What is a freelance and who is a freelancer (what does it do and what does it do) - an overview of freelance concepts and exchanges + TOP-7 directions for making a freelancer

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine "Rich Pro"! In this article we will consider: what is freelance, who is a freelancer and what does he do, what vacancies and freelance exchanges are the most common.

The article should be read to everyone who wants to have basic or additional income in their free time, without leaving home. Is this real? You will find all the answers in this publication!

About what freelance is, who such a freelancer is and what it does, what exchanges and types of earnings a freelancer has - read this article

1. What is freelance - definition and meaning

Freelance (freelance) - This is a word of English origin, indicating the execution of work on the instructions of the customer on a freelance basis.

Interesting: the word "Freelance" came to us from the novel by W. Scott, "Aivengo," it meant civilian warriors.

Now "free lancers" called various creative personalities and people engaged in self-making money. 

Freelancers fulfill the tasks of employers both on the Internet and offline.

For example, tutor preparing students for exams, nurse injecting at home, and so on- all belong to the category of freelancers. 

However, it is wrong to consider all remote work as freelance. There are firms that provide homeworkers with jobs for their employees. This is done in order to save money on office rent and overhead. Such specialists have freedom of action, but are not freelancers.

The most popular and widespread form of freelance is work between the customer and the contractor via the Internet.

This direction of freelancing has been successfully developing in our country since the end of the 20th century. Previously, only specialists of certain professions could afford to freely earn private orders builders, painters, musicians, the journalists etc.

Today, in connection with the demand for filling sites with information on completely different topics, they are becoming necessary specialists of various professions.

The scope of freelance studies is very wide and continues to develop along with the development of information technology and technological progress. There is a constant demand for specialists. Therefore, do not be afraid that all offers are already understood by experienced freelancers. In the network you can find a job and a beginner.

Details about freelancers - who they are and what they do, we will consider further.

2. Freelancer - who is doing what

To date, any successful company should have its own website, which contains the unique characteristics of the company, allowing to maintain a high competitive bar and attract new customers.

In order for this work to be done professionally, a high-level specialist is needed. He is webmaster, which is engaged in the creation and promotion of sites.

Further, the site should become beautiful for perception and convenient to use. To do this, connect to work website designer. To fill the site with relevant, interesting information is necessary copywriter. The level of its visit by potential clients of the company depends on the design and information content of the site.

Website maintenance involved content managerswho monitor the development, updating data, negotiate with customers. All these specialties are owned by freelancers.

Freelancers: who they are and what they do - definition and meaning of the term

Let us consider in more detail who a freelancer is and what functions it performs:

Freelancer (from English freelancer) - it is a person who independently finds a volume of work for himself, performs it and receives a certain reward for this.

The main directions of their activities are IT - sphere, design services, documentation processing and writing texts.

Everyone chooses a job to their liking. Someone must go out "in people", visit an office or work in production, in trade. And someone more like independence and freedom of choice. It’s convenient for some to work at night or in the presence of free time.

The workplace of a freelancer is an office with a computer. If this is not possible, you can solve the problem by contacting coworking centersTrue, while they exist only in large cities.

These centers provide equipped workplacemeeting the requirements:

  • a computer;
  • Internet access
  • a printer;
  • and etc.

Here freelancers can work calmly, communicate without being distracted by household needs and household problems.

The relationship between the contractor and the customer is based on mutual understanding and respect for each other. There is always the opportunity to abandon a project that does not suit the content or cost.

But in case of accepting the order for work, it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements of the customer as much as possible, so that the optimal work result is obtained at the output.

The main types of work as a freelancer at home - 7 of the most popular vacancies

3. TOP 7 most popular destinations for freelance

In the context of this article, freelance means the execution by a contractor of a certain amount of work through the Internet.

Let us consider below the most popular areas (vacancies) for a freelancer today.

Direction 1. Creation and processing of texts

This category of specialists includes copywriters(self-writing texts), rewriters (possessing the ability to submit information that already exists on the Internet in a new way), content managers (engaged in filling sites with information), editors (editing texts dealing with the correction of errors and shortcomings in the work of performers), translators of foreign texts.

This specialty is quite profitable, with knowledge of the Russian language and the ability to express your own thoughts.

Novice copywriters receive orders from 20 rubles per 1000 charactersThis is a little, but it is a necessary step for a set of experience and professional skills.

For experienced authors writing unique texts, conducting their own analytical reviews, payment can reach up to 500 - 800 rubles for 1000 characters.

Direction 2. Programming and site administration

Their job is to write programs and scripts, administer sites and applications, test software products, etc.

This is done by specialists with knowledge of the devices of site engines, databases, and programming languages. A job is considered to be well paid, on average, a specialist can earn up to 100,000 - 150 000 rubles per month.

Direction 3. Graphic designers

These specialists are engaged web design, have knowledge of printing, are engaged in filling sites with pictures, illustrations, photographs.

They should be able to draw well, work with graphic programs. Their task is to make the site beautiful for perception. This work is for creative people, highly paid. Professionals earn up to 200 000 rubles per month.

Direction 4. Website promotion

Doing it "seoshniki", typesetters, web analytics. Their task is the development, launch and promotion of sites in search engines.

It requires specific knowledge that constantly requires modernization and improvement. You can read more about creating sites from scratch in the last publication of richpro.ru

Direction 5. Filling sites with information

This lesson is for site managers. Their functions include: updating site news, promoting it, negotiating with customers and advertisers, exercising general control over the site.

Direction 6. Journalism

These include freelance ezineswriting on its subject. They have been in demand since Soviet times. Today, this is more convenient and interesting.

Direction 7. Moneymaking

This area of ​​activity is associated with independent work on the Internet. The simplest and cheapest direction is participation in surveys, filling out questionnaires, likes, etc.

More profitable areas are the creation and promotion of your own website, the purchase / sale of domains, participation in affiliate programs. The more knowledge a moneymaker possesses, the more he will be able to earn.

The main options for finding income for a freelancer (freelance exchanges, web studios, forums, Internet resources)

4. Earning a freelancer - TOP-4 ways to find a profitable job at home for a beginner

Work as a freelancer involves initial definition of the field of activity and customer search. For these purposes, the Internet is most often used. You can search for offers through various sites.

Consider the most popular ways to look for work as freelancers.

Method 1. Freelance Exchanges

There are many online exchanges on the Internet where various job offers are accumulated.

There are exchanges thematicworking in the same direction eg, writing texts, website development, and diversewhere any job offers are collected.

At any exchange, it is necessary to register both the contractor and the customer. Start up Personal Areais created portfolio.

Freelance sites (exchanges) regulate the work between the customer and the contractor, provide advisory support, and transfer funds from the customer’s account to the contractor’s account. For the listed services, users pay a certain commission.

Method 2. Web Studios

They are engaged web programming, website development, their promotion, promotion, advertising, the creation of new Internet products. It requires specialists with specialized knowledge in the field of IT - technologies.

Method 3. Thematic forums

People working on the network create forums on the topics of their activities. Customers often place their projects there. It’s easier to find an artist for your job.

Method 4. Social networks and various sites

Job ads can also be found on the pages in social networks. As a rule, this works with promoted accounts, when there are many friends and the page has frequent traffic.

A freelancer can also find work by contacting the owners of various sites directly and offering them their services. For this purpose, you can send your portfolio to the e-mail indicated on the site.

So, how to become a freelancer from scratch and what is needed for this?

Step-by-step instructions on how to become a freelancer from scratch - 7 steps to start earning money on freelance

5. How to make money on freelance - a step-by-step instruction of 7 steps for beginner freelancers

When deciding to become a freelancer, it’s important to understand that make big money right away. It is necessary to have knowledge, gain experience and the ability to present oneself to the customer.

To start working on the Internet, you can use the step-by-step instructions, which will give an idea of ​​freelance earnings.

Step 1. Determine the direction of freelance work

First of all, it is necessary to determine the scope of activity. You can read reviews about various types of freelancer work and the relevance of a particular specialty on the Internet.

It is worth considering: it is better to choose professions in which there is already work experience or which are interesting in terms of self-development.

After determining the direction, you can proceed to freelance work.

Step 2. Register an electronic wallet

Online payments are most often made using electronic wallets. There are different types of electronic money, all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular today are:

  • WebMoney
  • Yandex money;
  • Kiwi.

The process of registering a wallet is not difficult, after which you can immediately use it. With the help of electronic money you can make online purchases, transfer money to a card, for subsequent removal. Perhaps the design of a virtual credit card.

Step 3. Choosing a freelance exchange

As mentioned above, there are various exchanges on the Internet offering job placement services.

You can choose a stock exchange according to your line of business or multidisciplinary, offering work in various fields. Before you stop choosing one of them, you should read user reviews.

It may be worth trying to work on several exchanges at the same time to understand where it is more convenient and faster to earn.

Step 4. Registration on the website of freelancers

The next step is to register on the stock exchange of freelancers.

The standard registration process includes:

  1. determination of the status of contractor - customer;
  2. enter email address;
  3. entering a nickname and password;
  4. enter electronic wallet.

If the client has a page in a social network, he can register through it.

Step 5. Portfolio

Portfolio is a visiting card of the owner. It combines examples of his work, of projects, photos etc. On its basis, the customer’s opinion about the contractor is formed, the quality and cost of his work is determined.

A portfolio should look beautiful, have an informative part, and include individual work done in different styles. For it to be relevant, it must be constantly updated, choosing the best articles and materials.

Step 6. Search for orders

On any exchange of freelancers there is access to all relevant orders. They prescribe all the conditions and requirements for implementation. The contractor should carefully read the task, when deciding to execute it, respond to the order.

Fulfill the order should only after the customer selects the customer as executors and the order changes its status to "Execution".

For the customer to accept the work, one must be guided by the following rules:

  • strictly comply with the requirements of the terms of reference;
  • Do not violate the terms of the order.

If you encounter any difficulties, you always have the opportunity to contact the customer, ask for help in clarifying incomprehensible points.

When choosing orders, you must correctly calculate your own strengths so as not to get into the black list of customers.

Step 7. Registration of IP

According to the Tax Code, any income of citizens is subject to mandatory taxation. Freelance is no exception.

While this area of ​​activity is not defined at the legislative level, therefore, responsible citizens should report to the tax office in the form of 3-personal income tax and pay tax on other income of individuals in the amount of 13% from all receipts to the electronic wallet.

An alternative to this is creation of IP, which is located on a simplified tax system. In this case, you have to pay 6% from profit.

It is important to consider: if revenues from freelance activities are small, it’s easier to report as an individual, with an increase in turnover to an average of 50,000-80,000 rubles per month is better become an entrepreneur.

It must be remembered that the activities of an entrepreneur fall under a number of additional legislative requirements that must be taken into account and implemented (bookkeeping income and expenses, reporting, etc.)

The procedure for issuing IP is simple. It is necessary to come to the tax office with a passport, fill out an application, pay a fee. Registration takes before 5 days, after that a certificate and an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises are issued. Read more about registering IP in a separate article.

The main advantages of formal employment are:

  • the availability of all social benefits;
  • the opportunity to take a loan from the bank with proof of income;
  • accrual of seniority.

Need to know: It is impossible to make a transfer in the amount of electronic money more than 100 000 rubles. According to the law, electronic payments between two entrepreneurs (legal entities) are prohibited.

Failure to pay taxes may result in fines; their amount depends on the amount of proven revenue.

6. The most popular freelance exchanges - an overview of the TOP-5 freelance exchanges where you can quickly find the right job

The network has a mass of diverse exchanges with different focuses, conditions, requirements. Consider the most popular freelance exchanges below.

1) Kwork.ru

Kwork - This is a showcase of services and offers. Here is fixed the cost of any services in the amount of 500 rubles. This is beneficial to the customer and the contractor.

A variety of activities are offered: website development, writing texts, translations, selling links, lawyer consulting.

The advantages of the exchange according to user reviews are:

  • convenient interface;
  • healthy competition;
  • chat availability.

The disadvantages of the exchange include:

  • the exchange charges a high percentage for services in the amount of 20% of the project;
  • fewer orders compared to other exchanges.

2) Work-zilla

Work zilla - exchange of remote work. Official site - Work-zilla.com

Using this resource, you can find an artist to solve many routine and long-term tasks of varying complexity. Tasks can be of completely different types, including -custom targeting.

3) Weblancer.net

The site is the top freelance exchange in Runet. The service has a diverse range of projects from copywriters to designers, Internet marketers.

It is a reliable resource with the ability to carry out safe transactions. It has almost a million users of the service.

The main advantages of working with the exchange are:

  • a large selection of projects with diverse areas;
  • There is a system of feedback and communication between customers and contractors;
  • high account security requirements.

The system has its drawbacks:

  • monthly fees for the purchase of a tariff plan;
  • very high competition, it is quite difficult for a beginner to break through here;
  • inconvenient interface.

4) FL.ru

FL.ru - the oldest Russian freelance exchange that operates more 10 years. Has 2 million users, 1,500 daily projects.

You can register on the official website of the exchange - FL.ru

The main advantages of the exchange according to user reviews are:

  • a large selection of projects of different directions;
  • a professional will always find an order;
  • It is possible to contact the customer directly;
  • the presence of safe transactions (paid).

The disadvantages of this system include:

  • to be able to take orders, you must buy a paid PRO account;
  • a high probability of falling into the hands of unscrupulous customers and performers;
  • due to high competition, the most profitable orders go to users with a high rating, so it’s difficult for beginners to work.

5) Freelance.ru

Freelance.ru - Another Russian freelance exchange that works more 10 years. It has several million users, several thousand projects are registered daily.

The most different types of work for freelancers at home: from a programmer to a translator. The site deserves a worthy reputation, good technical support and a guarantee of the transaction.

In addition, there are many popular thematic exchanges in which it is convenient, simple and pleasant to make money.

List of the most popular exchanges depending on the direction of orders:

Freelance activityList of major exchanges
Copywriting and rewritingEtxt.ru; text.ruadvego.ru; contentmonster.ru
Graphic designLogopod.ru; behance.net; illustrators.ru
For photographersWedlife.ru; shutterstock.com/ru; dreamstime.com
For architects, interior designersInterior-design.club; myhome.ru; proektanti.ru
Tenders and tendersCitycelebrity.ru; e-generator.ru; voproso.ru

As you can see from the table, each freelancer will find a job in their specialty, and if a platform for earning money in a separate direction has not yet been created, then it will certainly be created (if there is demand), since working on the Internet is gaining great popularity.

How much a beginner can earn on Freelance - the main factors that affect income

7. How much do freelancers earn - 5 factors on which income depends

The question of earning freelancers interests everyone who is looking for a job or a part-time job. Is it worth it to do this if you pay a pittance, and it takes a lot of time to complete the project? It all depends on the cost of the order. Can earn 50 rubles per month, and you can more than 50 000 rubles.

The main role is played by the qualification of the performer. Even if he is new to the exchange, but offers an interesting implementation of projects, he will need to promote 1-2 months. After that, you can find well-paid orders, regular customers and reach a good level of income.

If the user does not have great talents (and most of them are), then success will helptenacity, accuracy, clear fulfillment of customer requirements and positive attitude. To reach a sufficient level of income will require 5-6 monthsbut during this time the necessary skills and experience are acquired. With the growth of self-confidence, prices for orders will also increase.

For example: You can write projects for 1000 rubles, earning a month 8 000 - 10 000 rubles (depending on the amount of work performed), while taking daily 2-3 hours free time.

When gaining experience, this volume can be completed by working 1 hour per day. The contractor can increase the volume of work performed at the same rate or take on more expensive projects, thereby increasing his monthly earnings.

How much does a freelance beginner earn?

If you look at the average, a beginner with professional skills really earn in the first month of work 8 000-15 000 rubles when busy before 4 hours a day.

The freelancer’s income is not limited to anything, if you increase the working time, then even a beginner can make good money in the first months.

Artists with good experience, professional skills, can earn 70 000 80 000 rubles per month.

The main factors affecting the income level of a freelancer are presented in the table:

1Freelancer SpecializationThe most highly paid professions are: programmer, web designer, advertising specialist, translator.
2Daily employmentIf you work 1-2 hours a day, you won’t earn big money.
3Professional experienceIt’s easier to do work that you are good at, and which is interesting to the performer himself.
4Artist RatingWorking on the stock exchange, performers are assigned a rating for successfully completed projects. Its value allows customers to make a choice of performer.
5Exchange where freelancer worksAt different exchanges, there are different prices for the same work. Therefore, it is worth starting to work on several exchanges in order to choose acceptable conditions for yourself. The variety and number of tasks also depend on the exchange.

Freelance - This is not only the activity of making money, it is also a mechanism for self-improvement, strengthening faith in oneself and one's own capabilities.

8. Advantages and disadvantages of working as a freelancer ➕

The main advantages of a freelancer's office work are:

  • The ability to use time as you wish. A freelancer can work all night, and sleep during the day, he is not tied to the schedule of visits, he does not need to be afraid to be late for the office and get scolded by his superiors. Today it can work only an hour a day, tomorrow 10 hours as needed.
  • The freelancer himself selects customers and the volume of work. He does not have a plan, he chooses the deadlines. Also in his right to independently choose the direction of work, eg, write on topics that interest him and in which he understands. In addition to receiving money for work, he has the opportunity to self-knowledge and self-improvement.
  • Freelancer is not attached to the place of work, he can live in a completely different city. This is especially true for small towns, where the problem of employment is very acute. There is also the opportunity to work while traveling around the world.
  • The freelancer is not limited in earnings; he does not have a salary. But he won’t earn anything by simply sitting at the computer (as office workers often do). Here the role is played by the professionalism of the performer, his ability to understand the topic of the order and the proper organization of his work. With an increase in the level of qualifications, the income of the performer also increases..

The disadvantages of freelance are:

  • Lack of social security, seniority for pension is not earned. Therefore, this type of activity is best done as a part-time job for the main job. The solution to this issue can also be an official registration by an individual entrepreneur.
  • High level of competition. In order to get decent earnings and steadily receive orders, one must be able to correctly establish oneself on the stock exchange.
  • Self-assessment and payment of taxes. If necessary, you can use the services of an accountant.
  • Ambiguous opinions of others, often negative. Freelance in Russia is so far mistrusted and prejudiced.

We can assume that the advantages of this type of occupation are in balance with the minuses. Therefore, you should not run away from your main job in order to move to free workers.

To begin with, it is better to try freelancing in your free time from your main activity, gradually determining where it is more convenient, more profitable and comfortable to work.

9. How to become a successful freelancer - 5 useful tips

It’s wrong to think that doing freelance quickly and simply make money. It will take a lot of work (maybe even more than a standard job) before there is a result.

Are below 5 tips, what a freelancer should pay attention to in his work.

Tip 1. It is necessary to constantly improve, learn, be demanding of yourself

There are all kinds of online master classes, courses, training lessons and mastery improvement in any areas of activity. They will help to quickly reach a new level of work. You must be aware of all relevant information, changes and innovations. For example, blockchain technology is being actively implemented by many projects, so specialists from this field are in great demand.

You should never allow yourself to work "through the sleeves", to hack. Professional reputation depends on many details and seemingly insignificant moments.

You can’t give up on your first failures, you need to carry a positive attitude and believe in yourself.

Tip 2. Rationally manage your own time.

At the initial stage of activity, many newcomers make the same mistake: trying to make money as quickly as possible, they take on the implementation of many cheap orders.

The desire to make as many orders as possible has negative consequences:

  • Increased working hours at the computer, which will negatively affect health and a complete lack of time for other matters;
  • Decrease in interest in work due to high workload;
  • Decreased quality of work due to fatigue.

You must understand that "go to perfection in small steps", do not overload yourself and take a job for which there is simply no time.

Tip 3. Advertise your features

There is high competition among performers on any exchange. The most expensive and interesting orders are received by those performers who correctly submit their skills to the customer.

To get a good project, you need to spend time filling out a portfolio. It should reflect all the main advantages of the contractor over others, contain examples of work performed.

If possible, it is necessary to perform work at the skill level. Even the presence of status and avatars can complement the opinion of the customer about the artist.

Tip 4. Don't Conflict With Customers

With an increase in the volume of work, customers may be dissatisfied with the performance. We must try to part with them as little as possible in conflict and without argument. If you have a serious problem, it is better to contact the arbitration.

The presence of negative opinions is also a gain of experience, you should not give up. It’s better to work further, improving the quality of project execution.

Tip 5. Take a prepayment

If you work directly with a customer without intermediaries, you can earn more (no need to pay commission exchanges), but the risk of falling into the hands of fraudsters will increase significantly.

There are many deception schemes in the network. In order to protect yourself at least a little while working with an unverified customer, it is better to take prepayment for work.

How do novice freelancers not fall into the hands of scammers when doing work

10. How not to fall into the hands of deceivers - 2 schemes to deceive freelancers

Freelance engagement has increased risks in terms of falling into the hands of unscrupulous partners. As a rule, performers and customers are not personally acquainted, do not even know each other's address. This can cause a lot of unpleasant situations and fraud.

It's important to know! A sign of fraudulent activity may be a way to negotiate. Business style is usual, should alert crony or flattering tone of dialogue.

Also a communication moment only through e-mail, the term of creation of which is only a few months, can be considered a suspicious moment.

Scammers are developing a diverse cheating schemes, consider the most common ones below.

Scheme 1. Direction of the test task

The customer places an order with good payment terms, convenient deadlines for execution, talks about the intention of constant cooperation on the same conditions. Only it is necessary to do test work to check the level of the performer.

After receiving the finished work, the customer disappears, and the contractor remains without payment for the completed project.

Scheme 2. The customer is not satisfied with the quality of work

An order is placed with specific fulfillment requirements and with a specific cost. After the execution of the order, payment is not made in connection with the "poor execution of the order." Only arbitration (when working on the exchange) can help to understand this situation.

It is important to remember: when working directly, it is very difficult to prove the quality of your work in case of customer dissatisfaction. The lack of documentation of the order makes it impossible to take any measures in case of disagreement.

Both free-lance beginners and successful professionals can fall for deceivers.

You can reduce the risk of being cheated by adhering to the following rules:

  1. When working with the customer / contractor, in addition to the phone number, you need to know where he lives, his name, surname;
  2. View information about him in social networks (if available), reviews of previous partners;
  3. You can try to find information on the topic forums of freelancers;
  4. Arrange an advance payment of the order.

Let's consider the main mistakes of beginning freelancers.

11. The most common mistakes newbie freelancers 📛

Starting to work on the network, many make the same mistakes. Here are the most common ones.

Mistake 1. Opinion that you can earn simply and quickly

Will have to work at the initial stage a lot and for little money. Earnings increase will come only after gaining experience and skills. Moreover, you need to constantly improve and develop yourself.

After receiving a sufficient number of standing orders, the main thing is not to reduce the quality of work performed and not to disrupt the terms of orders.

Mistake 2. Do not take the time to fill out a quality portfolio

To understand how difficult it is for the customer to choose an artist, you can try to put yourself in his place.

It is worth considering: when deciding who to entrust the execution of the task, the customer first of all pays attention to number of rating points, reviews other customers and portfolio.

How professionally the performer advertises his abilities, the quality of the work already done - can become decisive moments in the choice.

Mistake 3. Afraid to file many applications

Often, beginners are afraid to submit several applications at once, thinking that they will not have time to complete them on time. But filing an application is not yet a fact of appointment as an executor of an order. You can wait a few days for an answer and get a refusal as a result of choosing another artist.

Better to do daily 10-15 applicationschoosing interesting and understandable topics. Customers can be asked to postpone the execution of the order if necessary, as a rule, they go towards.

Error 4. Choose expensive projects, but can not cope with the task.

The main task of working on exchanges is to generate income. Beginners often try to take the task more expensive, which have more stringent requirements for completion. Sometimes they take on projects that are poorly versed.

Can't rush, without gaining sufficient experience, it is impossible to qualitatively carry out an expensive project. As a result, you can lose the customer and earn a "minus" in the rating.

Error 5. Cannot refuse cheap disadvantageous orders

At the beginning of work on the exchange, the first orders will not be the most profitable. Having successfully dealt with them, the contractor will be offered a host of similar cheap projects.

I must say in time "no" customer and move to a higher level of payment.

12. Conclusion + video on the topic

So, freelance work at home online - This is a real opportunity to make money on the Internet without investments. The main thing is not to give up, develop and tune in to the result. The first receipts to the account from completed projects raise good faith in yourself and in your strength!

In conclusion, we recommend watching a video about freelance: who are freelancers, what they do and how they earn:

Question to the readers!

What do you think about earning money as a freelancer? Did you have any experience working part-time in this way?

If you still have questions about the topic, then ask them in the comments below. We will be grateful if you rate our article and share your ideas and ways of making money through freelance.

Watch the video: freelancing 101, understanding freelancing basics and fundamentals (October 2024).

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