Tiberias City - Religious Shrine, Resort and Health Resort

Tiberias, Israel - an ancient settlement in Israel, located on Lake Kinneret, which is so large that it is also called the sea. For local residents, Tiberias, almost on a par with Jerusalem, is revered as an important religious shrine. This picturesque place with ancient, narrow streets, old houses built of black basalt, annually receives hundreds of thousands of travelers.

Interesting fact! The city was founded in 17 AD, named after the emperor Tiberius.

General information about Tiberias

The settlement was founded by the son of King Herod. Here for a long time was the residence of the monarch. Representatives of the royal families with pleasure came to Tiberias and visited healing springs. It is noteworthy that the Jews called the city dirty, since it was built on tombs.

Interesting fact! Tiberias is the only settlement in the Roman Empire where almost all the locals were Jews.

At a time when the land of Galilee received the status of a center of Jewry, 13 synagogues were built on the territory of Tiberias, and a higher academy was transferred here from Jerusalem.

A special place was chosen for the construction of the settlement - here important caravan routes passed that connected Israel with Babylon, Egypt. Tiberias served as a defensive fortress.

In the 12th century, the situation changed - the city turned out to be abandoned and turned into an ordinary fishing village. The second phase of prosperity began in the 16th century, this was facilitated by the Spanish exile Donna Grazia, who had Jewish roots.

Today Tiberias is identified with an inexpensive and interesting vacation in Israel. On the streets of the city, ancient history is intertwined with modern buildings and structures. Tourists are attracted by comfortable conditions for a health and beach holiday.

The modern city of Tiberias is represented in several parts:

  • Old - located along the Sea of ​​Galilee;
  • Upper - located on a hill;
  • New is a prestigious area of ​​Kiryat Shmuel.

Most attractions are concentrated in Old Tiberias.

Sights of Tiberias

The main city promenade is the boulevard from Old Tiberias to the center. There are shops, cafes and restaurants, live music. Here you can buy fresh fish at the fish market.

Sea of ​​Galilee

One of the most popular attractions in Israel. Pilgrims come here, because on the shore Jesus Christ preached and performed miracles.

Good to know! There is a singing fountain on the lake.

In addition to beach relaxation on the Sea of ​​Galilee, kayaking, cycling and cruises are popular.

For the Israelis, the reservoir has not only the status of a beautiful attraction, but also a strategic object, since it is the largest source of fresh water in the country. Locals say that Israel is washed by four seas: the Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee.

In different historical epochs, the attraction was called differently: Tiberias, Gennisaret, but the most popular is the Sea of ​​Galilee. This name is mentioned in the Old Testament. Here Jesus preached, calmed the storm and walked on the water.

Interesting Facts:

  • according to one version, Kinneret comes from the word harp, since the shape of the reservoir resembles a musical instrument in some way;
  • 15 rivers flow into the reservoir, and only one flows out - the Jordan;
  • in recent years, the lake is rapidly becoming smaller, the government has imposed restrictions on the consumption of water from the reservoir to preserve the natural resource;
  • if the water level drops below a critical level, algae will grow in the water and the environmental situation will worsen;
  • Kinneret is not only a source of fresh water, but also more than two dozen fish;
  • the bottom is covered with basalt sand, which makes the water look dark;
  • there are often waves and storms on the surface;
  • the reservoir is located below sea level;
  • There are ancient thermal springs on the shore.
Yardenit - the place of baptism of Jesus Christ

Yardenit is a small backwater located south of the city of Tiberias, here the Jordan River flows from Lake Kinneret. In accordance with the gospel, here, 2 thousand years ago, Jesus was baptized. During the ceremony, the Holy Spirit descended - a white dove.

Thousands of pilgrims come here every year to plunge into the sacred waters. Many tourists note the touching atmosphere that prevails in this place.

From a tourist point of view, Yardenit is a well-equipped complex with convenient paths, changing rooms, showers. There is a store where, if necessary, you can buy clothes for baptism.

Good to know! It is impossible to repeat the baptismal rite, because the sacrament is performed once. Everyone can plunge into the waters of the river without restrictions.

Practical recommendations:

  • many tourists collect water from the river, take it with them, the necessary capacity can be bought in the store;
  • water is used for sprinkling housing, as a relic, but drinking it is not recommended;
  • Attractions are free;
  • christening clothes: hire 4 $, purchase 24 $;
  • work schedule: daily except Friday - from 8-00 to 18-00, Friday and the eve of holidays - from 8-00 to 17-00;
  • How to get there: from Jerusalem follow buses No. 961, 963 and 964.
Thermal baths Hamat Tiberias

Hamat Tiberias - a place where archaeological excavations were carried out. Today it is an Israeli national park with 17 healing springs. Water helps with various diseases, so here you can swim even on Shabbat.

Interesting fact! Initially, Hamat was a separate settlement, but in the 11th century it merged with Tiberias.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the excavations, the remains of a synagogue dating back to 286 AD were discovered. A unique find in the synagogue is a mosaic floor laid out in the 4th century, and under it a more ancient floor made of wood was found.

Mosaic is recognized as the oldest in Israel. The attraction is a three-part painting. The central one shows the zodiac circle located around the god Helios, and on the other two parts women are represented, symbolizing the seasons.

At the entrance is a museum - Hammam. The main attraction is the thermal springs located on the Sea of ​​Galilee. Baths are built on 17 healing springs, water temperature +62 degrees.

Interesting fact! Sources rise from a crack in the earth's crust 2 km deep.

Mineral water has a unique chemical composition, so bathing in springs helps with various diseases. Natural mud also has healing properties - these are volcanic sediments. Based on thermal springs and healing mud, a natural balneological resort was created in the middle of the last century, which welcomes guests all year round.


  • two pools with water from thermal springs - indoor and outdoor (pools with a jacuzzi);
  • freshwater outdoor pool;
  • two saunas;
  • in the warm season there is access to the beach on the lake;
  • manual therapy center;
  • gym;
  • cabinet of cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Practical information:

  • Address: Sderot Eliezer Kaplan;
  • entrance fee: adult ticket - 25 $, children's ticket - 13 $;
  • work schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Sunday - from 8-00 to 18-00, Tuesday and Thursday - from 8-00 to 19-00, Friday - from 8-00 to 16-00, Saturday and public holidays - from 8 -30 to 16-00;
  • cash desk stops working an hour before closing;
  • Some hotels in Tiberias offer discounts on thermal baths.
Arbel National Park

Arbel is an ancient settlement and park of national importance located on the mountain of the same name. On the slopes are the remains of an old synagogue, four villages and a fortress cave. The mountain stands at the Sea of ​​Galilee, and the peak is located at an altitude of 181 m above sea level. At the top there is a viewing platform from which the surroundings are visible.

Interesting fact! At the foot of the Arbel rock there is a place that locals call Wadi Hamam, which means - a stream of pigeons. The fact is that many birds live in caves here.

The existence of the Arbel settlement dates back to the reign of the Roman Empire. Here you can see monuments of archeology, the ruins of a synagogue dating back to 5-6 centuries, and city buildings. It is noteworthy that the houses of urban residents were right in the rocks.

In 1967, the territory of Mount Arbel was recognized as a national park with an area of ​​850 hectares. The park zone includes almost the entire Arbel creek, the source of which is near the village of Eibulan, and it falls into the Sea of ​​Galilee.

Interesting to know! Climbing Mount Arbel from the south is part of the Israeli National Route. The route on the western slope is part of the Way of Christ.

Practical information:

  • cost of visiting: adult ticket - $ 6, children - $ 2.50;
  • work schedule: in the warm season - from 8-00 to 17-00, in the winter months - from 8-00 to 16-00;
  • Infrastructure: cafes, toilets, several hiking trails.
Capernaum National Park

The attraction is an ancient settlement located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Galilee, 5 km from Tabgha. Mention of the city is found in the New Testament - in the Holy Scriptures Capernaum is mentioned as the hometown of the apostles James, Peter, John and Andrew. In the city synagogue, Christ preached and demonstrated many miracles to the inhabitants.

Today Capernaum is a National Park, an archaeological monument, several monasteries have been preserved here. The remains of the synagogue were discovered in 1838, however, official excavations began at the beginning of the 20th century.

On the territory of Capernaum, a Greek temple was discovered, decorated in the traditions of island Greece with one difference - the dome of the church is painted red instead of blue.

Capernaum is called "His city", because it was here that Jesus Christ performed many miracles, and also gathered around himself the apostles.

Visit the attraction is free. You can get from Tiberias by buses: No. 459 and No. 841. You need to move along the highway number 90, and then on the highway number 87, in the north from Tiberias.

Tabgha Church

The temple of bread and fish multiplication, here Jesus Christ fed 5 thousand people with just five pieces of bread and two fishes.

The church consists of three naves, the interior is modestly decorated. This is done specifically to emphasize the beauty of mosaic masonry dating from early Christianity. To the right of the main altar during excavations, the remains of the foundation of the first temple, built in the 4th century, were discovered.

The main decoration and attraction of the church is a mosaic dating from the 5th century. This mosaic masonry is recognized as one of the most beautiful in Israel. The mosaic is lined with flowers, birds and, of course, a religious painting - symbols of the miracle Jesus performed - a basket of bread and fish.

The courtyard of the church is also decorated with mosaics, there is an old fountain with seven taps, each made in the form of a fish.

In the temple to this day there are services.

Where to stay

Tiberias has a wide selection of hotels - from budget (bed and breakfast) to five-star hotels. You can choose accommodation in campsites or hostels - this option of accommodation is chosen by young tourists.

Good to know! In the same hotel, housing prices vary depending on the day of the week - from Friday to Sunday, the price will be higher than on days from Monday to Thursday.

It makes sense for pilgrims to choose accommodation in guest houses that are built on the territory of religious communities. Apartments - apartments that are rented by local residents are in great demand.

If you want to enjoy beautiful views of the city, choose a room in a hotel located in the Kiryat Shmuel region on the mountain. Elderly tourists choose accommodation in this area, so it is not customary to make noise and have fun here.

Booking rates for Booking:

  • double room in the hotel - from 62 $;
  • hostel - from $ 57;
  • apartments - from $ 75.
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Transport connection

There is no airport in the city, however, it is easy to get here from all the major cities in Israel. Between settlements there are regular buses of the carrier company Egged.

Moving time:

  • Tiberias-Tiberias - 2 hours 15 minutes;
  • Jerusalem-Tiberias - 2.5 hours;
  • Haifa Tiberias - 1 hour 10 minutes.

The carrier’s official website (www.egged.co.il) has a schedule and you can book a ticket.

A tourist bus runs around the Sea of ​​Galilee (travel is free). Transport takes vacationers to different beaches. The starting point is the central bus station. Schedule - from 8-00 to 22-00 every two hours. The length of the route is 60 km.
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Weather and climate

On the map of Israel, Tiberias is located in the northern district. Geographical guides indicate that the city is located in the subtropical zone of the Mediterranean type. This means that there is a hot summer without precipitation and a warm winter with a lot of rainfall. In summer, a high pressure zone is established over the territory of Tiberias, and in winter the winds blowing from the Red Sea bring downpours and storms. However, given the fact that the city is located below sea level, the Mediterranean deficiencies characteristic of the climate are absent. Temperature fluctuations remain over the city, and directly in Tivat, the difference between the summer and winter temperatures is only 2-3 degrees. In summer - +34 degrees, in winter - +31 degrees.

The area of ​​Lake Kineret is characterized by high humidity - 70% in winter and 90% in summer. A significant moisture content in the air is the reason why sunsets and nights in Tiberias are very beautiful.

Tiberias (Israel) has a mild climate and rich history spanning many centuries. A large number of attractions and opportunities for healing make the city a popular resort and one of the most visited religious places in Israel.

A short video about the trip to Tiberias and to the Sea of ​​Galilee.

Watch the video: Madison Travel Israel Trip 2018 Part 6. DEAD SEA David Hotel Resort (October 2024).

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