Koh Kood - Coconut Palm Island in Thailand

Koh Kood (Thailand) - an island with pristine exotic nature, located away from noisy tourist centers. This is the right place for a quiet, contemplative vacation. On this island you can find solitude and peace, a transparent warm sea and lush tropical vegetation, maximum relaxation and romance.

General information

Koh Kood Island (Thailand) is located in the eastern part of the Gulf of Thailand, near the border of Thailand and Cambodia. This is the fourth largest island in Thailand. Koh Kood has a low population density, no more than 2 thousand people live in six small villages. The main occupation of the island's residents is serving tourists, fishing, cultivating coconut palms and rubber trees. The national composition is dominated by Thais and Cambodians, local residents profess Buddhism.

Measuring 22x8 km², Koh Kood is surrounded by lush tropical greenery and is considered to be the most beautiful of the islands of Thailand. Its settlement began only at the beginning of the twentieth century, and as a tourist center it began to develop only recently, therefore, exotic nature in all its pristine beauty was preserved here.

Unlike other resorts in Thailand, the tourism infrastructure is only developing in Ko Kuda, there are practically no entertainments here - water parks, zoos, noisy discos and lush nightlife. Lovers of partying and fun are unlikely to like it. People come here to take a break from city noise in solitude among exotic virgin nature.

In addition to a beach holiday, you can visit beautiful waterfalls, visit a Buddhist temple, get acquainted with the life of the local population in a fishing village on stilts, and go on an excursion to rubber and coconut plantations. It is also one of the best places for diving and snorkeling in Thailand. Photos taken on the island of Ko Kund capture the most beautiful moments of your life.

Tourist infrastructure

Tourists go to Thailand on the island of Koh Kood not for the benefits of civilization, but for peace and relaxing relaxation surrounded by nature. An ideal vacation here is to settle in a bungalow with sea views, and spend time enjoying the privacy and surrounding beauty. But basic necessities of life are still required to be satisfied, and on Ko Kude there is everything necessary for this.


All equipped beaches have cafes owned by coastal hotels. The fewer they are, the higher the prices in them. Therefore, it is more profitable to eat not in the restaurant of your hotel, but to go for lunch and dinner in Klong Chao. The largest number of cafes, bars, restaurants is concentrated here, and you can easily find something that suits both price and quality. On average, a dinner for two with drinks in a coastal cafe costs $ 10-15.

Those who want to save money can eat at local taverns, which can be found in the village of Klong Chao in the stadium area. Lunch for one here will cost only $ 2-3. There are always fresh products, the menu includes soups, fried pork and chicken, fish and seafood, salads and rice, local desserts. If you don’t share the love of Thais for fiery spices, ask them to cook "but spicy."

Along the main road to Koh Kuda, which leads through the island from north to south, there are small shops and shops where you can inexpensively buy local fruits.


There is no public transport, including taxis, on Koh Kood. Tourists have the following mobility options:

  • On foot, the benefit of the distance on the island is small, and if you do not set a goal to inspect it completely, then everything you need for a comfortable stay can be found within walking distance.
  • On a rented vehicle. Bicycle rental will cost $ 6 / day, a motorcycle - $ 9, a car - from $ 36. You can rent a vehicle at a hotel or special rental points. In many hotels, the cost of renting a motorbike is included in the price.
  • Ask for a ride from one of the locals. Although they are not involved in carriage here, but sometimes you can agree.

There is only one gas station on the island near the Khlon Hin Dam pier. You can buy gasoline for refueling in special bottles in the market or in stores, but it will cost more.


Despite the fact that the tourism business on the island of Koh Kood is at the very beginning of its development, there are enough places for tourists to stay here. Many hotels of various price categories and very inexpensive guesthouses offer their services. However, in the high season at Koh Kood (Thailand) hotels are almost completely populated. When planning a trip from November to April, it is necessary to reserve hotel rooms for several months.

The cost of living in the high season is from $ 30 / day for a double bungalow near the beach with a bath, a refrigerator, but without air conditioning (with a fan). You can find at this price and air-conditioned bungalows, but at a distance from the sea (5-10 minutes walk). An air-conditioned 3-4 * bungalow on the beach will cost an average of $ 100 / night. Favorable accommodation options are in high demand, it is recommended to book them no later than six months before the holidays.

Peter Pan Resort

Peter Pan Resort Hotel is located on the central beach of Klong Chao in a quiet location by the river delta. The comfortable rooms are equipped with air conditioning, there are all amenities, a patio with beautiful views, TV, refrigerator, free Wi-Fi. The price includes a delicious breakfast. The cost of living in the high season - from $ 130 for a double bungalow.

Paradise beach

Paradise Beach Hotel is in the best location of Ao Tapao Beach. Comfortable bungalows are equipped with air conditioning, refrigerators, flat-screen TVs. There are all amenities, free Wi-Fi, breakfast. The cost of a double bungalow - from $ 100 / day.

Tinkerbell resort

Tinkerbell Resort Hotel is located in the center of Klong Chao Beach surrounded by coconut trees. The self-contained villas are equipped with air conditioning, a safe, a flat-screen TV and a refrigerator. The cost of living for two is from $ 320 / day.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form

Island beaches

Most of the coastline of Koh Kuda is suitable for swimming. Here you can find deserted wild rocky beaches, and civilized sand, with nearby hotels, cafes and bars. General features that characterize the beaches of Koh Kuda:

  • As a rule, the shore and bottom are sandy.
  • The entrances to the sea are flat and shallow everywhere, especially during the low tides.
  • Throughout the season, the water in the sea is warm, transparent and calm, without waves.
  • Sun beds are rare, no umbrellas at all. But, thanks to loose and clean sand and a large number of trees, they are not particularly needed. Hotel guests can use hotel sun loungers.
  • There are no water entertainments - jet skis, bananas and other things. You can only sit in a cafe or bar.
  • Almost every beach has a pier, but there are no lontails and speed boats annoying tourists at other resorts in Thailand.
  • They are always crowded, free admission.

Of the public beaches of Ko Kuda, the best are Bang Bao (Siam Beach), Ao Tapao and Klong Chao. It successfully combines comfortable natural conditions with proximity to civilization - large hotels, shops, cafes.

Ao Tapao

Ao Tapao Beach is one of the largest and most popular on the island of Koh Kood (Thailand), a photo of it can be seen in many brochures. Its length is about 0.5 km. On the west side it is bounded by a long pier, on the east - a rocky part, beyond which begins a wild beach.

Ao Tapao is located on the west coast of the island, so in the afternoon in the coastal zone it is easy to find the shadow of the numerous palm trees approaching close to the coast. In the evenings, you can watch beautiful sea sunsets.

The natural conditions on Ao Tapao are most comfortable - loose yellowish sand, a gentle sandy entrance to the sea. In total, there are 5 hotels in this zone, each of which has its own cafe and bar, so there is a wide selection of places for guests to eat and have a good time.

Klong Chao

Klong Chao - the central beach of Koh Kuda, it is considered to be the best on the island. It is located near the road, in the busiest area where the most popular hotels are concentrated, and the infrastructure is most developed.

Klong Chao Beach has the whitest sand, a pleasant entrance to the sea, clear water, the absence of waves, and most importantly - not as shallow as on other beaches of Koh Kuda. You can swim here even at low tide, although not close to the coast. Here are very beautiful views, on Koh Kood (Thailand) the photos are amazing.

Luxury hotels stretch along the coast, on the second line, cheaper hotels are located within walking distance from the beach. There are places to stay on any wallet. In season, it is quite crowded, especially in the evening.

Klong Chao is the longest beach of Koh Kuda, here you can walk for a long time, enjoying beautiful sea views. Along the coast are numerous bars and cafes.

Bang bao

Bang Bao Beach is also called Siam Beach, thanks to the Siam Beach Resort located here. Bang Bao is one of the most quiet and calm among the equipped beaches of the island. The length of the bathing area is about 0.4 km. In the middle of the beach is a pier, to which sometimes cargo ships moor.

Siam Beach has white sand, the sea is calm and clean, but at low tide it is too shallow. On the shore, there are many low palms that give shade throughout the day. This calm, uninhabited and clean place with beautiful nature and a warm shallow sea is an ideal vacation option for families with small children.

Weather and climate

The island of Koh Kood (Thailand) is located in a subequatorial climatic zone, the sea temperature here does not drop below + 26 ° C, so you can swim on its coast year-round.

From May to October, as in all of Thailand, the rainy season lasts and the hottest weather is observed. The thermometer column during this period can rise to + 34-36 ° С. Due to frequent rains, the air is saturated with moisture, the sky is often overcast with clouds.

In May-September, tourist life on the island freezes, hotels become empty, some even close. But hot weather is not an obstacle to beach relaxation, and it does not rain constantly, as a rule, they are fleeting in this climate. Therefore, people who tolerate heat well in the low season on Koh Kood can have a great rest, especially since prices are significantly reduced during this period.

From November to April, the heat drops, the air temperature is kept at + 28-30 ° C, precipitation becomes more rare, and the days are sunny. This season on the island of Koh Kood is considered high, tourist activity in this period is increasing, prices are rising. Hotel reservations at this time are recommended to be reserved in advance. The peak of attendance occurs in February and March, when the air temperature is most comfortable for swimming, and low tides occur mainly at night.

How to get to Koh Kood from Pattaya and Bangkok

There is no other way to the island of Koh Kood Thailand, how to get here by water - on a high-speed ferry, boat or catamaran. The ships are sailing to Koh Kood from the Laem Ngop and Laem Sok berths in the province of Trat, located on the mainland of Thailand near the border with Cambodia.

From bangkok

From Bangkok it is most convenient to get to Ko Kuda by ordering a transfer on the website 12go.asia/ru/travel/bangkok/koh-kood. The service includes a minibus to the Laem Sok pier in the province of Trat and sailing from there to the island of Koh Kood on a high-speed ferry. You can also order a shuttle service to the hotel.

At the appointed time, the minibus picks up passengers, and in 7 hours takes them to Laem Sok berth by the time the ferry leaves. A high-speed ferry leaves daily at 13.30 and arrives at Koh Kood in an hour. The cost of travel by minibus is $ 150 per car, it is more profitable to book a minibus per group. A ferry ticket will cost $ 15 per person.

From Pattaya

If you make a request: Koh Kood (Thailand), how to get from Pattaya, then you should contact any travel agency of the city or order a transfer.

At the appointed time, a taxi or minibus will pick you up and deliver to the pier in Trat by the time the boat or catamaran leaves for Koh Kood Island. The trip from Pattaya to the pier will take approximately 5 hours. About another hour will have to sail the sea.

If you ordered a transfer to the hotel, the driver will meet you at the pier and take you to the address. The cost of a taxi to the pier in Trat for four - from $ 125, minibus for 7-10 passengers - from $ 185. Traveling to Koh Kuda by boat will cost $ 15 per person. It is recommended that when ordering a transfer in Pattaya immediately buy a transfer back, it will cost less than ordering this service on the island.

Prices on the page are for September 2018.
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Useful Tips

So that the emotions of visiting a paradise island are only positive, follow the advice of tourists who have left feedback about the island of Koh Kood (Thailand).

  1. On the island, bank cards are not accepted, therefore, going to rest, take enough cash. The only ATM on the island, located in the center of the village of Klong Chao, may break at any time, or it may run out of bills. And the nearest ATMs are located on the island of Koh Chang and on the mainland of Thailand. By the way, the ATM accepts only Visa cards.
  2. Internet service on the island is still underdeveloped. WiFi is not available in all hotel rooms, but where there may be a weak signal, low speed. You can find excellent internet in the Internet cafe at the office of the island’s main travel agency.
  3. If you do not have time to book a hotel in Ko Kude - it does not matter. Even in high season, you can rent accommodation on site. When negotiating a lease with the owners, you must bargain, if you intend to live from a week or longer, you can be halved in price.
  4. Staying in an unspoilt nature, in addition to pleasures, can also cause trouble. It can’t be said that there was a lot of vileness on Ko Kuda, but it’s still necessary to take repellents along. There are sometimes snakes on the roads, but if you do not touch them, they quickly disappear, without creating any problems. And that you should not be under a coconut tree with hanging fruits, you probably guess yourself.


Koh Kood (Thailand) still retains its pristine beauty, which is rarely seen on our planet. Do not miss the opportunity to visit this paradise island, while it is not yet spoiled by the influence of civilization.

Watch the video: Monkey stripping coconut tree from coconuts Koh Kood Thailand (October 2024).

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