Characteristics of modern sofas, options for their placement

The furniture industry does not stand still, it is also subject to fashion trends, adapts to new technologies and modern living conditions. The result of its constant development and improvement is products that successfully combine high functionality and trendy stylistic solutions. Among the huge assortment of original furniture, modern sofas deserve special attention, which differ significantly from the usual models that were relevant in the second half of the 20th century. New materials, unusual designs, perfect transformation mechanisms, an abundance of additional functions, an increased level of comfort and a huge variety of stylistic solutions - this is just a small list of characteristics inherent in these products. What sofas fit the category of "modern", the article will help to understand.

Modern styles

The choice of sofa style, of course, depends on the interior, but do not discount the owner’s preferences. Someone loves elegant art deco with an abundance of decorative elements, and someone closer to the simple, clear lines of minimalism. The characteristics of these and other basic styles that fall under the category of "modern" are presented below.

TitleKey Features
Art DecoA combination of monumental contours and an unusual shape with elegant decorative elements. Furniture has an elite, respectable appearance.
ModernThe abundance of smooth, "flowing" lines, the absence of sharp corners. The presence of sophisticated decor that does not have practical functions. Such a sofa resembles furniture from a museum exposition.
High techRectangular contours, the presence of metal, glass inserts. Sophisticated design. Modern products are somewhat similar to the seats of an airplane or a car.
LoftA modern loft sofa is a large "island" that can be used to divide into spacious areas. The decor is made with industrial elements.
KitschBright colors, unusual contours, the most fashionable jewelry. The product is not suitable for all interiors. Before choosing such a sofa, it is advisable to consult with a practicing designer.
EclecticismA mixture of several directions. It can be a combination of Empire style with Baroque, loft with high-tech. The main advantage is that style directions can be combined in different ways.
MinimalismModular sofa assembled from several blocks. All components have a simple geometric shape. Decorative elements are not used.

The cost of furniture does not depend on which stylistic direction it refers to. A kitsch sofa with lots of decorative elements can be much cheaper than a minimalist model. Pricing is influenced by factors such as design, life, mechanism and quality of the upholstery, but not an artistic decision.

According to furniture experts, modern sofas are a successful interweaving of innovative technologies, current design trends and high-quality materials with furniture.

Exquisite art decoPopular Art NouveauModern hi-techStylish loftChallenging KitschExtravagant EclecticismStrict minimalism

Materials and colors

In the production of modern furniture, artificial or natural fabrics are used. Beautiful sofas made of leather or its artificial counterparts are usually purchased for offices and hotels. Products with upholstery resembling a tapestry are for apartments and private houses. Manufacturers of elite models actively use velvet in dark colors. In general, the materials can be used very different, it all depends on the pricing policy of the model and the popularity of the furniture company.

If you want to become the owner of a beautiful leather sofa that will effectively fit into the interior, professional designers recommend choosing the color of furniture depending on the color of the walls. Statistics from leading furniture stores claim that the following original and practical colors are most popular:

  • beige and its various modifications, from "sand" to the color "coffee with milk";
  • all shades of blue;
  • cherry;
  • scarlet.

Each option has its own advantages. The most practical colors for leather products are dark blue, gray, chocolate, olive. To add color to the living room in neutral colors, you should choose cherry or scarlet stylish sofas. However, for children such bright colors will not work, as they will have an exciting effect on the child. It is better to put a sofa with green or brown upholstery here.

When choosing any color, a variety of decorative elements are also important, emphasizing the style, form, characteristics of furniture, its high status. A beautiful sofa in tandem with an armchair upholstered in the same color scheme will look good. A perfect complement to such upholstered furniture will be a coffee, coffee or serving table.

Even the most beautiful sofas for the interior can look dull and unattractive if the room has poor lighting. Conversely, a product with inconspicuous grayish upholstery can look respectable in bright, good light. Therefore, choosing the color of the sofa, one should take into account the illumination of the room, its location (which side the windows face), the presence or absence of additional lighting.

In the kitchen, you can draw attention to the sofa or "corner" using LED lamps mounted on the ceiling or walls.

Popular transformation mechanisms

In modern furniture stores you can buy beautiful sofas with various options for transformation mechanisms. The main selection criterion is safety. Simplicity of operation and a long service life are also important.

The most popular modern transformation mechanisms are:

  1. Model sofa "book". It helps to save space, as there is a capacious box for bedding or seasonal items at the bottom. If upholstered furniture is in the nursery, the lower compartment can be used for toys. The main advantage is a huge assortment, both large and small sofas are offered, they have an affordable price, and the mechanism works very simply. However, physical transformation is required to transform the furniture.
  2. Euromodification of the good old "book": the seat rolls out on casters, the back rests smoothly. This option is good for narrow rooms, because you do not have to move furniture to assemble (disassemble). But not all models have wheels. If they are not, parquet or linoleum will quickly become scratched.
  3. Pantograph: to expand it, you need to pull the seat up, while lowering the back to the limit. The main plus is the absence of scratches on the floor. But for folding it is necessary to have strong hands, a child or a woman can not cope.
  4. Eurosof - the basis of the product is a metal frame, so when you transform the sofa does not have to be moved. The main advantages are reliability, strength and durability. A significant minus is only one - high cost, these are the most “cool” products. Sofas with such a mechanism are elite.

The best priced option is the classic "books". They are inexpensive, all other modifications are more expensive. For corners in the kitchen and in the nursery, the dolphin mechanism is usually used. To create a sleeping place, it is necessary to carefully pull out the bottom of the frame and raise it. The mechanism got its name due to the fact that transformer sofas are laid out swiftly, just as a dolphin deftly jumps out of the water.

When transforming a sofa with any mechanism, you need to ensure that there are no pets nearby. It should be remembered about the safety of children: a child who is nearby can accidentally get injured.

Model "book"EuromodificationSimple and reliable pantographEurosof in the interiorThe transformation scheme of the Eurosof

Selection tips

Choosing an unusual sofa for your home or office is not easy. There are a large number of talented fakes on the market that mimic expensive luxury furniture brands. In order for the furniture to last for a long time, it is necessary:

  1. Decide what it will be used for. The sofa, which serves for sleeping, has more requirements than a sofa designed to watch TV.
  2. Correlate the dimensions of the selected product with the dimensions of the living room, children's room or kitchen.
  3. Pay attention to the quality of the upholstery - any roughness or rough seams should immediately alert.
  4. Check if the transformation mechanism is in order. Its details must be stained with quality and made of new, modern materials. Reliable and durable fastening of all elements is of great importance.

Sometimes a sofa is placed in the center of the room (for example, in large rooms). In this case, you should definitely check the quality of the upholstery in the back of the product, since with a central location, any defects will be clearly visible. You should not opt ​​for a product whose manufacturer gives a warranty period of less than one and a half years.

How to position

Unlike the last century, modern interior styles do not have a strict attachment to any canons and traditions. The most popular arrangement of a sofa in a rectangular room is along one of the long walls. In a large spacious room you can put furniture in the center - this is the so-called "sofa island", which simultaneously performs the zoning function. For a narrow small kitchen or room, the option of angular arrangement is suitable, but instead of the classic "book" it is better to choose a compact "corner".

In a large living room or in the hotel lobby, you can create a single composition from a sofa and armchairs or poufs made in the same color scheme, placing them around a common center, for example, a dining table.

The main criterion that should be followed when arranging furniture is convenience. Therefore, for each individual layout, a different option is suitable. Do not blindly copy design projects from the Internet and magazines if they clearly do not fit into a specific interior. The main requirement for a sofa is that it does not clutter up the space and does not interfere with free movement in the room. If it is difficult to correlate the size of the room with the dimensions of the product, it is recommended to invite a professional measurer.

Modern sofas are not only furniture designed for relaxation. They can act as a sleeping bed, and a place for children's games. If you have a special niche for storing things, the product will help to save space in a small room. The main thing is to choose the right model, depending on the specific interior.

Complete with armchairAngularZoning spaceStraight against the wallIsland location



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