Garage house: 100+ chic design ideas and design options

If you live outside the city, then a house project with a garage under a common roof may be the best option. The house outside the city is a beautiful building that connects a person with nature, leads him away from the city rush to a quiet place. However, getting to the house is not so easy, so you need to use a car, but if you get to the house by car, you need to park it somewhere and it’s best to equip the garage in order to save the car from the “vagaries” of nature in the form of rain, hail or snow.

In America, comfort towns are gaining more and more popularity. They are small towns that look like a cozy sleeping area near the metropolis. Such towns consist of small low-rise houses with a cozy atmosphere. There, small houses with a garage are especially popular.

Projects of houses with a garage: choose the type

Before you start building a house, you need to decide on the type of garage. Depending on this, the approach to choosing a project will be radically different.

After this, you need to consider the financial situation and opportunities. Building a house with a garage is a rather insidious thing, because even having calculated everything to the smallest detail, you cannot be sure that everything will work out for sure. That is why you need to make a small financial reserve for an emergency or unforeseen situation.

In order for the building to serve successfully for many years, you need not to save on materials, it is better to use more expensive ones, otherwise after a couple of years you will have to redo everything, and this is even more expensive than investing correctly from the beginning.

Regarding the garage, it needs to be built, taking into account a number of nuances, namely:

  • The number of cars that will be there.
  • Is there a car repair plan in the garage?
  • Do I need to make a reserve of space in order to store any things besides car accessories.
  • Where and how the house will be built, and most importantly, where to place the exit, taking into account the shape and dimensions of the land.

Having decided on all the nuances, you need to take into account their importance, which is taken into account in the first place, and what can be neglected. After all questions are closed, you can choose the type of design and engage in construction.

Separate garage

The garage that stands separately emphasizes the importance of the house, its venerable age. Often, garages are built separately if the house was previously built, or construction was carried out a long time ago when the combination of buildings was not generally accepted.

Advantages of a separate accommodation:

  • Soundproofing when repairing a car. If the car breaks down, and you can fix it yourself, it is much better when the garage is separate, because in this way the residents of the house will not hear noise or see dust from the work being done. It is also worth noting that in a separate garage it is much simpler and cheaper to equip a viewing hole.
  • Fire safety. A garage is a place of accumulation of exhaust gases, gasoline and other fuels and lubricants, so it is better that the garage is separate. Thus, you can protect yourself from fire, because he will not go to the house.
  • Free location. If the garage is not attached to the house, then it can be put in any convenient place where there is a race. In addition, the nuances of the relief and the dimensions of the land are taken into account here.

Among the shortcomings - high financial costs, as you have to make an individual foundation with a major construction of brick or aerated concrete. If you build a lightweight option, you can save a little, but communications will still cost a lot. It is also not very pleasant that you need to overcome the distance from the house to the garage, which is especially bad in the winter.

Garage under the house: combined option

If you build a garage in the basement, you can save space on the site, this is especially good for small plots of land and territories on the slopes. However, this is a very expensive and difficult option, since a third of the cost of the house will go to the foundation, in addition, you must take into account geodetic indicators, which do not always allow you to make such a construction.

A garage and a house with a common roof is the most popular option, which is the best choice for price and location. In this case, the house either adjoins the house, having one common wall and a roof with it, or is built-in, having several common walls.

You can find the best option for the project on the Internet or order it individually from special construction companies that can offer the best option and take into account the wishes of the customer. Finding a finished project is best for the most of the free options, since it takes a tenth of the cost of a house to create a project, it is better to save them in order to create an interior.

House with a garage under one roof: layout options

One-storey house with a garage

The simplest layout option is a one-story house with a garage. Such a house will be an ideal option, as it is easy to plan, and its dimensions are determined by the size of the plot. The main advantage is engineering simplicity, because you can even arrange such a house on weak soil, and it’s very easy to take care of the house.

Attaching a garage to such a house is very simple (if you did not attach it initially), therefore, excessive cash costs are not required. In addition, in a cozy house or in the country, this will create an additional usable area for storing seasonal items. The only thing to consider is the location of the garage. It’s better not to build it near a terrace or porch, as this will ruin your vacation, and the dirt on the windows will ruin your mood.


Two-storey house with a garage

Two-story houses are chosen in one of two cases: the territory is small, and you want more space, a large family. There are many ready-made projects, so you can choose them on the Internet for free, the main thing is that the second floor is located above the garage, this option will save space.

House with attic and garage

Private houses with an attic are becoming more popular, because it can be not only a place to relax, but also a stylish part of the house. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are something between two separate options. It’s not difficult to equip them, and for money it’s not a costly business, which means that this option has the right to life.

If both the attic and the built-in garage are placed in the house, then you will have to sacrifice the area of ​​the living rooms. Only a pantry can be built above the garage or under the attic, because placing bedrooms there is simply dangerous and forbidden.

In general, it is worth saying that you need to approach the project selection very carefully and carefully, taking into account all the nuances and little things in such a way that in the end you get the perfect home for the whole family, and not a bunch of problems and extra financial costs.

Watch the video: Rustic Bar Design Ideas (October 2024).

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