Helping your favorite plant: why does aloe turn yellow and what to do about it?

Aloe (the second name is agave) for many years occupies a leading position among the favorites of gardeners. And this is no accident. After all, such a plant is considered universal: it performs both an aesthetic function and a healing one.

In addition, aloe is not particularly whimsical in care. This is another reason why in almost every house you can find a perennial.

This article will describe the causes of yellowing of parts of aloe, as well as ways to combat this problem.

Why does yellow color appear on the tips of the leaves?

There may be several reasons why the ends of the sheet plates are painted yellow. The most common ones are:

  • incorrect light mode;
  • excessive soil moisture;
  • rotting of the root system;
  • unsuitable soil mix;
  • diseases and pests.

How to treat at home?

  1. Lighting. Aloe loves light, but everything is good in moderation. The room in which the pot with the plant is located should be well lit, however this light should not be direct - make sure that the rays of light are scattered. But do not overdo it with protecting the flower from light, because due to a lack of light, the ends of the leaves may also turn yellow.
  2. Choose proper watering mode. In this case, it is also good to withstand the measure. The substrate should not be dry. To properly water aloe, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Once again, it is possible to moisten the soil only when the soil dries out and remains in this state for at least a day;
    • if you spray the air around the plants, you need to reduce the abundance and frequency of watering.
  3. The choice of soil mixtures. The earth in the flowerpot should be almost constantly moistened. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is loosened. When choosing soil in the store you need to pay attention to its acidity.
  4. Diseases and Pests. Usually, the attack of a spider mite leads to yellowing of the ends of the leaf plates. It is easy to notice due to the formed web on the surface of the plant. However, such obvious signs will appear only when the flower begins to die. Therefore, to prevent the development of parasites on aloe, it is necessary to regularly carefully examine and carry out hygiene procedures: wipe the leaves from dust and wash the entire plant in the shower. It is necessary to fight with a spider mite with the help of acaricidal drugs.

Video about combating yellowed aloe leaves:

Yellow spots all over the sheet

Pigmentation on leaf blades in aloe is observed for a number of reasons:

  • Lack of moisture in the soil - most likely you moisten the soil too rarely or the room is too hot, due to which the substrate dries quickly.

    Important! It is dry land that is considered the ideal habitat for various pests.

  • The development of fungal infections. Often in such cases, the leaf sections not only turn yellow, but also become soft and lifeless. To rid the plant of the fungus, you need to treat aloe with a soap solution. If this manipulation does not help, then you should turn to antifungal drugs.
  • The plant may become covered with yellow spots even due to the fact that it is rarely wiped from dust. You need to do this with an ordinary cloth moistened with clean water, and once a month you can wipe the surface of the flower with a swab moistened with an alcohol solution. This will be an excellent prevention of the development of various diseases.

You can learn more about the causes of problems with aloe leaves, as well as ways to solve them, in this article, and here we talked about why the plant dries and how to save it.

Yellowness at the base

There is only one explanation for such a negative process - the soil is too waterlogged. Very often, due to constant waterlogging of the soil, rhizomes begin to rot. This leads to the appearance of root rot. This disease gradually rises from the roots to the base of the plant and, if you do not overcome the disease of aloe in time, it can die completely.

How to fix the situation?

  1. You need to remove the flower from the flowerpot, clean the roots from the ground and remove all rotted areas.
  2. On the stem, it is also necessary to cut off all the damaged parts before a healthy layer appears.
  3. After, all cut off parts need to be washed, dried and sprinkled with crushed coal.
  4. Allow the flower to infuse for several hours and only after that aloe is planted in a pot.

Capacity for the flower should be small. At first, watering is rarely necessary and only through the pallet until the perennial adapts.

More information on what to do if the medicinal aloe in the pot rots, fades and disappears, you will find here.

How to care for the plant so that there is no problem?

  1. Choosing a place and lighting. You can pick up any window sill, but make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the aloe. In the winter season, it will not be amiss to provide the flower with additional light.
  2. Priming. It must be nutritious, loose and have good air permeability.
  3. Top dressing. It is better to fertilize the soil only when aloe is in a period of active growth. In winter, it is recommended to rest from mineral fertilizers and not to feed the flower at all.
  4. Soil moisture. In the summer, you need to water as often as possible, but do not overdo it. In winter, you need to rest the plant and rarely water it.

    reference. It is often necessary to spray the air around the flower, but make sure that the water does not remain directly on the surface of the leaf plates. In winter, spraying is generally stopped.

  5. Pest and disease protection. Every week, you need to inspect aloe for the detection of parasites and ailments. More often wipe the leaves, ventilate the room in which the flower is located, but so that drafts do not form.

Watch the video about plant care:


Caring for a perennial does not require much effort, but still without your help, it is unlikely to fully develop. Therefore, you need to allocate at least 30 minutes every week in order to ensure full growth and development of the plant. Only under such a condition can you enjoy the magnificent growth of aloe and use its medicinal properties.

Watch the video: Aloe vera plant leaves turning brown (October 2024).

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