Haifa - Russian-speaking city in Israel

Haifa, Israel - one of the most calm and beautiful cities in the country. People come here to enjoy the unique color of the eastern city and relax on the Mediterranean Sea.

General information

Haifa is the third largest city in Israel, located in the northern part of the country on the slopes of Mount Carmel. It covers an area of ​​63 square meters. km., the population is 280 thousand people. In Hebrew, the name of the city translates as “Beautiful Coast”.

Haifa is the largest transport hub on the map of Israel. Here is the largest port in the country, and it is the only city in Israel where the metro operates.

As for educational institutions, Haifa has two of the country's most prestigious universities - Haifa University and Technion.

The city stands on the sacred mountain of Carmel for Jews and Christians. We can say that Haifa is a place of contrasts. In some areas, historical buildings (19-20 century) have been completely preserved, in others repatriates from the USSR live, and the appearance of these areas resembles Soviet cities. The new part of Haifa is skyscrapers and modern sports complexes.


In our list you will find photos and descriptions of the best attractions of Haifa.

Bahai Gardens

The Bahai Gardens in Haifa is one of the seven wonders of the world created by the followers of the Bahai religious movement. On the slopes of Mount Carmel lies a picturesque park with tall palm trees, manicured flower beds and one of the main architectural attractions of Haifa - the tomb of Baba. More information about the gardens can be found here.

The German Colony District

Moshava Germanit or simply the “German Colony” is one of the areas in Haifa built by the Protestant sect of the Templars in the 19th century.

The popularity of this area among tourists is simply explained: the buildings were built in an unusual architectural style for Israel. The houses have high stone walls, tiled roofs and very deep cellars in which food was previously stored. However, the uniqueness of local buildings lies not only in their unusual form.

Before the construction of this area, the templars carefully studied the local soil, wind speed, climate and other features. This information helped them build houses in which it is not hot in summer and not cold in winter. For example, tiles were not laid on roofs for a reason: they were specially designed in such a way that the roof was purged in summer and there was pleasant coolness in the rooms on the top floor.

The main attractions of the German Colony area include:

  1. Temper houses. Do not forget to visit the first house based in the area (located at 6 Emek Refaim Street). Walking around the quarter, pay attention to the details. For example, sayings from the Bible and excerpts from psalms are carved in many houses.
  2. Museum of the History of Haifa. It is located in one of the stone houses of the German Colony area. In the museum you can not only learn interesting historical facts from the history of Haifa, but also visit an exhibition of works by contemporary artists and sculptors.
  3. Italian hospital. The hospital is located in one of the historic buildings of the city and is still operating. You won’t be able to go inside, but it will be interesting to simply approach the building (it is important to study its history in advance).

If you do not know where to start, visit the tourist information center, where you can take a map and a booklet with photos and descriptions of Haifa's attractions in Israel.

Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Mount Carmel

Stella Maris - Barefoot Carmelite Monastery, built on Mount Carmel in the 19th century. The complex has the shape of a Latin cross, and inside the building you can see unusual stained glass windows, painted walls, crystal plafonds and the figure of the Virgin Mary.

However, the most interesting is hidden underground. If you go down the stone steps, you can get into the cave, where, according to legend, the Madonna and child rested. Here is an ancient wooden altar. Pay attention to the old organ, which is still in working condition.

Also on the territory of the monastery is the Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a small building, in the center of which stands a wooden figure of the Virgin Mary and there is a cave in which the prophet Ilya liked to spend time.

In addition to the above attractions, there is another cave on the mountain, however, it is no longer part of the monastery, and only Jews go here.

If you are not a believer, or profess a different religion, it is still worth entering the area of ​​interest in order to:

  1. Visit the observation platform, where you can take several panoramic photos of Haifa in Israel.
  2. Go to the lighthouse. From the monastery complex is a picturesque path to the sea.
  3. Go down the cable car. If you do not want to go to the sea, but want to get to the Old Town, go to the cable car - in a few minutes the cable car will take you to the foot of Mount Carmel.
  4. Visit an Arabian restaurant or a small coffee shop in the monastery.

Practical information:

  • Location: Stella Maris Road, Haifa.
  • Opening hours: 9.00 -19.00.
National Museum of Science, Technology and Space

The National Museum of Science, Technology and Space is perhaps the most visited, most modern and most interesting museum in the city. The exposition presents hundreds of objects, each of which demonstrates a process. For example, the operation of the lens, speed, various chemical reactions.

The motto of the museum is: "Science that can be touched."

This Haifa landmark in Israel is located in four buildings:

  • the main part is a permanent exhibition (updated 2 times a year);
  • the second building - temporary exhibitions that are brought from foreign countries;
  • third building - premises for master classes; more than 300 educational programs take place in the museum per year, and 3 laboratories that have been created here travel to different Israeli cities;
  • the fourth is a cinema hall.

In the main attraction building, be sure to visit:

  • mirror room;
  • hall of holograms;
  • trick room;
  • room of illusions;
  • exposure to alternative energy sources;
  • exhibition dedicated to the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci;
  • gallery of paintings “Women in Science”.

Annually the attraction is visited by more than 200 thousand people. It is important that people with disabilities can enter the museum.

  • Location: st. Shmeriyahu Levin 25, Haifa.
  • Opening hours: 10.00 - 16.00 (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday), 10.00 - 19.30 (Tuesday), 10.00 - 14.00 (Friday), 10.00 - 18.00 (Saturday).
  • Cost: $ 25 - adults; 19 - children; 12 - students, schoolchildren, soldiers; 7 dollars - pensioners.
Louis Promenade

The Louis Promenade is one of the most beautiful and romantic places in Haifa. This is a landmark whose length is only 400 meters.

Despite the small area, this part of the city is one of the most popular among tourists due to the fact that:

  1. Here you can listen to street musicians.
  2. Buy souvenirs and photos with photos of Haifa in souvenir shops.
  3. It is possible to see the most beautiful places (Bahai Gardens, port, zoo) from different observation points and take a photo of the city of Haifa in Israel.
  4. Relax on one of the comfortable benches and enjoy the smell of flowers, of which there are a lot in Haifa.

Interestingly, the attraction is named after an African boy who came to Haifa to rest, but died in a car accident. Heartbroken parents decided to finance the construction of the boardwalk, and name it in memory of their son.

Location of Attractions: Louis Promenade, Haifa.

Yefe Nof Street

From Hebrew Yefe Nof translates as “beautiful view”. And indeed, walking along this street, you can see almost all the most beautiful sights of Haifa. For example, from here you can get to the Bahai Gardens. Theatrical performances are also regularly held here.

In recent years, a tradition has arisen to hold the festival “Celebration of Holidays” on Yefe Nof Street: high spruce and big Hanukkah are set up here, dozens of shops with souvenirs and national treats are put up.

Location: Yefe Nof, Haifa.
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Since Haifa stands on the seashore, not only those who want to study the history of this ancient place, but also lovers of beach holidays come to the city. Fortunately, there are really a lot of good places for those who want to swim and sunbathe. The sea in Haifa (Israel) is clean, and garbage is regularly collected on the beaches.

Dado Beach

Dado Beach is the most popular beach in Haifa. There are always a lot of people here, so this place is not suitable for a calm and measured rest. However, many consider Dado the best in the region due to the fact that here:

  • There are several good cafes and restaurants;
  • large parking;
  • there are toilets and showers;
  • very long promenade;
  • on the shore there is a children's pool with sea water;
  • artists periodically perform.

The beach itself is sandy, sometimes there is a small shell rock. Sunset at sea gentle, no stones and debris. The entrance is free.

Location: David Elasar St., Haifa.

Bad Galim

Bad Galim is located in the same district. Like any free city beach, it is very popular with tourists, and in the season there is always full of people. The pluses include:

  • the presence of changing cabins, toilets and showers (inside there is soap, toilet paper);
  • several cafes;
  • a large number of flowers and trees on the waterfront;
  • fountains with clean drinking water on the waterfront.

Also, local residents say that if you want to go surfing or diving, you can’t find a better place in Haifa - the current is not strong, the bottom is shallow, the beach is sandy, there are no stones and rocks. And the underwater world is very beautiful.

If we talk about the minuses, then tourists note that sometimes algae and garbage are found.

Location: Rehov Retsif Aharon Rosenfeld, Haifa.

Hof HaCarmel

Hof HaCarmel Beach is one of the most popular among tourists, because here:

  • there are free toilets (large and clean);
  • There are many cafes and restaurants;
  • several shops are open;
  • lifeguards work;
  • virtually no debris and algae;
  • a lot of space (you can play volleyball)
  • not as many people as on dado beach.

The beach itself is sandy, the bottom is shallow, the water is very clean (the bottom is clearly visible). The only thing that can interfere with a good rest is the absence of breakwaters. In windy weather, you should not swim with children here.

Interestingly, behind the scenes the beach is divided into several parts:

  • the area near the boardwalk is usually occupied by families with children;
  • on the wilder, “student” part, couples and singles rest.

Location: south of Neve David, Haifa.

Hof Dor Tantura

Hof Dor Tantura is one of the most picturesque beaches located in the suburbs of Haifa. Named in honor of the son of Poseidon - Dora.

The beach is sandy, the bottom is shallow, there are lagoons and natural islets. It is worth coming here in order to:

  1. Admire the promenade on which daffodils, palm trees and lilies grow.
  2. Surf, and see ships sunken centuries ago under water.
  3. Go to the sea on a fishing schooner, and swim to the small but very beautiful islands of Shahafit, Dor, Tefet, Hofmi.
  4. Buy fresh fish at the fishing harbor.
  5. Climb a small cliff, on top of which you can see several lakes.

Despite the remoteness from the center of Haifa, there are no problems with the infrastructure: there are cafes, toilets, showers and refrigerators. There is also a campsite where anyone can stay.

In the middle and end of summer, there are a lot of tourists on the beach, so it is better to come here in May-June (the water at this time is already quite warm).

Please note that changing cabins and a toilet are free, but you will have to pay for a parking space.

Location: in the south of the city of Atlit (20 km from Haifa).

Hof HaShacket

Hof HaShaket is perhaps the most comfortable place on the entire coast, because from Hebrew its name translates as “quiet beach”. Here you definitely will not meet a large number of people, because only local residents have a rest here. The reason is this: there are no cafes and shops that tourists like to drop in while relaxing in Haifa, Israel.

There are also some problems with the infrastructure. Toilets and changing rooms are very few, and showers are completely absent.

The beach is sandy, and thanks to the breakwaters, the water here is always calm. Debris and algae are few. The entrance is free.

Please note that this is a separate beach, and men come here on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and women - on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. The only common day is Saturday.

Location: near the sanatorium “Rambam”, Haifa.

Where to stay

Haifa has just over 110 accommodation options. This is a small figure for such a big city, so you should book your accommodation in advance.

A double room in a 3 * hotel will cost $ 80-150. The price range is very large, as are very different living conditions. For example, there are options for 80-120 dollars, located in sleeping areas. In such hotels, each room has a kitchenette, necessary appliances and free Wi-Fi. More expensive options (120-160 dollars) are ready to offer tourists more: a beautiful view of the sea / Haifa's Old Town with attractions, a room with designer furniture and an excellent breakfast.

Since housing in Haifa is quite expensive, you can save by renting an apartment. The average price for a studio apartment for two varies from 40 to 60 dollars per night. Such housing is suitable for those who want to live in the same place as the locals. The price includes basic necessities, household appliances and the ability to contact the owner at any time.

Weather and climate when it is better to come

Haifa is located in the northern part of Israel, so the climate here is Mediterranean (in most parts of the country it is subtropical). In fact, in Haifa there is no autumn and spring - only warm winters and hot summers. Winter usually lasts from November to February, and the rest of the season is summer.

The hottest month in Haifa is August, when the temperature reaches 30-35 ° C during the day and 25-26 ° C at night. In February, the coldest month, the thermometer does not rise above 15 ° C during the day and 11 ° C at night. Hamsins also periodically occur in Haifa - periods when the desert wind brings even hotter air.


In the spring, in Haifa the temperature is around 20-25 ° C. This time of year is not suitable for those who would like to relax at sea or sunbathe, because it rains very often (usually showers), and a strong wind breaks everything around.


The summer in Haifa is hot, and it is especially not recommended to visit the city in August. If you want to go on excursions and sunbathe with it, it is better to come in June or early July.


There is virtually no autumn in Haifa, as the weather changes very sharply - it was still hot yesterday, and today a cold wind is blowing. Perhaps this is the most unpredictable time of the year, so if you want to swim in the sea, you should not risk it and come to Haifa in the fall.


In winter, there is no snow in Haifa, but it rains heavily and a strong wind blows. The weather begins to improve only in the second half of January - the temperature remains still low, but there is no more rain and wind.

Interesting Facts

  1. Haifa is the only city in Israel where there is a funicular subway connecting underground and ground stations into a single network.
  2. The city of Haifa in Israel is the world center of psi trance - this is one of the areas in electronic music.
  3. In Israel, Haifa is often called the city of hard workers, because in the afternoon the streets and cafes are very empty, unlike, for example, from Tel Aviv.
  4. In Haifa, most of the returnees from the USSR live. Most of the books on the shelves of bookstores are in Russian, and many shops in the districts are named after Soviet cities. This is especially noticeable in the sleeping areas “Adar” and “Herzel”.
  5. Many private homes in Haifa have street elevators. They are installed due to the fact that many buildings are located on top of hills, and older people can not rise to such a height daily.

Haifa, Israel is a great place for those who would like to relax at sea and learn a lot.

All the beaches and attractions of Haifa described on the page are marked on the map in Russian.

Overview of beaches in Haifa:


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