treated with preparations containing copper.

Among pests are common:

  1. Cruciferous flea.
  2. Carrot fly.

With these pests, wood ash will help. It must be sprayed when preparing the soil, during sowing and in the process of growing plants. Slugs, aphids, rapeseed and cabbage leaf beetles destroy the ground parts of plants. Various preparations and enzymes will help protect the vegetable from them, which at the same time will not affect the quality of the fruits.

Difficulties and problems and struggle with them

When cultivating a radish, the following problems may occur:

  • Incomplete seed ripening due to too frequent planting - then you need to thin out.
  • The root crop is small, and the top of the top is high - this means that the vegetable does not have enough sunlight. You must carefully select the site for planting.
  • Dense planting can also attract pests and diseases. Thinning and processing with special solutions will help.
  • Poor root crops and long flowering - the earth does not have enough moisture, watering is necessary.

Following all the tips and rules outlined in this article, you can easily grow black radish. This is a healthy and tasty vegetable, it does not require special skills for sowing or care. Therefore, boldly proceed with the cultivation of this culture in your summer cottage.

Useful video

We recommend watching a video about growing black radish in open ground:

Watch the video: 8 Keys to Growing in Winter in an Unheated Greenhouse Hoop House (October 2024).

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