The most beautiful indoor centenarium eonium: description, types and care of the plant

Eonium is a plant in the family Crassulaceae. Its name translates as "long-liver" (from the Greek aeonium - eternal).

Despite the fact that the flower is unpretentious and very decorative, it is rarely found in home collections of flora.

From this article you can gather information about the types of plants, see a photo, learn how to care for it, and also discover this flower as a panacea for many diseases.

Origin and Botanical Description

This perennial succulent plant is sometimes called a stone rose.. It originates from where there is a lot of sun and air, and the soil is rather scarce: from the Mediterranean, East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and from the Canary Islands. Distributed in hot climates. It is a shrub or grass 20-100 cm tall. It has more than 40 species. Some species are indeed long-livers, while some live only up to two years.

The flower has fleshy smooth foliage, in some species covered with fluff. It is the foliage, due to its location, that creates the feeling of eternal flowering, therefore the flower got its noble and poetic second name.

Leaves without stalks are arranged in spirals directly on the tips of bare stems or sit tightly on each other, like scales of a pine cone.

The shape of the leaves resembles a shovel, the color varies from light green to dark green, it is purple, brown, dark cherry, gradient and combined colors are found. When old leaves die off, scars remain on the stems. The stem is pronounced, it is branched and solitary, in most species it is lignified.

Eonium blooms extremely rarely, especially in room conditions, and its flowering is not as beautiful as the leaf sockets themselves. After flowering, the stem with the flower dies, and the plant itself dies in non-branching species.

Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, in different shades, have a delicate smell and are collected in a pyramidal brush. Corolla variegated with 9 narrow linear petals.

Important: if eonium has bloomed, it is better to take care of preserving the seeds or stalks from it to restore the flower.

Views and their photos

The flower has more than 70 species, many of which are artificially bred.. The most common.


A small dark green tree about 30 cm tall with an abundance of branches that bend to the top. Blooms with yellow flowers.


Variety with a short stem, on which are wide leaves of olive color. The flower is a tall bright red "umbrella".


Plant up to 50 cm tall with burgundy broad-lanceolate leaf blades. The flowers are pale pink.


A kind of tree-like Eonium with a low-branched lignified stem. On the tops of the shoots are thick rosettes of light green color. The inflorescence is yellow with a green tint.


A plant with purple-purple leaves, slightly pubescent along the edge and green at the base.


Has a brown central shoot and 10-centimeter rosette of leaves swamp green, orange and yellow.


Spherical stemless variety. The leaves are juicy green with a pale pink base.


Short stem perennial with light green foliage with bright red border. The flowers are pale green.


Large plant with a silver trunk. Leaves expand to the edge. Dark yellow flowers are collected in a pyramidal inflorescence.

Haworth (Qiwi)

Variety up to 30 cm high. The leaves are thick, gray-green, with a red border and cilia. Inflorescences consist of 7 yellow or pink flowers.


It has a shortened stem and a flat light green rosette with a width of about 50 cm. Yellow flowers are in the shape of a pyramid..

Long or plate

Known for its unusual shape. Its leaves form a flat rosette with a diameter of up to 50 cm.


Plant care is simple, and a beginner grower will cope, but you have to observe some conditions to make the flower feel good.

  • Lighting. It takes a lot of light, but the sun should not be scorching. On the northern windows and in winter, additional lighting is required.
  • Air temperature. 25 are quite suitableaboutC. In winter, you can keep the plant cool: + 13-15aboutFROM.Attention: When it becomes warm outside, aeonium can be taken out to the balcony so that the color of its leaves becomes more intense. An alternative is frequent ventilation of the room, fresh air is very important for this flower.
  • Watering. Eonium calmly tolerates drought, so you can water it once a week in the summer and once every two weeks in the winter. It is important to prevent water from entering the leaf outlet so as not to cause the development of fungal infections.
  • Priming. Land for eonium should consist of equal parts of turf, peat, sand and deciduous soil. You can add some charcoal. A mixture for cacti is also suitable. Be sure to use drainage. The pot should not be too big.
  • Top dressing. Once a month, a special solution for succulents is used as fertilizer.
  • Transfer. Young plants need soil renewal annually, and adults - every three years.
  • Breeding. There are two ways to reproduce aeonium:
    1. By seeds: the method is very time-consuming, and it is not so easy to get seeds. They are planted directly in moist soil, not sprinkled with earth, then the container is covered with glass to create a greenhouse effect, aired and watered from time to time.
    2. Apical cuttings: a more successful method. The young shoot of the plant is cut, the place of the cut on the mother plant is sprinkled with powdered charcoal and protected from light, the stalk is mixed in a substrate of sheet soil and sand 1: 2 and watered.

Before the roots, sprouts should not be left on a brightly lit window.

Flower like a home healer

The plant is known for its ability to heal wounds, burns and corns.without affecting healthy tissue. Eonium juice is instilled into the eyes for glaucoma and cataracts and taken orally for diabetes.

Useful video

Watch the video about the care of aeonium, plant species, reproduction:


An amazing succulent plant, similar to an ever-blooming rose, will decorate the interior, bring originality to it, help alleviate some ailments and will not cause any care. It is worth paying attention to people who rarely visit home, but would like to have a mini-greenhouse on the windowsill. Undemanding and luxurious aonium - a good choice.

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