How to Make Pizza Yeast Dough

Homemade yeast dough is a good base for delicious pizza. For its manufacture does not require a large number of products. The main thing is premium flour and high-quality dry yeast.

To properly prepare fast yeast pizza dough at home, use one of the recipes below. For convenience, the volumes and ratio of ingredients, the sequence of actions to obtain the best result are indicated.

If you wish, you can change the number of components, remove unnecessary ones and add your own products, which will give the dough a zest, and pizza an unusual taste.

Calorie Yeast Pizza Dough

The calorie content of yeast pizza dough depends on the ingredients used and is as follows:

  • in milk - 250-300 kcal per 100 grams;
  • on water - 200-230 kcal per 100 grams;
  • on kefir - 230-250 kcal per 100 grams.

Classic pizza dough with dried yeast

  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons,
  • White flour - 550 g,
  • Olive oil - 3 large spoons,
  • Salt - 1 small spoon
  • Boiled water - 250 ml.
  1. Mix flour with yeast. Add olive oil to the mixture and pour boiled water.
  2. I knead the dough to a viscous homogeneous state. The test base of the pizza should not be torn.
  3. I roll it into a ball. Cover the top with cling film and leave for 60-80 minutes. After the specified period, the basis for pizza will increase in volume and become airy.
  4. Remove the cling film. I'm rolling out. I make an even circle with a thickness of about 4.5 mm and a diameter of more than 30 cm. From the taken volume of ingredients, 3 bases for the national Italian dish will be obtained.
Video recipe


Quick recipe on the water

A simple recipe without eggs and milk. The emphasis is on mixing warm boiled water, sugar and dried yeast. It will take 20-25 minutes of free time to cook.

  • Warm boiled water - 100 ml,
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • Fast yeast - 1 small spoon,
  • Salt - half a teaspoon,
  • Flour - 1.5 cups,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 large spoons.

Useful advice. If desired, replace vegetable oil with olive.

  1. I pour warm water into a deep bowl. I spread the yeast component, add sugar.
  2. After 7-8 minutes I put salt. I pour vegetable oil. Add flour in portions (a few tablespoons).
  3. Thoroughly and gently knead the pizza dough with an ordinary tablespoon or a special silicone spatula. After I interfere with my hands. I carry out the necessary activities directly in the dishes, without putting the mass on the kitchen table.
  4. Cover with a clean kitchen towel. I leave it in a warm place for 12-15 minutes.
  5. In the allotted time, the base will increase in size several times and turn out elastic and non-sticky. It will be easy to roll out with a rolling pin.
  6. I turn to the process of rolling pizza blanks. I give the shape of a circle or square with the same thickness in area.

Useful advice.

To speed up the process of "ripening", use the method of "water bath". Remember to cover the test base with a towel.

Tasty yeast dough on water in a bread maker

  • Premium wheat flour - 450 g,
  • Olive oil - 2 large spoons,
  • Water - 240 ml
  • Fast yeast - 1 small spoon,
  • Salt - 1 small spoon.
  1. I pour warm boiled water into the tank of the bread machine, salt and mix lightly until the salt crystals dissolve.
  2. I pour olive oil. Sifting wheat flour. I use a premium product.
  3. Pouring fast-acting yeast. It will take 1 small spoon.
  4. I set the tank in the bread machine. I include a special program "TEST". I set the timer for 90 minutes.
  5. After 90 minutes, the pizza test base will be ready.
Video cooking

Useful advice.

Watch the consistency of the dough. You should get an elastic ball that holds its shape well. If the base is too thin, add flour. After pouring, be sure to close the lid.

How to make milk pizza dough

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • Dry yeast - 1 large spoon,
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece,
  • Milk - half a glass,
  • Olive oil - 2 large spoons,
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  1. In a clean container, pour warm milk (about 40 degrees). Dissolve dry yeast.
  2. Add one chicken egg, put sugar and salt. Pour vegetable oil (2 large spoons).
  3. I begin to gently mix with a whisk.
  4. Sift the flour in a separate bowl. Gradually add a mixed mixture of milk, yeast and one egg.
  5. Knead the pizza dough. I form a lump and leave it in a bowl, covering it with a plastic bag or towel.
  6. I wait for "ripening" for 70-90 minutes. After a crunch. I clean in a warm place for an additional half hour.
  7. After the allotted time, the test framework is ready.

Egg-free milk recipe

  • Flour - 2 cups of standard size,
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Dry yeast - 2 large spoons,
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon,
  • Sugar - 1 large spoon
  • Salt - 1 pinch.
  1. Mix the yeast component and sugar. Pour 2 large tablespoons of warm milk.
  2. I wait until the yeast "reach." I dissolve the salt in the remaining volume of milk.
  3. Pour yeast mass into milk. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Gradually add flour. I am disturbing with a spoon.
  5. Add vegetable oil. I start kneading with my hands, forming a spherical mass.
  6. I cover with a towel. I put in a warm, unventilated (without drafts) place. The ripening time is 45-65 minutes.
  7. When the test base for pizza "reaches", I begin to fade and roll.
Video recipe

Simple dough with kefir yeast

To prepare a simple base with pizza yeast, it is better to take kefir of low fat content. The product must be warmed up before use. Otherwise, the workpiece will not turn out homogeneous, lumps will be present in it.

  • Flour - 4.5 cups
  • Fast yeast - 15 g
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml,
  • Sugar - 15 g
  • Salt - 10 g
  • Warm boiled water - 100 ml,
  • Kefir - 500 ml.

Useful advice. For the preparation of pizza, it is better to take premium flour. From the product of the first grade, the dough is dark, with a special flavor.

  1. Pour yeast and salt into a deep bowl. I rub it with my fingers and add warm water. Dissolve sugar. I leave the dough in the kitchen (in a warm place) for 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to close with a towel.
  2. I warm the kefir, add to the dough and stir. I pour vegetable oil. I knead.
  3. Sifting flour. Gradually add to the rest of the ingredients. To simplify mixing with my hands, I rub vegetable oil into my skin. Gently stretch and fold the test base. I give the shape of a bun.
  4. I put it in a large bowl. Cover with a towel (food film) on top. Leave for 60 minutes.
  5. I crush the risen dough. Cover again. Leave for another 30 minutes.
  6. I divide into 4 large parts. I take one to prepare a test basis for pizza. I wrap the rest in plastic bags (cling film) and put it in the freezer.

Alternative simplified kefir recipe

The technology for making yeast pizza dough is suitable in situations where the basis needs to be done quickly.

  • Sugar - 15 g
  • Soda - 2 g,
  • Vinegar 3 percent - 1 tablespoon,
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Kefir - 400 g,
  • Salt - 2 g.
  1. I break and beat the egg. Add kefir, put salt and sugar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. In a small cup I quench soda with vinegar. I pour to the rest of the components.
  3. In 4-5 receptions I add the product of grinding grains into the mixture. Gently and slowly mix. By consistency, the dough piece should resemble a thin sour cream.


The indicated amount of ingredients is enough to make pizza for 1 baking sheet of a standard size.

An alternative recipe without eggs on sour cream

  • Sour cream 15 percent fat - 1 cup,
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 1 small spoon,
  • Vegetable oil (refined) - 90 ml,
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Soda - 3 g.
  1. I spread sour cream in a separate bowl, add soda and leave for 3-4 minutes.
  2. After salt, pour the vegetable oil. I mix the mixture.
  3. Gradually add the product of grinding beans. Kneading a soft and loose texture test base.
  4. I spread a few tablespoons of flour on a kitchen board. Gently roll out the pizza blank.
  5. I shift to a baking sheet, which I pre-grease with margarine.

How to make puff yeast dough

Making puff pastry for pizza at home is a delicate and responsible process that requires accurate and short kneading and kneading, but quick rolling. During cooking, do not allow the butter to completely melt.

  • Wheat flour - 750 g,
  • Butter - 300 g,
  • Yeast (high-speed) - 7 g,
  • Milk - 130 ml
  • Boiled water - 85 ml,
  • Egg - 1 little thing,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sugar - 3 small spoons.
  1. Dissolve yeast and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar in warm water. Leave for a few minutes until bubbles form.
  2. I beat in the chicken egg, add the milk, carefully and gently mix with a fork.
  3. Sift the flour, pour it onto the kitchen board, add sugar and salt, loosen it.
  4. I cut butter into pieces. I spread flour and sugar and salt to the mixture and roll.
  5. I add the yeast product and warm water to the pulp from butter and flour. Knead a short amount of time. I mold the ball from the test base.
  6. I put it in a plastic bag. I put it in the freezer for 2-2.5 hours.
Video recipe

The basis for the pizza is ready. It remains to roll out one of the methods (for example, with the addition of chopped cubes of chilled butter, sprinkled with flour).

Which dough to choose - yeast or yeast-free?

When choosing yeast or yeast-free technology for making pizza dough, focus on the taste preferences of households, the available ingredients, and the amount of free time for the cooking process.

Please note that the test base with yeast is more magnificent, as it rises during baking. When adding a large amount of yeast, pizza will have a characteristic smack with sourness, so do not overdo it.

Watch the video: How to Make Perfect Pizza Dough With DRY YEAST - For the House (October 2024).

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