How does a transfer at the airport - all the nuances

Airports are often compared to intricate and complex mazes. It is only natural that passengers seek to minimize unnecessary movement by long passages. However, there are situations when it is impossible to fly to the destination by direct flight. In this case, it is important to understand in advance how to make a transplant at the airport without unnecessary nerves and as quickly as possible.

When is a transplant necessary?

  1. In cases where flights with transfers from a financial point of view are more profitable.
  2. If you are buying a low cost airline ticket, be prepared for the fact that you will not be offered a direct flight.

The transfer can be carried out within the framework of one airline, in which case you will receive one ticket. For a flight organized by companies within the alliance (partner airlines), the passenger also receives one ticket. If you plan to transfer a third-party airline at the transit airport, you will be issued two tickets at the ticket office.

Advice! On airline sites, as a rule, the optimal route is formed online. If you are looking for air tickets through search engines, carefully read the flight conditions: a booking option is possible, as with obtaining a single ticket for the entire route, as well as several tickets. In the latter case, you’ll have to "get confused."

What about baggage check-in?

Baggage does not have to be received at the transit point if you are following the planes of one airline or the planes of partner companies. This means that luggage will be registered automatically throughout the route.

If you follow the planes of different companies, when transferring, most likely, you will need to receive and re-check baggage. Be sure to calculate the time, because when transferring at the airport, luggage is received far from the inspection area.

Passenger actions at a transit airport with separate tickets on the route:

  • pass passport control;
  • get luggage;
  • go to the check-in counter, check in for a new flight (sometimes you can do it yourself online) and check in your luggage again.

Advice! If the baggage is checked-in automatically and proceeds to the destination on your own, but you want to get it at the transit point, it is enough to warn about this at check-in.

Will a transit visa be required

A transit visa allows you to stay on the territory of the state for a short time, followed by a third country. The duration of a visa is from one day to three days (sometimes up to 30 days, for example, in Thailand).

The answer to the question whether a visa is needed for a transfer at the airport depends on the country of transfer. Most major airports have an internal transit zone, where you can wait for the next flight and not leave the city. However, a number of countries require all passengers to obtain a transit visa. Let's look at two options.

1. A transit visa is needed.

If you cross the border of the country with a visa regime, you must have a visa in your passport. That is, if at the airport you have to check in for a new flight, you will cross the border and you will need a visa.

Be prepared for the fact that some countries may require a full-fledged visa instead of transit. For example, in case of a transfer in Paris, passengers must have a Schengen visa. A transit visa is also required if you need to transfer to another airport.

Advice! You can apply for a transit visa at official organizations - the embassy, ​​consulate, visa center. The document is executed by the organization of the first country on the route. To clarify any information about how the transfer takes place at the airport, please contact the airport information desk or visit the official website.

2. A transit visa is not needed:
  • If you will be transplanting without leaving the transit zone.
  • If it is necessary to leave the transit zone, but with the country of transfer, a visa-free regime is established.

How to calculate the time between planes

The most important question is how long does it take to change at the airport. The fact is that the building of each airport has a special layout and layout. In addition, an unforeseen situation may arise - the flight will be delayed. In order not to be late for the plane, it is important not only to correctly calculate the time of transfer, but also to provide time for any force majeure circumstances.

Situation No. 1 - a ticket was bought at one airline or partner companies and it lists all flights, time and destinations until the final one.

In this case, the transfer will usually require an average of 2 hours, since the airline has already calculated the comfortable time required to land at the airport and check in for the next flight. Moreover, if the first flight is delayed for some reason and passengers are late for the second plane, the airline offers an alternative flight free of charge and will deliver to the final destination.

If the tickets are purchased in one company, the transfer takes place according to a simplified scheme, that is, the passenger is registered once and immediately receives documents for all flights. Baggage should be on its own. Thus, it will take up to 1 hour for transplantation at the transit point.

Situation No. 2 - tickets purchased at various airlines.

The optimal time for transplantation is 2.5-3 hours. To do this, you will need to go through passport control and registration for the next flight. In small airports where there is only one terminal, the transfer procedure can take very little time. In large airports of large cities, only moving between terminals can take up to half an hour.

Advice! Prepare for the transfer in advance - find out information about the terminals - arrival and departure. At the airport, follow the signs - "Connecting flights", "Transit passangers".

Is it possible to go into the city between flights

Many passengers are interested in the question - is it possible to leave the airport when changing trains. This is a particularly topical issue if the route passes through a beautiful city that you want to take time to.

First of all, you need to figure out whether the visa involves free movement around the city and correctly calculate the time to safely return to the airport.

Advice! Is it possible to leave the airport during a transfer - check with your airline representative or at the airport information desk. You can walk around the city if the time between two flights is more than five hours. If you are a risky person and you have more than ten hours of free time, you can risk visiting a neighboring city.

Avoiding being late for an airplane

1. Carefully calculate the time for transplantation. The airline’s website has similar information, but it is not always true. Be sure to add at least 30 minutes if:

  • You need to receive and re-check baggage;
  • You travel in a period with a large flow of passengers;
  • difficult weather conditions for flights.

2. Plan ahead what you will do if your first flight is delayed.

  • Ask the flight attendant to take a seat closer to the exit, this will save up to a quarter of an hour.
  • In advance, 10-15 minutes before boarding, collect all your hand luggage.
  • All documents - boarding pass, passport, customs declaration - must be freely available.
  • At the airport ticket office you can try to rebook the flight, but this service is paid.

Advice! Before traveling, download an application on your phone or tablet that allows you to track flight delays at any airport.

3. Listen carefully to all announcements that sound on the plane. In some cases, the pilot warns passengers before changing the exit number to the terminals before boarding.

4. Find out the gate (exit) number through which boarding for the next flight will be announced. This information is in the boarding pass, but it is better to check it. Actual information is displayed on the scoreboard. In case of a difficult situation, feel free to contact the airport staff for help.

What to do when you are late for a flight

First of all, try to relax and treat the situation as philosophically as possible. Nothing really happened.

If a passenger is late for a flight due to the fault of the airline, it is she who is obliged to provide him with a seat on the next flight absolutely free.

If you travel by the planes of one airline, and the first flight is delayed, the second plane will not fly into the air until all passengers are on board.

It is more difficult if you buy two tickets from different airlines, none of them is responsible for the delay, regardless of whose fault the delay occurred. When choosing flights, focus on the difference of 2-3 hours.

If you are late for a flight, call the airline. The contact phone number is on the boarding pass. If the airport has a representative office, it will be easier and faster to go there. If you find yourself in a foreign country and cannot make calls, use the telephone at the information desk.

Most airlines offer several solutions to the problem.

  1. Include you in the list of passengers who are expecting the next flight. Such tourists board if there are empty seats. Naturally, there are not many chances to be on the plane.
  2. If you do not have free time, buy a ticket for the next flight at the box office. In this case, you will be given a discount.
  3. It is extremely rare for airlines to provide a hotel room if the passenger is late for the flight due to their fault.
  4. If the passenger does not have the opportunity to make a call, this can be done at the airport for free by contacting the staff.

What to do at the airport between flights

  • If there is 1 hour between flights, the only thing that will be enough time is to find a way out for the next flight and drink a cup of coffee or tea.
  • If available from 2 to 5 hours, you can drop by the shops and eat.
  • If the time between flights is more than 5 hours, you can plan a trip to the city, but be aware of what sights are located near the airport.
  • If you have more than 10 hours of free time, you can visit nearby settlements.

Practical recommendations

  1. If you are planning a transfer at the US airport, be sure to add the average arrival delay to the required transfer time. Information on this is provided on the website of the Bureau of Transport Statistics.
  2. If the flight is short, some airlines allow you to stay on the plane during a stop at a transit point.
  3. Be sure to find the airport map. As a rule, on official sites you can download a detailed map and print it. You can also find airport maps in the cabin. The best option is to have a listing of each terminal.
  4. When crossing the border, passengers fill out customs declarations. You need to do this before landing.
  5. If you incorrectly calculated how much time it takes to transfer at the airport, and you have to wait a long time, ask at the airport ticket office - is it possible to get on the list of reserved passengers for the next flight.
  6. Some airlines offer expedited transfers. In this case, the passenger has the right to be the first to leave the board and go through the search for the next flight according to the expedited procedure.
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Now you know how to make a transfer at the airport, and you can organize the flight as comfortably as possible.

Watch the video: Nuance at Toronto Pearson Airport Terminal 1 (October 2024).

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