What you need to take with you to the hospital

For today's article, I chose an interesting and useful topic. In it, I will tell you what you need to take with you to the hospital and give a list of things for mom and baby. Surely, this issue is faced by women who are to become a mother.

Time flies, you can’t argue with that. Until recently, a young family was just planning a pregnancy, and now they are going to the hospital. Prepared for childbirth in advance without fuss and excitement. Preliminary preparation will help to take into account all the little things and not to forget anything.

Action plan

  • Make a list of necessary things. I recommend collecting things in the hospital yourself, so as not to forget anything. Relatives will also cope with this task, but then you won’t know where what lies.
  • Take care of the documents.
  • Put only the necessary things in packages.
  • From food, take water without gas, honey or chocolate. Water will quench thirst, honey or chocolate is an ideal way to satisfy hunger.
  • Maternity hospitals are warm at any time of the year and you should not take a full package of winter clothes. She’s only useful to mom for discharge.

The information provided is general guidance. Below you will find a detailed list of things and items that you need to take to the hospital.

List of things in the hospital for mom and baby

There is no discussion that preparing for childbirth should be done well in advance. Otherwise, difficulties may suddenly arise. I will give a list of things in the hospital for mom and baby.

Documents at the hospital

  1. Passport.
  2. Medical policy.
  3. Exchange card.
  4. Birth contract (if concluded).
  5. Generic certificate.

The listed documents must be carefully folded into a file and put in a purse. Keep with you, especially if you plan to go somewhere. Childbirth is an unpredictable thing.

What to take in childbirth?

After the start of fights and admission to the hospital, girls are allowed to carry a few things with them. The pregnant girl should give out everything necessary for the maternity hospital, with the exception of slippers, but there are exceptions. It depends on the hospital, and the rules and conditions adopted therein. Ideally, you should agree on a list in advance and clarify what things to take with you.

  • Washable slippers.
  • Hygiene products, comb, shampoo, toothpaste, baby soap.
  • Some maternity hospitals allow you to bring a mobile phone or player to listen to your favorite music during childbirth, which can remove the moral burden from a future mother.
  • Camera or camcorder. It is better to give the partner to the birth, which is the husband.

What will be needed after childbirth?

Pharmacies sell ready-made sets of things for mom in the hospital, but I recommend to assemble such a set yourself. It is forbidden to bring bags into the hospital, so you will have to shift things from the purchased kit into a bag. What can mom need?

  1. Nightdress, towel, bathrobe. In some maternity hospitals, such things are not allowed to be used, but you can use what is issued.
  2. Gaskets, soft toilet paper. During the first days after birth, the doctor may prohibit the use of pads, as he will monitor the postpartum secretions. In the future, they will definitely be needed.
  3. Plate, mug, spoon. If you don’t drink tap water, grab a couple of bottles of mineral water.
  4. Three pairs of cotton underpants, a pair of nursing bras and a pack of disposable inlays.
  5. Cream for the treatment of nipple cracks, packaging of glycerin suppositories, vitamins, hygienic lipstick and face cream. A breast pump will help avoid mastitis.
  6. A diary with a pencil, a charger for a mobile phone, a favorite book and a small amount of money. This will make the pastime more comfortable.

Things for the baby

  • Two to four sets of clothes.
  • Two flannel and two cotton diapers.
  • Scratches
  • Four pairs of sliders and socks.
  • Two to three vests.
  • A couple of bonnets.
  • Overalls.
  • 20 diapers.
  • Scissors for newborns.
  • Cotton buds for cleaning the nose and lubricating the umbilical wound.
  • Warm blanket.

If you prepare and pack the above things in advance, there will be no difficulties during your stay in the hospital. If you forget something, do not panic, your husband or loved one will bring it at any time.

What things do mom and baby need to check out?

After childbirth and several days in the hospital, doctors prescribe a new mother with the baby.

In order for her mother to leave the maternity hospital with pride and honor, she will need a certain set of things that her husband or relatives will pick up before discharge.

  1. Hair dryer, shampoo, comb. Without these items, it is impossible to look perfect. They will definitely be needed, especially if you stayed in the hospital for several weeks.
  2. Cosmetics. On the day of discharge, every mom wants to look irresistible, because she has to pose in front of the cameras. I do not recommend using perfumes, since they can cause an allergic reaction in a baby.
  3. clothing. Clothing items to choose a size larger than those that you wore before pregnancy. For the summer, a soaring dress with a high waist is suitable. If it’s cool outside, you can wear a sweater and a skirt. And no pantsuits.

For the baby, discharge is the first acquaintance with the world around him, so he should feel as comfortable as possible.

  • Diapers It will take a couple of knitted diapers in which you can wrap the baby. A corner will not hurt - a festive diaper, equipped with ribbons.
  • Overalls. The overalls are easily unfastened, which simplifies the diaper change, and before that, the sliders and vests were taken for discharge.
  • Cap or hat. The headgear should cover the ears. Otherwise, the first appearance in the fresh air may not please the baby.
  • Warm blanket in the winter. The blanket should completely cover the child, but not interfere with movements.
  • Knitted hat in the fall. Wear a hat over a cotton bonnet. It is better to refuse fur, otherwise irritation may appear on the baby’s delicate skin. The writing set should be warm and soft.
  • Knitted suit and knitted overalls in the spring. A flannel diaper will not hurt.
  • Sliders and bonnet in summer.

I hope, with the help of the story, you will make a detailed list of things for mom and baby in the hospital. Happy delivery, good health to you and the baby!

Watch the video: What to Take for an Overnight Stay in Hospital. Nuffield Health (October 2024).

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