Features forged garden furniture, a review of models

One of those elements of landscape design that never go out of fashion is wrought iron garden furniture, namely benches, tables and gazebos on a metal frame that look perfect against the greenery of a summer cottage. They also indicate the impeccable taste of the owner of the site, are an indicator of status. This functional, durable and beautiful furniture at all times occupies an important place in the design of gardens. What are the features of forged furniture for a summer residence and how to choose a product for your site is described below.

Advantages and disadvantages

When installing furniture outdoors, the main problem is its protection against weather conditions. Ordinary wooden models instantly lose their appearance under the influence of moisture, wind and the sun. They can not be left in the garden for the whole winter, otherwise with the beginning of the summer season from their original appearance there will be no trace.

Forged garden furniture can be a great alternative to traditional wooden models of benches and tables. Its durable frame will withstand any load, it will remain strong even under the influence of cold and wind. Forged products are not subject to mechanical damage, and their "weak point" can only be designated as corrosion, from which no metal objects are insured.

The advantages of forged furniture include:

  • high frame strength, resistance to any weather conditions;
  • excellent appearance;
  • the opportunity to purchase a unique handmade product with an original design.

Cons also available:

  • high price;
  • high weight of products.

An important advantage of steel furniture is its aesthetic characteristics - openwork metal structures look elegant and expensive. Such products have a wide variety of designs, you can choose models with exquisite or concise design.

The disadvantages of metal furniture include its large dimensions. Regularly changing the location of the dining table in the mood will be quite difficult. Therefore, before buying forged models, you should think in advance in which place of the garden they will be installed. The photo in the gallery presents successful examples of the location of forged products in the garden.

The disadvantage of forged furniture is also the high cost compared to analogues from other materials. It is difficult to make it yourself, without the skills of blacksmithing. However, the durability and attractive appearance of metal furniture fully compensate for the cost of its acquisition.


Forged products in the country can be present in the form of a variety of landscape elements. The most popular of them are garden benches, tables and chairs, without which it is impossible to imagine a summer vacation. Recently, large-scale metal structures - various arbors, fences and fences - have been in great demand. Although these elements cannot be attributed to furniture, the same engineering solutions are used in their manufacture.

We list the features of the most popular forged products for the garden:

  • the bench consists of a metal frame to which the seat is attached from another material (usually wood). There are models of garden benches with backs and armrests for the most comfortable stay. If necessary, the seat can be changed, and in the colder months it can be covered with a film. Benches are often installed complete with a table, which saves the space of the dining area;
  • a metal dining table maintains stability and resists mechanical damage, which distinguishes it from wooden counterparts. The countertop can be made of wood, plastic, glass or stone. A forged table can be installed as a workplace for cooking on the grill, where surface protection from heating is required;
  • wrought iron chairs can be purchased both complete with a dining table, and separately for installation in the garden. The seat and backrest can be made of wood or plastic. The design of the product varies depending on the presence of the armrests and backrest of the chair. Forged models in the form of deck chairs are also popular today, which will help organize an additional resting place on a suburban area;
  • swing - forged products are perfect for families with children. Most often, a frame is made of metal in them, and a tree is used for seating;
  • barbecue - this constant attribute of any holiday will be the decoration of any personal plot. This design is convenient to use, as well as reliable and durable;
  • rocking chair - a great model for outdoor recreation. This design is practical and not afraid of the effects of various kinds of precipitation. In addition, such models are able to withstand heavy loads, unlike products from vines.

It is worth noting that not only furniture frames, but also details for a country house, paths, flower beds can be made by artistic forging. Metal benches will be especially advantageous to look near the building with similar design elements.

ChairTableBBQSwingRocking chairBench

Which materials are better

Forged furniture for a summer residence is made by art forging of metal rods and their subsequent welding. The rods are made of iron and its alloys, characterized by high ductility. These include mainly carbon steels.

Art forging is the most traditional way of metal processing. This method makes products from the following materials:

  • iron;
  • steel;
  • brass;
  • bronze;
  • copper;
  • cast iron;
  • stainless steel.

In the manufacture of metal furniture, the hot forging method is used. Before processing, the metal is heated in a special furnace - a furnace. Forging of rods is carried out on anvils. The hammer blows the heated workpiece into the desired shape. Blacksmiths in our understanding are objects that are made by processing iron. This material is not amenable to cold forging, therefore, to obtain the desired form of furniture, it must be heated to 10000C. Such processing positively affects the quality of iron, makes this material highly durable, improves its aesthetic characteristics.

Low carbon steel lends itself well to forging. Soft varieties containing up to 0.13% of this substance in the composition are most suitable for artistic processing. With an increased carbon content in steel, stiffness, hardness increases, the tendency to hardening increases, which not only complicates the forging, but also prevents further welding of the furniture parts together. Thus, iron products are highly durable, but this material limits design decisions, since it is quite difficult to process.

If you plan to install openwork, refined metal furniture on the site, you should pay attention to steel alloys with a low carbon content.

Selection rules

Choosing the right model of forged furniture is very simple - just take into account just a few parameters that will characterize it. The main criteria for choosing forged furniture are closely related. When buying, pay special attention to the following parameters:

  • functionality;
  • dimensions;
  • design.

Outdoor furniture should be convenient for use at any time - when relaxing or working. Do not get too carried away with the installation of decorative benches, flower stands, deck chairs. All objects in the summer cottage should be functional and ergonomic. Much depends on their location in the garden.

Benches and tables should not stand on passage sections, block access to communications and interfere with the review.

The most important factor when buying garden furniture is its size. With the apparent openwork and lightness, all forged designs are heavy and take up a lot of space. Due to this, their strength and stability are ensured. In other parameters, when choosing garden metal furniture, it is worth starting from considerations of convenience. For example, a dining table should be of such a size that all residents of a country house can fit behind it.

Furniture design is also worth considering in the process of its purchase. In this regard, the main thing is not to overdo it with jewelry. Modern craftsmen can give metal a wide variety of forms and are ready to demonstrate it on their products. However, do not forget about the functionality of furniture. For a dining table and benches, simple and clear forms of construction are quite suitable. Other details (backs of chairs, decorative protections) can be decorated with art forging for every taste.



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