Podgorica - the capital of Montenegro

Among tourists, it is widely believed that in the capital of the country Podgorica there are few attractions and the tourism industry is not as developed as in the coastal regions. This is partly true, but once here, you will feel the incredible atmosphere, the interweaving of ancient history, sometimes tragic, and modern architecture.

Podgorica (Montenegro) is interesting not only for a large shopping complex, be convinced of this by walking along the cozy streets of the city.

A brief excursion into historical events

During the Second World War, after the bombing, there were no cultural and architectural monuments in the city. Fortunately, German bombers failed to completely destroy the rich historical and cultural heritage.

In the 7th century, tribes of Slavs lived on the territory of modern Montenegro. The settlement was called Ribnitsa and existed until the XIV century. Around 1330, Ribnitsa was captured by representatives of the Nemanic dynasty from Serbia and renamed Podgorica. In the period from 1361 to 1421, princes from Montenegro came to power. Then the vassal of the Ottoman Empire Stefan Lazarevich came to power, he was replaced by a descendant of the Brankovich dynasty Juraj Brankovich.

In 1455, an alliance was concluded between Podgorica and Venice, two armies united in the fight against the Ottoman Empire. In 1479, the village became part of the Skadar Sanjak, founded by the Sultan from Turkey. Only in 1878 the city returned to Montenegro. In 1918, after the deposition of the royal family, a historical event occurred - the unification of Serbia and Montenegro. A new state appeared on the political map of the world - Yugoslavia, and Podgorica became the center for organizing a revolutionary uprising.

At the beginning of World War II, Montenegro was captured by the Italian army. In April 1945, Podgorica received the status of the capital.

In different years, different cultures, religions and states dominated the territory of Montenegro. Each milestone in history is reflected in the architecture and cultural heritage of Podgorica. In 1952, the city was renamed Titograd. The original name was returned 40 years later in 1992.

Podgorica - general information

The city of Podgorica is the largest settlement and business capital of Montenegro. The city of Cetina is recognized as the historical and cultural capital, but there are also many architectural monuments in Podgorica. The status of the capital is assigned to Podgorica in the national constitution.

Photos of Podgorica

The capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, occupies the central part of the state in the Zeta Plain. Nearby is Skadar Lake. The city is surrounded by rivers - Moraca and Ribnita flow through it. Ponds are a surprisingly picturesque feature of the capital.

The village is located on a plateau. The highest place of the city with a beautiful view is Goritsa Hill.

According to the latest census, a little less than 200 thousand people live in the city of Podgorica, which is 30% of all residents of the country. The area of ​​Podgorica is 10% of the total area of ​​the country.

The village is located in an area with a flat landscape, favorable, mild climate and fertile soil. You can quickly get to the Adriatic Sea.

Climate and weather

The city has a climate familiar to the Mediterranean. It has quite hot summers and warm winters. Truly summer weather sets in May. In the summer months, the temperature reaches +43 degrees. Autumn temperature conditions are kept at + 20- + 22 degrees, and in winter the level of the thermometer does not fall below +5 degrees.

Considering that the city is located in a flat area, snow rarely and in small quantities falls here, it rains most often from December to March. Regardless of the time of year, the capital of Montenegro is beautiful, beckons with its hospitality and charm.

Podgorica Airport

The airport is called the "Heart of Montenegro", has international status and is located south of the capital. This is the nodal point for the airlines of Montenegro. The airport is located near the city of Golubovichi, so in some cases it is also called. In 2007, the airport received the first award in the nomination "The best airport for up to 1 million passengers." The annual passenger traffic of the airport is an average of 400-500 thousand people.

Maximum congestion is observed between April and the end of October. At this time, the airport accepts charter flights in addition to regular ones. The buildings are built of aluminum and glass, so they seem light and airy, inside equipped with the latest equipment.

Here passengers will find the full range of services:

  • Cafe;
  • stalls;
  • the shops;
  • Rent a Car;
  • ATMs
  • post office;
  • bank.

There are comfortable hotels near the airport, designed for tourists with different income levels.

By your own transport you can get to the airport via the E 80 and E 65 highways. These are the main highways connecting almost all the cities of the Adriatic coast in Montenegro.

You can get to Podgorica yourself by bus. A regular flight departs from the airport with an interval of 20 minutes, departs from the terminal. The fare is 2.5 euros.

You can get to the city comfortably by taxi; you will have to pay an average of 15 euros.
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Sights of Podgorica

If you want to enjoy the incredible atmosphere of the capital, put on comfortable, athletic shoes and go for a walk. Since the city of Podgorica in Montenegro is better to get acquainted only slowly walking, breathing in the aroma of the streets, touching the walls of houses and admiring the picturesque scenery.

Church of St. George

So, the sights of Podgorica in Montenegro begin at the highest point of the city - on the hill of Goritsa. Here is the church of St. George. The building dates from the X-XI centuries. Incredibly powerful energy reigns on the territory of the church, the walls are decorated with ancient frescoes, and the old cemetery surrounds the building.

Photo of the Church of St. George

Partisan Memorial

Going down the hill, the tourist finds himself in a picturesque park, where the residents of the city like to walk. Here you can visit the partisan fighters memorial, the burial place of almost a hundred war heroes - partisans who fought against the German invaders.

Location: Vaka Durovica, Podgorica, Community Podgorica 81000, Montenegro.

Dukli Ruins

In the north-west direction, 3 km from Podgorica, are the ruins of the other city of Duklja. This is the oldest settlement of the Illyrian tribes that lived on the territory of modern Montenegro several thousand years ago. The Romans owned the settlement, after the fall of the empire, the Slavs settled in Dukla. In 1474, the Turks ruled the city, it was they who turned it into a fortified fortress.

Location: Rogamska bb, Podgorica, Montenegro. The entrance is free.

Depedogen Fortress

Under the hill is another Depedogen fortress. This is a large-scale fortification, located in the area of ​​Stara Varosh. For four hundred years of the Ottoman occupation, the fortress was strengthened many times, modernized. However, after the liberation, the local population literally stole a building on stones, leaving only ruins.

Ribnitsa and Moraca rivers

Walking not far from the fortress, you will find yourself in the most romantic place - on an old, stone bridge over the Ribnitsa River. This place is called Sastavtsi or Skalin, there is a cozy cafe, but you can eat in it only in the warm season, because it is located in the open air so that visitors can not interfere with the beauty of nature. In hot weather, the banks of the Morachi River turn into a clean, comfortable beach.

Be sure to stroll along the Morachi River. In 2005, the Millennium Bridge was opened, 140 meters long and 57 meters high. In 2004, a monument to Vladimir Vysotsky was erected nearby. Further along the course you can see the Moscow pedestrian bridge 105 meters long, opened in 2008.

Old city

Walking along the bridge, you will find yourself in the central part of the city. Here is the pedestrian street Hercegovachka, where you can have a hearty and tasty meal, picking up a cafe or restaurant with a kitchen to your taste. Visit Sloboda street, public transport on it is blocked every day at 17-00.

Clock Tower Sahat Kula

If you already got to Stara Varos, pay attention to the Clock Tower - this is the only thing that still recalls the period of the Ottoman Empire. Walk along the narrow, curved streets, feel the atmosphere of the East, unusual for these places.

Location of Attractions: Trg Becir Bega Osmanagica bb | Stara Varos, Podgorica, Montenegro.

City Museum

Those who want to study the history of the capital in more detail are welcomed by the museum, which contains exhibits demonstrating the life and traditions of citizens. The clothes, books, jewelry presented in the museum were found during archaeological excavations.

Attraction address: Marka Miljanova 4, Podgorica, Montenegro.

Republic Square

In the center of the capital of Montenegro, the Republic Square, in the middle of which there is a fountain, is curling. This place has been used for many years for city events.

Photo of the fountain in Republic Square.

Cathedral of the Resurrection

On George Washington Boulevard, the largest Orthodox Church of Christ's Resurrection was built. Construction work lasted ten years, and was completed only in 2013. The grandeur, architecture and interior of the cathedral make a powerful impression on visitors. Be sure to go inside and look at the wall paintings, icons, feel the pacifying atmosphere.


If you decide to visit Podgorica in the summer, be prepared for quite hot weather, you can hide from the scorching sun in shady parks. The most popular is the park of Petrović or Krusevac. Here you can visit the church of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius and the palace of King Nikola. Today, the Palace of Modern Art is located in the palace - a rather original place, there is something to see.


Choosing what to see in Podgorica yourself, be sure to leave some time for shopping. The city has two large shopping centers:

  • "Delta City" with a cinema, cafe, children's play areas and a beauty salon;
  • "Mall of Montenegro" with a grocery supermarket, gym, restaurant, cafe, children’s, games area and shops.

Night life

Most nightclubs are located on Hercegovinka Street. The most visited are Cotton, Cult and Shminka. The best-rated Shass club is located on Sloboda Street, and you can also visit Camelot and Irish Pub. Among local residents, theme parties are very popular, at which local stars often perform, Turkish motifs prevail.

There are casinos at the Podgorica Hotel and on Hercegovinka Street, where you can play electronic roulette and check your luck on slot machines.

Bonuses and surprises

  • Cinema
  • In Montenegro, foreign films are rarely duplicated, so at the cinema you can enjoy watching the picture in the original language - English. Subtitles are provided for local residents.

  • Coffee
  • This is the most revered drink in the country, so in any cafe and restaurant you can easily find your favorite type of coffee.

  • Sandwiches
  • During a walk around the city you will probably want to have a bite to eat. Be sure to try the huge sandwich with chicken and french fries. The locals have a special attitude to sandwiches, they are prepared according to a secret recipe. Believe me, it turns out very tasty.

  • The sun
  • Already in March, you can sit on a bench, feeling warm rays on the skin and a soft breeze.

  • View

Podgorica is a unique city where the urban landscape and picturesque nature are wonderfully intertwined. You will always see mountains in the distance, spots of bright greenery around and fresh streams of the Morachi River.


Sights in Podgorica are compactly located, so you can visit and see them yourself, on foot. However, the most convenient way to travel is by taxi. The city has a huge number of parking lots, so renting a car is not difficult. Taxi service in the capital of Montenegro is represented by 23 companies. All cars, and there are more than 800, are equipped with air conditioning, navigation systems. A study tour of the city will cost an average of 5 euros.

Buses run in the capital, but waiting for them is quite difficult and finding a route map is not so simple. The fare is approximately 0.8 euros, tickets are sold by the driver.

Main highways for those traveling alone:

  • Northern direction - E65 and E80 routes to Belgrade and Central Europe;
  • western direction - E762 highway to Bosnia and Western Europe;
  • the southern direction is the E65 and E80 routes to the Adriatic Sea;
  • east direction - highway E762 to Albania.

The Sozina Tunnel connects Podgorica and the main port of Montenegro Bar. The trip takes no more than half an hour.

The train station is located in the central part of the city. The main direction is the Belgrade-Bar road. There are also directions connecting Podgorica with Niksic and Tirana.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form

Concluding a trip to the city of Podgorica (Montenegro), I want to note that the capital, in which contrasts can be observed. Somewhere, it resembles a calm village, and in some places it surprises with modern architecture and glass buildings. In one city, cozy, small courtyards twined with grapes, high-rise buildings, antique shops and expensive boutiques, museums, fountains and temples framed by picturesque nature peacefully coexist.

Map of Podgorica with landmarks in Russian.

Watch the video: Podgorica Montenegro Travel VLOG My Trip to Montenegro (October 2024).

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