Features and methods of propagation of roses. Are there any difficulties and what are they?

There are several effective ways of propagating roses. Often the question arises of propagating an existing bush, more often the question arises of the cuttings of roses from cut flowers.

This article describes in detail how to properly prepare a rose for planting, how to avoid the basic and common mistakes when working with seedlings and cuttings of roses.

What are the difficulties?

If you want to create your own rose garden, be prepared for some of the difficulties associated with reproduction and subsequent cultivation. Rose is a whimsical plant that requires precision and consistent action.. The most common difficulties include:

  • The right choice of planting material.
  • Compliance with the temperature regime.
  • Compliance with water balance.
  • Selection of dressings.
If you follow all the rules that are necessary for successful reproduction, you can get a lush and often blooming rosary.

What do you need to know?

To avoid disappointment and loss of time, refuse to propagate imported rose varieties. Domestic varieties acclimatized to our weather conditions are perfect for this purpose.

If you chose and decided to root a rose from a bouquet. Do not wait for it to wither, start work immediately. When choosing a rose, pay attention:

  • The stem of the rose should be half lignified, young or old stems will not fit.
  • Choose a stalk of medium thickness.
  • There should be several buds on the handle.
  • The middle part of the stem is best for grafting.

The best time for breeding roses is considered autumnbut if you intend to grow a flower on the windowsill, any time of the year will do.

How to propagate by seed?

One of the most difficult ways to propagate roses is to sow seeds. This method is used infrequently, because the probability of growing a strong plant is quite small. In order to grow a rose from seeds, it is necessary to prepare good material for planting, these should be seeds collected in late July and early August. For sowing, not fully ripened fruits are used, they are cut with a knife and the seeds are separated from the pulp, the seeds should be brown in color.

Purchased material is fraught with many mysteries, the rose that is shown in the picture will not always grow.

Vegetative Method

Vegetative method of propagation of roses is the most common and effective. This method is used by experienced and beginner growers.


A convenient way of rooting layering for climbing and ground cover roses:

  1. In the spring, a mature and flexible shoot is selected.
  2. Under unbroken buds, small incisions are made in several places, which are necessary for accelerated root formation.
  3. They bend the shoot to the ground, pin and drop it.

A dug shoot must be kept constantly moist; by the fall it will take root and give new shoots. In the first year of active growth, the bush is not allowed to bloom, cutting off the buds formed.

Often rosehips grow from rooted layers, this happens if the main bush has been grafted. In this case, the bush runs wild.

Root offspring

This method is suitable for the propagation of root roses, they easily form a young shoot. These varieties include all types of rose hips and their hybrids.

In the autumn or spring period, young growth is cut off along with part of the mother's root, the upper part is shortened and dug.


Cutting roses has a great advantage, all roses obtained in such ways do not give wild game, it is always cultivars. This method is perfect for propagating miniature, climbing and shrub roses.

Planting cuttings:

  1. A completely healthy stem is cut into 20-25 cm segments.
  2. Leaves and buds are completely removed.
  3. It is treated with a growth stimulator.
  4. It is dug at an angle into the soil.
  5. It is covered with a jar to maintain constant humidity.

Within a month, every day the jar needs to be removed for a few minutes, this will prevent mold from appearing. After the first shoots appear, the jar is removed.

We offer you to watch a video about the propagation of roses by cuttings:

Bush division

A simple way to propagate a bush rose is to divide the bush. It is suitable for all types of root roses:

  1. In early spring, when the buds are still sleeping, or in late autumn before the onset of frost, the bush is dug up, all old branches are removed and the bush is cut into 2-3 parts. Each part must have strong and young roots, the old must be cut off.
  2. Each bush is planted in a permanent place. This year, it is necessary to limit flowering; for this, partially or all buds that have been set are removed.

We offer you to watch a video about the nuances of rose propagation by dividing the bush:


To obtain high-quality planting material, the vaccination method is used. This requires a stock to which the stalk will be grafted.

In most cases, a rosehip bush is used as a stock; they are distinguished by a strong root system and frost resistance. Vaccination is done during the period of active sap flow from April to August.

For vaccination is necessary:

  1. a healthy neck of the scion is selected, cleaned of dirt and made an incision in the form of the letter T with a special knife;
  2. a previously prepared shank is inserted into this section and tied with a special tape or plastic strip;
  3. so that the oculated site does not dry out, it is spudded with moist soil;

Two weeks later, they inspect the vaccination site, the appearance of a green kidney and a healthy vaccination site indicates that the budding has been successful.

We offer you to watch a video on how to properly vaccinate a rose:

The Trannua Method

The principle of this method is that the stem of the rose receives the maximum amount of nutrients from the leaves, before they are removed. For this:

  1. The stems are cut at the end of the flowering period, the top is trimmed, wilted leaves and flowers and observe them. In the process, stem stiffness and kidney swelling occur.
  2. The stems are planted in the ground before the leaves bloom, before that they need to be cut into cuttings. Planting is done in a well-lit place, the cuttings are dug up at an angle of 5 °, a few pieces in a hole and covered with jars or cut off 5 liter bottles.

Winter features

In winter, a rose can be propagated from bouquet flowers. To do this, you must:

  1. Prepare loose soil.
  2. Cut the stems of the flower so that on each handle there are 2-3 buds. It is imperative to make the slice oblique, they must be treated with a rooting compound and planted in the ground.
  3. It’s necessary to create a greenhouse on top of the cuttings; a jar or a plastic bag can play its role.
  4. When the first sprouts appear, you need to remove the shelter for several hours a day, so you can harden the future plant.

We offer you to watch a video on how to propagate a rose in winter from a bouquet:

What varieties are easier to breed?

Different varieties of roses require an individual approach to reproduction. Shrub, climbing and root roses propagation is suitable:

  • root offspring;
  • dividing the bush;
  • rooting by layering;
  • cuttings.

Miniature roses grow well from seeds. Wild species of roses such as rose hips also propagate by seeds. This method is perfect for breeding new varieties of roses.

Imported grafted roses are difficult to reproduce; for them, the grafting method for dogrose or Canina rose is acceptable.

Proper action and good planting material will delight you with abundant flowering.

Watch the video: Exciting New Plants Entering the Pipeline May 12, 2015 (October 2024).

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