Signs and fortune-telling for the old New Year

There is not a single person who would not want to know what will happen tomorrow, in a month, in a year ... All people strive to become masters of their destiny, and for this it is necessary to have knowledge about the future. Knowing everything about future troubles and trials, you can arm yourself in advance and meet the blows of fate fully armed. Unfortunately, it was not given to know what would happen, so people from ancient times found ways of divining or deciphering various signs and signs given by fate or the Higher Powers.

The best time for fortune telling in 2019 is the period from Christmas to Epiphany, the so-called Christmas time. No wonder there is a huge amount of old New Year's fortune telling and signs associated with the predictions of the future.

The list of the most truthful will take for the old New Year

A holiday similar to the old New Year exists only with us. In pre-Petrine times, and before the transition to a new style of chronology, St. Basil's Day was celebrated on this day, so there are many signs and fortunetelling associated with this particular holiday.

  • If a person feels unwell that day or accidentally gets injured, the next year should be seriously feared for health.
  • On this day, you can’t count the trifle neither in your pockets nor in your wallets - this portends a constant lack of money next year.
  • Children born on this day must be christened and fumigated by evil spirits and undead.
  • In order for the year to be successful, after 12, a man must first enter the house, and only with dark hair.
  • A few minutes before midnight, the hostess must go around the house with a lighted candle in order to cleanse it of all filth.
  • Exactly at midnight, the owner must knock on the threshold three times with an ax butt with the words: "Health, money, bread."
  • On this day, you can’t take out the house and throw out the trash - it is believed that you take out luck with it.
  • You can’t borrow anything, otherwise you will live all year with debts.
  • If snow fell in the morning, then winter will be snowy, and spring will be early.
  • If there is a thaw and ice on this day, the harvest will be rich and the offspring of livestock is good.
  • If you hold a matchmaking or conspiracy on this day, the young people will have a happy and harmonious life.
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Fortune telling for the old New Year

Previously, in the old New Year, it was necessary to enlist the support of the Higher forces and to fortune on a new crop. For this, the hostess gave the youngest children in the family grain and ordered them to scatter around the house. It was necessary to observe how the grain lay down: one by one or in heaps, it covers the entire floor or there are bald spots. Then the grain was carefully collected and stored until sowing, and then mixed with seeds and sown fields.

To find out what this year promises the family, they brewed blessed porridge. Late in the evening, the oldest woman in the family followed the groats to the barn, and the oldest man went to the well for water. After that, the whole family sorted through the cereals, while maintaining complete silence, and put the cast iron in the furnace. At this moment, everyone had to get up from the table and bow to the porridge in his belt with the words:

"Blessed porridge, blessed porridge, tell me what awaits us next year."

If the finished porridge ran out of cast iron or burned, and the cast iron cracked, then such signs promised the family troubles and various misfortunes. This porridge was thrown into the flowing water so that it would take away all the troubles with it. And if the porridge turned out to be ruddy and crumbly, then a good year should be expected, successful in everything. Porridge was left on the table, and in the morning the whole family ate straight from cast iron.

In the southern regions of Russia and in Ukraine, the custom of generosity is widespread. Young boys and girls dressed up in strange and unusual costumes walked around the village with generous songs, congratulating the holiday and begging for refreshments. It is believed that the more and more varied you serve the mummers, the more successful the new year will be.

If you leave the table during a gala dinner and look at the brightly lit windows of neighboring houses, you can predict the future of your relatives. If people sitting at the table are clearly visible, then the whole family will be together all year, if someone is not visible, only conversations are heard, it can be concluded that someone will not be around for some time.

Christmas time is the right time for divination by grooms. The easiest and easiest fortune-telling at home - on a string. Unmarried girls pick up threads of the same length and simultaneously set them on fire. That girl whose thread burns faster than anyone, is the fastest and will marry. If the thread accidentally goes out, then this is a bad sign: it will take a long time to wait for the groom.

A simple way of fortune telling on nutshells. Put two shells in a large bowl of water and observe: if the shells converge, soon there will be a wedding, if they will swim separately, the girl will not wait for the desired proposal, and if one of the shells drowns, it will take a long time to wait for marriage.

Useful Tips

In the morning of January 13, 2019, clean the house, burn all the garbage, remove the dirty clothes and always put on clean, and if possible, new. With this simple action, you leave all illnesses, misfortunes, failures last year, and with you take only luck and luck.

Do not forget to treat the brownie that day. Put a cup of milk and a plate of cookies or rolls in a nook of the house and say:

"Uncle brownie, here's a treat for you, give me forgiveness if I offended you in anything. Let's live in peace and harmony."

The grain that was sprinkled on the floor by caroling and generous young men and women must not be thrown out. It must be carefully swept and hidden in a secluded place. If you feed this grain of chickens in the spring, they will rush well and raise many healthy chickens.

To fruit trees gave a good harvest, you need to remove snow from them after sunset.

In order to have a rich harvest in the garden, on a festive evening you can spend a rake through the snow with the words:

"I do not row snow - I rake, I bless the holy land. Sleep, rest, and in spring do not forget that work awaits you until the seventh sweat. May my harvest be rich, may the earth be generous to me."

A fun and mysterious holiday - the old New Year or Vasiliev evening. It is a pity that recently they began to forget about him. Although in rural areas it is celebrated with the same splendor.

A special sign of the holiday is considered to be a richly laid table. Mandatory attribute of the festive table is kutia: porridge made of wheat with honey and dried fruits, as well as pork dishes. An especially good omen is a completely fried milk pig - a symbol of prosperity and fertility. Our ancestors believed that if you eat plenty of pork meat that day, then you will be full and healthy all year, children will appear in the family, and the offspring will always please the owners.

By the way, sweet kuti was cooked mainly in the southern regions, and in other places it was cooked with meat and richly seasoned with fried bacon.

In addition, the housewives cooked dumplings with predictions. They put different fillings: a coin, salt or sugar, a coal, a ring, a piece of pickled cucumber. According to the filling, they determined who and what promises the new year.

Coin - for money, bread - for wealth, ring - for marriage, bean or pea - to the heir, coal - to trouble, bay leaf - to honor.

Watch the video: Interactive Tarot Dice Reading All Signs (October 2024).

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